Tag Archives: kaze ga tsuyoku fuiteiru

Run With the Wind Episode 16 Review: Dreams and Reality

Warning: this review contains spoilers up to the end of this episode.

Disclaimer: All images have been screen captured from Crunchyroll and belong to their respective owners. I am using them to promote this show and will delete them if/when I am asked to do so.

Note: This hasn’t been proofread yet. Please let me know in comments if you find any errors. I’ll also add links to relevant episodes later.


We get a replay of the beginning of the previous episode. It includes the start of the race and Haiji giving his team instructions.

Act One

We start with a continuation of the replay up to when Haiji was about to run into a runner who had fallen in front of him after bumping into a table at the watering station. Haiji is in mid-air, looking in fright at the obstacle in his way.

Sorry but this was the best quality I could get.

He lands on his left foot, then immediately jumps to the right to avoid tripping. But he ends up putting all his weight on his bad right knee. We see him grunt and grimace in pain before he continues on his way without wasting a single second.

A volunteer asks the fallen runner if he’s okay, if he wants to drop out. He doesn’t answer, struggles to pick himself up and continues running. Meanwhile, Hanako’s father and Haiji’s bath house buddy catch up to her just in time to see the twins and Musa finishing their second lap around the airstrip and taxiway.

We then get the episode title, Dreams and Reality. The title and it’s timing after the accident builds a sense of suspense. We then hear what can only be a TV announcer (based on his tone) talk about the qualifier before we see him in a tent set up for their use.

“581 runners from 49 schools are participating in this year’s race. Placing is determined by the total time of a school’s top ten finishers. Of the 49 schools, the top ten will compete at the New Year’s Hakone Ekiden race.”

He and his fellow announcer comment that “as usual” the exchange students are the ones leading the race and that they hope their speed doesn’t throw off the other runners.

-This is basically the same advice that Haiji gave his team, to maintain their own pace.

Screen Writing tip: Once again this show handles exposition in a way that is never boring. As they speak, we are shown the race taking place. The commentary not only keeps exposition interesting; it also gives a sense of realism to the series.

We see the exchange students first, followed by Kakeru as the announcers say “the lead pack seems to have settled in,” letting us know his position, followed by the twins and Musa, then Shindo and Yuki, Nico and King, followed by Prince. They all seem to have gotten off to a good start.

The announcers comment that while they expect to see great individual performances, “in the qualifier it’s all about the depth of a team’s roster.”

-This is a restatement of what Hanako said the previous episode. It serves to remind viewers that Kansei is at a disadvantage because they only have ten runners. Other teams get to choose out of their 12 fastest members. Not only that, we now also have Haiji to fret about as well since he wasn’t shown in the above montage.

 A top view map shows us the course of the race and where the lead pack has reached now: the 7km mark.

The bath house regular tells Hanako “It’s no use. I can’t tell where Haiji is.” The fact that he has an ear pod on probably means he was listening in on the channel airing the race as well, seeing as how he, Hanako, and her dad are on the move, relocating back to their place in the field.

Just as he tells Hanako that Haiji’s probably also in the lead pack, they overhear some panicked supporting members of a participating team, talking about how one of their members dropped out. They’re wearing the same teal green as the runner who fell in front of Haiji.

Screenwriting tip: The teal team’s frenzy is meant to infect the viewers as well, considering Haiji’s whereabouts are unknown. It’s small things like this that serve to successfully build up tension in a script.

We see Kakeru running. He looks up to see the monorail above him and remembers Haij’s guiding words: “We’ll head out onto the road, pass the station, and cross under the monorail bridge. That’s about ten kilometres.”

Now that he’s almost reached the halfway point, Kakeru eyes the pack of exchange students in front of him.

Meanwhile Hanako, her dad, and bath buddy reach the Kansei fan club’s station. There, Hana asks Komori-san (proprietress of the butchery) if she saw the members, pass by, specifically Haiji. She hasn’t. Worried, she asks if something happened to “Haiji-kun”.

-Can I just say, it’s really heartwarming to see how emotionally invested the shopping center vendors are in Haiji’s well being. It’s continuity to how close he is to these adults. He’s obviously a very social person and gets along with everyone who knows him, but I wonder if he’s the type who finds it easier to converse to people older than himself than with those closer to his age. It’s pretty normal for mature types like Kiyose. Remember Hanako’s father and his bath house buddy knew about his Hakone dream before his roommates ever did.

Just then, Hanako’s father points to the large television screen set up in the park and says that he sees Haiji, in the lead pack behind Kakeru. A shot of the screen shows us his field of vision before we switch to Kiyose.

He’s there! In the back.

Just behind him is a runner wearing the TSU uniform. I assume he’s their captain as he’s the fastest of their runners. He, and another runner on Haiji’s other side, start increasing their speed. Haiji remarks to himself “they’re moving”.

A sign shows that the leading runners have reach the 10 km mark. Exchange students “Oka’s Kipsuge’s” (pink uniform) is in the lead, followed by Yakuo’s Muskus (green uniform), and Saikyo’s Jomo (white and blue uniform). Lagging behind are Kofu Academy’s Iwanki (blue uniform) and Gaien’s Ectoba.”

I love these TV view shots. They add a realistic touch and keep the race interesting.

Haiji once again moves to the right of the pack so that he’s visible to the Kansei members behind him. He instructs them using hand signals that after they reach ten kilometers, they should follow their own judgment. And gives them a thumbs up, meaning “good luck”.

The tall Musa relays the message to Yuki and Shindo behind him.

Yuki and Shindo look behind them to make sure King and Nico can see them. Yuki then passes the message along.

Nico does the same to Prince, whom at this point none of them can see. Yuki, Nico, and King, collectively think “Are you wataching? Prince!”

-My heart. I love how concerned they all are for Prince, the only member running by himself. Based on how he’s in their thoughts, he truly he isn’t alone. We then switch to Prince who’s just passing the runner who had tripped earlier.

He’s crying, off to the side, on the floor. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” confirming that he has dropped out. He utters a gut wrenching cry of frustration. Prince takes this in then continues on his way.

-This was important to stress to Prince (and viewers) how bad it would be if he somehow didn’t make it.

-I think this scene could also explain how Prince might have missed Nico’s signal.

The announcer tells us that “Tokyo Sport fourth-year Takasugi” (the one I guessed was their captain) and Kikui third year Gunazawa are sprinting ahead”. These are the runners that had been next to Haiji. We now see that they have passed him, and Kakeru as well. The announcers add that these athletes belong to the two schools who lost their seeds the previous year.

-Basically, they are the strongest two schools in this qualifier. No wonder Sakaki is so stuck up. He managed to get into a powerful running University despite not participating in any meets his third year (due to Kakeru’s incident). To be fair, it’s not a small achievement. Though you’d think it would be enough for him to at least let go of some of his resentment.

It’s still raining.

The announcers then says that another runner has reached the two as well. In shock repeats the name “Kansei University” adding that not only did Kurahara Kakeru catch up to them but is pulling ahead and takes the lead of their pack just before the turnaround point.

Writing tip: The announcers disbelief reminds us of the difference between first timer participant Kansei Universty and the more notable schools.

KK: “More. More!”

Just before the turnaround point, Kakeru psyches himself into going even faster.

He’s got the exchange students in his sights.

After he takes the turnaround he passes Haiji running in the opposite direction.

The moment recalls the night Haiji first met Kakeru, and how he’d looked the same to him then as he does now.

Unbeknownst to Kakeru, he looks like a meteor or a shooting star to Haiji. The stunning galaxy like animation helps to portray the image.

After recovering from this thrilling vision, Haiji smiles. The power of Kakeru’s form drives him to put in his own burst and he reaches the Kikui and TSU runners that Kakeru had just overtaken.

The surprise on their faces is clear at having a second runner (and one from the same unknown school) reach them.

Meanwhile, Kakeru zips past the other Kansei runners (Musa and twins) as well. Their exhausted faces break into grins at his otherworldly pace and it seems to lift their spirits as well.

Act Two

The announcer tells us that Kakeru passed Gaien’s Ectoba and that he’s in a dead heat race with Iwanki (blue uniform) the monster of Hakone’s section two.

We also learn that he might be able to catch the runners in second and third place, Muskus (green uniform) and Jomo (white and blue uniform). 42 minutes have passed since the beginning of the race, and Hana once again relocates, this time to the finish line.

Iwanki and Kakeru continue their burst of speed when Iwanki pulls ahead of him close to the finish line, surprising Kakeru.

This recalls KK’s first Uni meet when he lost to Manas’s and Fujioka’s final sprints.

Meanwhile the exchange students Kipsuge and Muskus and cross the finish line. With the former pink attired runner earning first place.

Hana mentions that she’s seen him in a previous track meet.

-I appreciated this reminder or I never would have realized it. I went back and checked. At the time he had raced against Kakeru and lost. But in this race, he’s the winner.

-I liked this development. It shows us that Kakeru isn’t the only one improving.

Kipsuge and second-place winner Muskus exchange hugs. I assume that, even though they aren’t in the same team, they are nonetheless friends. It was a lovely display of sportsmanship. Prince would have been pleased. They finished in 58 minutes.

Next Kakeru and Iwanki rush towards the finish line, to Hanako’s amazement.

It’s anyone’s guess who will win until both cross the finish line at the same time. The subsequent silence is deafening. It is only after the screen reads Kakeru’s time (58.16 minutes) that the audience roars in excitement at this outstanding achievement.

He has tied Iwanki for third place. Meanwhile we see Jomo cross the finish line for fourth. Kakeru turns to look up at the banner above him. No doubt he’s feeling all sorts of emotions that he finished the race, when someone puts a hand on his shoulder. It’s Iwanki, who is acknowledging him before he walks away.

Kakeru’s eyes and mouth are both open, floored at the gesture, when one of the organizers leads him off the race track, telling him “Runners are coming in. Don’t stop moving.” Here, Kakeru seems to come to his senses. He looks back at the track as if he’s desperately looking for something. The track is empty. What is it? Or rather, who is it that he’s looking for?

We don’t have to wait long to find out. At the sidelines Hanako cries out her excitement at Kakeru’s time, then looks towards the incoming runners. It’s Haiji and the top runners from TSU and Kikui.

They race towards the finish line, each wanting to take the lead. At the final turn, Haiji feels a stab of pain in his knee.

He gasps but nonetheless speeds ahead leaving plenty of seconds between himself and the other two, securing fifth place for his team.

Not that we see it. The scene was animated in such a way that Haiji is running right at us viewers. The closer he is gets, the less we see of him until the scene abruptly fades to black.

-This was done extremely well. Having Haiji come closer and closer, yet having us see less and less of him was brilliant.

– I felt it was an apt metaphor for the character as well: the closer we think we’ve come to know him, the more we realize we hardly know him at all.

– Three makes a pattern and this is the third time we were cheated out of seeing Haiji finish a race. At this point we realize this is an intentional (albeit annoying) decision made by the director/production team. We’ll discuss this more in future reviews to avoid mentioning spoilers here.

The scene then switches to a certain runner’s legs as he come to a stop. Is it another one of our Kansei boys? Nope. It’s Sakaki, who, like Kakeru, turns to look behind him as he crosses the finish line.

-I loved this surprising and interesting choice. Seeing as how Sakaki is the main antagonist of this show, it would be of interest to viewers to see how well he does. More than that, him looking behind him shows how similar he and Kakeru are: they’re both concerned to see how their team members did. In fact, almost the entire Kansei team does this in the following beautifully edited montage, with the aptly named “Reliance” track playing in the background.

Not only do we see how the team members rely on each other, but also how hard-working the organizers at the race are.

We see volunteers and medics helping the runners off the track, carrying them in some cases, giving them first aid, and the whole time this is interspersed with our brave, courageous boys.

The acknowledgement and respect given even to fringe characters sets this show apart and is admirable.

First, the twins then Musa cross the finish line. They hold onto each other for support as they gasp for air.

We then see Yuki running fiercely towards the finish as Shindo collapses into the arms of an older organizer, panting for breath, looking for his friends behind him.

– If we go by order, then Yuki arrived before Shindo.

Still in the race, Nico makes a frantic final spurt, eyes wild and unfocused in exhaustion as he heads towards the finish line. Finally, King, his mouth wide open desperately trying to breathe as he ugly runs towards the end, shows just how tenacious he is.

As the epic music slows down, and our hearts race in anticipation of the injured Haiji, the screen pans out to give us a shot of the field.

We see Komori-san, her husband and the bath time regular, all looking down with concerned expressions. The scene then cuts to Kakeru, looking down as well.

At Haiji, based on the tuft of brown hair at the bottom of the image. But before we see him, we get a shot of his leg, stretched out, with a bag of ice on his no-doubt sore knee. We get a brief shot of his face, but before we can make out his expression, and attempt to gauge his level of pain, we hear Musa off-screen saying that “King is finished”. The shot barely lasted a second before Haiji’s (whose primary concern is always the team) lifts his head in interest.

I did however manage to grab a screenshot of the frame before it changed. Rather than being in pain, he looks worried 😧

Musa’s on the phone, so he’s relaying information from someone, possibly Hana. The twins say that King’s position is probably around the 150’s. Haiji tells Nico, whom the twins are supporting on their shoulders, to drink some water.

I have to say these twins are real MVP’s.

Kakeru, who at this point is basically Haiji’s second in command asks about Prince. No one knows anything about him. Concern is etched on all of their faces.

Next we see Akane’s red shoes (somehow, they’ve started to seem like a symbol of his courage, to me) desperately running, though at a speed much slower than the other participants. Random people are encouraging him “You can do it!” “The finish line is just there!” “Your teammates are waiting!”

Always the smart mouth, even when no can hear him, Akane responds “You don’t know that…”

He looks anemic.

The poor boy is then hit with a sudden wave of nausea which he attempts to swallow down, only to have it burst against his will in a shiny shower of bile, to the horror of a female onlooker.

The pale faced otaku wipes his mouth and tells himself “Sports aren’t necessarily beautiful”, no doubt comparing “real life” with the comics he reads. He then continues running, although he’s almost staggering at this point.

-Seriously, can we love him anymore? I love how he talks to himself, giving himself encouragement.

Next we see him being carried by two medics into a tent. Hanako, bless her, has been waiting for him, and tells him, “Prince! You’re in the 100’s! you beat the 200’s!” We also see her father on his phone behind her. So he’s the one on the phone with Musa, undoubtedly telling the team that Prince has successfully completed the race.

What a hero.

That grin is everything.

Back at the field, Yuki is reeming into the boys for not recording their own times.

Even when Nico points out that they’re being filmed, he just glances at the camera man before he continues: “It’s all information warfare these days! The race is more or less decided before they announce the results!”

– Seriously, Yuki. Everyone was dead on their feet by the time they reached the finish line. Give them a break. Also, from a writer’s perspective, there’d be no suspense if they had.

King points out, “You couldn’t care less six months ago.”

-This was a nice reminder how Yuki had repeatedly said he didn’t think they can make it to Hakone. But after he started taking it seriously he’s unsurprisingly diligent. Fits his A type personality. What a difference time makes.

Haiji tells everyone that based on what they know of their’ times they’re probably in the mid-80’s, that is, where they stand. And that that’s borderline of making it. The other teams, who know that they have good times, start celebrating.

Our beloved team is the only one without banners and a cheer squad 🥺

Meanwhile, King reverts to his nervous habit of pulling up grass. Shindo seems to be praying while everyone else just looks gloomy and nervous. Their few but incredibly loyal fans are worried as well.

Bath buddy: “I don’t know what to tell them”

The twins show up, this time supporting Prince.

-Again, these two are wonderful. The fact that they just support the members with less stamina without a hint of annoyance or complaint is really admirable.

-I’m reminded of a particular scene in episode four, when Haiji was encouraging Prince to run the first week of practice: “Look, your friends are waiting for you! The heroes of Aotake! They’re waiting of the warrior named Prince to return!”

Now we know it had been foreshadowing. How great is that 🙂

Haiji, who had been sitting down icing his knee ever since he finished the race, stands up for the first time and walks over to greet Prince. He tells him simply, “You ran well.”

The faces of all the team members show that they think the same. Prince offers a weak smile, and says, “From far away, you’re the only ones who look like you’re having a picnic.”

Haiji chuckles, and Nico remarks, “You’ve always got something to say”.

I’m pretty sure Prince’s sarcasm is a coping mechanism.

The next scene is the nerve wracking announcement of the teams who made it into the Hakone race. In first place is the TSU team. They jump and yell with joy, with their fastest runner Takasugi holding Sakaki in an affectionate choke-hold, not unlike the one Haiji once gave Kakeru.

-We know that their fastest members are slower than both Kakeru and Haiji, but their placement shows that the overall level of the team is pretty high.

I think this is hi
s first genuine smile.

-Seeing their Captain be affectionate with Sakaki shows that he’s a significant member of their team, but more than that, it also served to showcase that, despite everything, the TSU team shares some similarities with the Kansei team. Some

The TSU team’s time is 10: 09:12. Haiji remarks that it was a fast race. Next is Kofu academy “Iwanki’s team.

King complains that the announcer is intentionally stopping between the place and the name of the school, to keep up the suspense. Prince similarly comments in his deadpan voice, “We already know the results. They should hurry it up.”

-My dear Prince, if you already knew the results, you wouldn’t be so anxious.

Nico comments, “Whining as soon as you’ve recovered? You’ve got a lot of energy.”

-Like I said, coping mechanism.

Fourth place is Kikui University. The Kansei boys are getting more nervous by the second. Shindo attempts to reassure them that until then all the announced teams are regulars at Hakone. When Fifth place is announced, and it isn’t Kansei, suspenseful music starts and the team members all start panicking. The twins pray, with their hands together, “please, please”. Hana does as well. Sixth place is announced, and it’s not Kansei either. Here, Yuki seems to lose hope, “We didn’t make it,” he mutters.

The twins who had been clinging to Nico, are now hugging him for dear life. He also has his arms tight around them now.

Yuki stares down the podium. Shindo hugs himself in distress while Musa has his hands clasped together, like he’s praying. King puts his fingers in his ears, afraid of listening anymore.

Prince stands with his hands at his sides, his face hidden in his hair, a drop of sweat running down his face.

-You just know that if the team doesn’t make it he’ll end up blaming himself, and for his sake, as much as the team, you want them to have gone through.

Meanwhile, Kakeru’s right hand is clenching tightly at jacket, where his heart is, as if attempting to calm it down. Haiji’s face….it’s set in a terrifyingly unreadable yet somehow grim expression.

Even the cameraman is caught up in the tense atmosphere, his face twitching nervously with sweat dripping down his face. The fan-club likewise is desperate to hear the name “Kansei University” uttered.

Finally, in tenth place, it is. The entire team gasps (except for King who didn’t hear the announcement).

Kakeru and Haiji’s eyes bug out as they instantly turn to look at each other.

The entire team shouts, except for Prince who finally raises his head in blank amazement. Best friends Musa and Shindo embrace each other in joy.

Nico and Yuki high five each other with wide, equally satisfied grins.

The twins slap Kakeru’s back, hard, in happiness, to his dismay.

And Haiji….

…he’a completely overcome. He raises both fists in the air. We see tears gather at the corners of his eyes, and hear them in the back of his throat.

We then see the world from his view, blurry from his tears , as Hanako and the twins suddenly invade his vision.

They attack him with bear hugs, causing him to fall backwards, flat on his back.

Then Musa, King (in a rare unreserved moment!) and Shindo, to Kakeru’s shock.

-I think KK here is a bit concerned about Haiji. I know I was, a bit. But the joy at seeing the team celebrate their achievement, celebrate Haiji by (literally) burying him in affection outweighs everything. It’s incredibly satisfying and heartwarming to see.

Yuki then pushes “slow at many things but running” (upgraded from “slow at everything”) Kakeru on top of the pile and jumps in after him. Nico finally completes the Kansei team hotcake stack and jumps in as well.

Prince looks at them, sitting a few meters away. His eyes are once again hidden in his hair, but we can see a smile.

– Had he joined them, he would have been the red strawberry on top, but seeing as how he’d been standing when the announcement was made, but is now sitting, I can only guess that his legs gave out in his relief.

The camera-man wipes away his own joyful tears.

– It’s nice to see that in a couple of weeks he became just as invested in these boys as we are.

The team gazes at the announcement board in disbelief.

“It’s not a mistake, is it?” Shindo asks in happiness. Musa concurs, “It says tenth right there.”

Yuki adds, “It’s like a TV show.”

-Hee! Breaking the fourth wall.

Nico then says his catchphrase, “This is reality.”

-Indeed. And it’s the first time he said in a positive tone.

Kakeru also gazes at it, pride clear on his face.

We then see through the camera man’s lens as he interviews Haiji who furrows his eyebrows a bit as he thinks of what to say…

…before his face settles in his usual confident expression, “Well, we proved that Hakone wasn’t just a dream.” Most of the team members giggle.

-No doubt they are abashed, remembering how they had never believed him that they would get here.

Haji continues, “All that’s left is to train and train until we reach the top. We’ll do nothing but practice again starting tomorrow.”

His teammates are horrified into silence. You can hear the sound of a breeze blowing past them.

I love Kakeru’s look here, as if he expected their reaction.

Haiji’s peers (and senpai) then grab his clothes and shake him in anger.

Nico: “Can’t we have tomorrow off?”

Yuki: “Let us rest!”

King: “What more can we do?”

Haiji chuckles, unconcerned at their protests.

Musa looks on with a smile at his senpai’s endearing shenanigans. Prince’s slight grin is more rueful while Kakeru has a bemused look on his face.

-I doubt any other team in Japan has teammates who get away with abusing their captain like this. Except maybe Seido’s team in Ace of Diamond. (Watch that next folks! It’s just as perfect as this show.)

The camera man must have though as much. He puts down his gadget, and with an awkward grin says “I can’t use this footage.”

-Well, maybe not for a politically correct TV program but it sure as heck would make for a great team video.

Only the cheerful twins are strangely absent. They’re looking at the board, but unlike the happy disbelief that was on their mates faces, they have trepidation etched on their visages.

Later, the team is walking back home with the shopping district fan club members. King wants to predict what sections they’ll run, in Hakone. Nico tells him he’s getting ahead of himself. Prince reads a manga as he walks. When Shindo comments his surprise that he can, Prince says he’s rewarding himself.

-As he should.

Haiji stops to turn around and tell the team that their supporters are treating them to meat as a celebration. Everyone is excited at the prospect of a barbecue expect the twins who are looking at what looks to be some sort of pamphlet or program in their hands. They call out to Kakeru, who doesn’t hear them until Hana calls out to him as well.

Language note: Here, Hana calls KK “Kakeru-san”. This is an upgrade from the previous “Kurahara-san” she used to call him. While the -san honorific keeps their relationship formal, the use of his fist name hints that the relationship is nonetheless not as formal as it used to be. I credit KK’s softer demeanor for permitting this change.

Anyway, the twins recall to Kakeru that Haiji had told them they’d reach the top. Kakeru asks, “Just now?” meaning, in the interview. The two acknowledge this, but add that he said it when he first recruited them to run. And how he says it all the time. “Each time, I’ve thought, “yeah!” Jota adds.

“And?” Kakeru asks.

“When he says top, do you think he means winning the race?” Jouji asks, revealing what’s been worrying them. Kakeru’s eyes widen. No doubt, he’s remembering what the twins stated in their interview before the race, “this is our first stop towards winning Hakone.”

-Nice continuity. I’d thought KK’s reaction would be revisited when he heard them.

Jouta goes on to say that their time was , 10:16:43, and how TSU’s time was more than seven minutes faster. But they’re just the top team in the qualifier. “Just how fast are the teams that win the Ekiden? Can we reach that level through practice?”

Distance. The others have no clue a significant conversation is taking place.

It seems that the twins have just realized that they most likely can’t win. They ask Kakeru:

Twins: “Kakeru, what are we running for?”

It seems like, to them, not being able to win means that they have no reason to run, based on the question they posed immediately after.

A wide eyed Kakeru has no answer to give. And while the rain has stopped for for a while now, a wind blows, ruffling his hair.


This is both symbolism and foreshadowing that while the team made it to qualifiers, it’s not all going to be smooth sailing until Hakone. I loved this episode so much. The music was phenomenal. The editing, direction, the suspense at hearing the results, the slight humor at the end, the trepidation giving us a bit of unease to keep us worried. It was just so wonderful and I don’t think could have been better. Even the results, having Kakeru tie an exchange student for third place was very realistic. Him being a first year, he still has a lot of room for growth. Meanwhile, seeing Haiji beat out the top Japanese students, despite his bum leg and a mishap in the first half of the race, causing him pain, was inspiring. Similarly the fact that Prince came in the top 100’s out of over 500 runners, when less than a year ago he had never done anything athletic, is phenomenal. Finally the themes revisited here were: dream vs reality, the meaning of running, friendship, distance, sportsmanship.

Grade: 10/10

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Run With the Wind Episode 13: And Then Start Running

Warning: this review contains spoilers up to the end of this episode.

Disclaimer: All images have been screen captured from Crunchyroll and belong to their respective owners. I am using them to promote this show and will delete them if/when I am asked to do so.


We left off with Kakeru having just raised his fist to hit Sakaki and the sound of a fist hitting flesh. We’re held all in suspense. Fight’s are not taken lightly in Japan and could result fight could get Kakeru kicked off the team.

This episode starts immediately with a flashback of Kakeru having punched his high school coach. His glasses are sent flying and he whimpers in pain, holding his bleeding nose. He asks in a voice shaking in pain and confused terror, “Kurahara?” Kakeru takes a breath then grabs his jacket, raising his fist once again, and screaming in rage.

-Yikes. I hadn’t expected this at all. Given how angry Sakaki is with Kurahara (and how he said “Are you going to hit me again” I fully thought that he had been the one Kakeru got into trouble with at his old high school. Especially considering Kakeru’s guilty demeanour around him the first time they met.

He actually beat up his coach. This is infinitely worse. Or, from a viewer’s perspective, infinitely better. It’s completely unexpected. And new. I cannot recall an anime where it had been done before (not that I’m a Prince-level otaku, but still.) However, we’re still in suspense as to why his relationship with Sakaki is so strained.

Language note: In the fourth episode, Sakaki asked Kakeru “Are you going to hit me again?” I think this was a mistranslation. I do not mean to throw any shade on the work of the translators. I repeat, I have but a toddler’s understanding of the Japanese language. And I know that Japanese can be frustratingly vague at times. That said, I think Sakaki probably said “Are you going to hit again” but it was translated to “are you going to hit me again.” Again, considering the vagueness in the original language, it’s perfectly understandable.

Act One

After the opening theme song, we go back (err, forward) in time to where we left off with present Kurahara. We’re given a replay of Sakaki jeering at him acidly, “Are you satisfied running with the friends you finally made?” and once again see Kakeru running up to him, grabbing him and raising his fist to punch him.

He’s stopped just in the nick of time by Kiyose “Mr. Teleportation” Haiji, who grabs his arm before it can cause damage. Shindo and Nico also have quick reflexes. Shindo has his arms wrapped around Kakeru’s torso, holding him back, while Nico is grabbing on to his left arm and shoulder. The three drag him back against his will while the twins, Yuki, and King step up to create a protective wall between him and Sakaki.

-It’s ironic how, despite Kakeru being on the attack here, he’s the one being protected, both from Sakaki and from himself.

Said Sakaki doesn’t seem the least bit concerned that he was about to be clobbered. Instead, he smiles in satisfaction. “See? You haven’t changed. You’re always ruining someone else’s efforts. You don’t see your teammates!”

As he speaks, we see Kakeru struggling against his friends’ firm hold. He’s like a wild dog, trying to escape his owner, to attack.

Sakaki doesn’t let up either. He screams, “I don’t know if you’re just naturally talented, but if you think you alone will manage somehow, you’re wrong!”

You get the feeling he has been wanting to say these words for a long, long time.

Kakeru snarls angrily, still trying to get at him. Haiji calls his name gently, twice, but when he doesn’t seem to hear him, he finally yells it, “KAKERU!”

He turns to look at Haiji, even as he continues struggling against him. Haiji tells him firmly, “Don’t forget that we’re here,” keeping his hold on his younger teammate.

At his words, Kakeru gasps, and the fight finally leaves him.

Hanging back a few feet away from the action, the weak Prince asks the meek Musa in his usual barely audible voice “What did he do?”, about Kakeru. Musa shakes his head, meaning he doesn’t know.

The team all stares at the deflated Kakeru in concern until one of the TSU coaches calls his students back, telling them to get their things on the bus. Looks like this was their last day at camp. I’m sure if Haiji had known this he wouldn’t have bothered talking to them.

As the group of troublesome first years pass them, Haiji tells Sakaki, “We’ll show you just how serious we are at the qualifier.” He then intonates with his deceptively innocent lyrical voice, “Oh, right. You first-years will be too busy with chores to watch the race.”

At Sakaki’s glare, he tells him, “Start by becoming regulars on your team. Good luck.” Sakaki stares as if not sure what to make of him, then leaves.

After the episode title, And Then Start Running we are taken back in time to Sendai Josei High School. We can tell immediately because we see a younger Kakeru running in that school’s green uniform. He has just finished his course when he hears his coach yelling at a fellow student, telling him that his speed hasn’t yet improved by 10 seconds. The boy apologizes.

The coach tells him, “Aren’t you a scholarship student? Your only option is to do well at running.” He then orders him to run an extra 10 kilometers. The boy obeys swiftly with a quick, “Yes!” As he leaves we see Kakeru looking at him with a sad look on his face.

The others don’t seem to care much.

The coach goes on to say, “The same goes for the rest of you. Results are everything for runners. I won’t allow any weakness!”

As he speaks you start hearing static, as if from an old radio frequency in period war films. When the rest of the team also responds with a firm “Yes,” you get the feeling that they are being compared to mindless soldiers.

Now I see why one of Prince’s friends was wearing a Communism shirt. It’s a reference to this coach and his methods. He was also on the heavier side, and wore glasses.

Cultural Note:

Like all countries, Japan has both private and public schools. High school isn’t actually mandatory. Some students opt out for special circumstances (bad finances, needing to help with the family business, etc.). Those who do go to high school usually have to pass extremely difficult entrance exams if they want to get into a good school. This is part of the reason why the suicide rate in Japan was amongst the highest. It’s intensely competitive and the pressure placed on these children to do well was insane. (BTW this information is at least a decade old. I understand much effort has been made to rectify this). Anyway, some schools give scholarships to students with high athletic ability. The coach here seems to be implying that if they student can’t run well, he will lose his scholarship. I don’t know if this is true, or if it just a threat, however.

Just when I’m wondering if we’ll be getting a flashback episode, we are thrown back in the present where the Kansei boys are running up a track on a steep slope. The twins are in the lead, followed by Musa, Shindo, Yuki, Musa, Kakeru, Haiji and Prince. Shindo, however, overtakes them all.

Makes sense for someone who grew up on the mountains to be used to inclines.

-Aww, so Prince is still being looked after by Haiji. I would say by Kakeru as well, except I don’t think his hanging back is intentional. Rather, he seems to be lost in thought as he runs.

We find exactly what he’s thinking about. We hear his old coach call out, “Hey, Kurahara,” taking us back to his past, within his mind.

He introduces Kakeru, who has a gold medal hanging from his neck, to prefectural officials. They praise Kakeru saying “You won with a huge lead.”

-I think this is the same race Sakaki was in, which we saw again via flashback in episode four.

Kakeru thanks them politiely, albeit, robotically. They tell him, “You must be a top runner nationally, as well,” before telling his coach, “You can really see the results of your coaching.”

The puffed-up man feigns humbleness, “I’m just blessed with talented runners.”

They then add, “We’re looking forward to this year’s prefectural and national races.”

Walking back, the coach tells Kakeru happily, “Apparently, they want me to speak at a party about fostering athletes,” then adds, “I’ve asked the coaches to manage your training schedule, so don’t worry.”


Kkaeru answers in the same monotone with a “Yes.” His coach then tells him, “It’s all thanks to what you’ve achieved,” before walking off to yell at the other track members,,”Hey, you! Don’t walk so slowly! Look sharp! Don’t damage Sendai Josei High School’s dignity!”

Ew. He’s that sort of person. The type of coach who can’t believe he got lucky enough to get a talented student and feels like he’s the one responsible for his success. Don’t be fooled by his false modesty, the way he berates the other students shows just how puffed up he is with misplaced pride.

Unhappy Kakeru.

Once again the sound of static, alerts us to the end of this grim scene from memory lane.

In the present, bird song, blue skies and white clouds are a vast difference from the grey of Kakeru’s mind. Haiji tells them “We’ll be doing high-altitude training” and that they can enjoy the scenery. Most of the team members are wearing different shirts so whereas their previous run was in the morning (the one immediately following the altercation with Sakaki), this must be closer to noon based on how high the sun is.

Kakeru is roused from his thoughts by Prince who tells him, “Seems gentle.” When he doesn’t answer, he calls out to him again, “Right? The ground seems like it will be gentle to our knees,” touching the wood chips that cover the running path.

-Oh, Prince, you’re the gentle one. This scene recalls the last time Kakeru was lost in dark memories, and how Prince, who saw him at the university, invited him to lunch with his friends. Here, too, Prince is trying to help. Seeing him in his red shorts and shoes I’m reminded of how he was wearing red that day, too, and how his given name “Akane” has “Aka” in it which means red (though I have to check the spelling to be sure). His voice and personality aren’t the most vibrant (unless manga is involved), but his compassion certainly is.

The group runs, and this time it is Musa who quickly overtakes everyone, much to the twins’ annoyance. Again, Kakeru seems to be running mindlessly, plagued by endless static.

This time, we see the same student whom the coach was picking on with tape on his knee and leg. The coach mocks him for saying that his leg hurts and tells him “Everyone has an injury or two they’re working through. Runners improve their times despite them. Run!” The poor boy obeys.

The coach then threatens, “I’ll be cutting everyone who doesn’t do well. Prepare yourselves!”

We hear Sakaki and another runner talk about the bullied student, “He doesn’t get it.” Sakaki replies, “It can’t be helped. He’s a first-year.” Kakeru, stretching nearby, hears his fellow teammate tell Sakaki, “Tell him he only needs to try when he (the coach) is watching.” Sakaki replies, “You tell him,” to which the other kid says, “He won’t listen to me. After all, he’s a scholarship student.”

Hearing this, Kakeru later approaches the injured first year. “If you can’t do it, I don’t think you have to run,” obviously trying to be helpful. The younger kid wipes his eyes furtively and asks, “Senpai, have you ever suffered and injury?” Kakeru is taken aback at the question.

“Didn’t think so,” the scholarship student continues, then looks at KK with what seems to be…hate? Anger? Derision? I don’t know but it’s obvious that Kakeru’s attempt at being nice/helpful backfired.

Back in the present, it is almost dark. The team is running back to the cabin. For once, this day, Kakeru is in the lead which could mean he wants to hurry home to be alone with his thoughts.

A red ray of light.

Hana’s voice calls out to them, waving in greeting next to a pick up truck where her father is unloading something form inside.

-Like in episode four, first Prince, then Hanako, break Kakeru out of his thoughts.

Haiji and Kakeru notice her first.

Her father then holds up two huge bags of groceries. Musa immediately says that he spots meat in them.

Hana happily calls out, “I’ll cook dinner tonight!” At this threat (er, offer) Musa, Shindo, Twins, Nico, and King all put in a massive burst of speed and tell her, “No, wait!” no doubt wanting to save the precious meat from her godawful cooking, and to beg her really, that there’s really no need to trouble herself.

-This was absolutely hilarious and necessary to lift up this dark episode. Only Kakeru, Yuki, Haiji and Prince remain on the track. Yuki slaps Kakeru from behind to get his attention.

Yuki: “You’re on bathroom duty tonight. Use your head.”

He then runs after his teammates.

Yuki: “Quit surrounding Hana, you sweaty pigs!”

-Brash Yuki’s a gentleman. The gap between the way he treats Hana and the boys is funny. -Kudos to his Seiyuu (voice actor). An angry Yuki makes laugh every time.

His words seem to confuse Kakeru a bit as he stops in his tracks, staring at the group in front of him.

Actually, those lifeless eyes don’t seem to be staring at anything.

Prince, who seems to be reaching out for an invisible butterfly, passes Kakeru. Haiji jogs in place for a bit next to Kakeru.

Haiji: “What’s wrong? Isn’t it a little too soon for you to be tired?”

Haiji then follows after his weak charge. Kakeru remains rooted in place.

Back at the cabin, the boys have changed and are about to dig into the marvelous spread that (thankfully) Hana’s father cooked for them, with plenty of meat everywhere.

The jolly man tells them “There’s plenty more! My special crunchy liver and leek stir fry contains tons of vegetables!” The grateful team happily digs into his cuisine, to his delight.

Yaokatsu: “That’s it. They’re making me feel great.”

Only Kakeru’s chopsticks remain still, hovering over his bowl of rice.

We hear his high school coach’s words in his head, “Do you want to quit the team?” and are taken back, this time, to the track club room, where the coach is berating a group of students, including the injured first year. “Look at all of you. If you can’ t be useful here, you won’t be useful anywhere. Your life will be decided here. Do you understand that? Do you?”

-Seriously, what a loser. Nothing he says is actually true. Plenty of students who don’t do well as teens excel as adults.

But the indoctrined students reply, “Yes, sir!” as if it is all they know, or can, say.

The insufferable adult goes on to say, “I don’t know how fast you were in the boonies, but here we coach based on years of theory.”

Kakeru, also in the club room, glances at the spectacle, but does a double take when he sees that the student, he tried advising has even more bandages wrapped around him, not just on his knee, but also his ankle now.

His face is expressionless, but his concern is obvious. Past and present overlap as we see the Kansei boys happily reaching and eating their dinner, but Kakeru only hears his coach. “Listen up. Imagine you’re racing for your life! Don’t forget that you’re representing a prestigious school! Leave behind those who can’t run! We don’t have time for them!”

-After each statement, you hear the runners in green reply with a mindless “Yes!” We now know exactly what environment Kakeru was subjected to in his old school. It explains (and excuses) his entire behavior up to episode Our Speed. Before Haiji, he never knew anything else besides what he was taught by his old coach.

His current team is too engrossed in their meal to notice his inner turmoil. But one other pair of chopsticks is as still as Kakeru’s: Haiji’s, whose eyes bore into him; though the traumatised teen is too distracted to realise it.

We’re taken once again into his mind, this time overcast even more in grey, almost like a black and white film, where the injured scholarship student has given the coach a notice from a doctor. This time, his leg is wrapped professionally. “You can’t handle it?” the coach asks with disgust the injured student, who is being supported by a fellow runner. “This year…this time, I don’t think I’ll be able to. But by next year…” he desperately says, before getting interrupted by the detestable coach: “You can’t close the gap that quickly. Everyone’s pouring their blood, sear and tears into practice every day while you’re resting.” He then tells him not to worry, and that the team will do fine without him.

He then adds, “Get yourself healed up and find a new path.” The scholarship student’s panics, and falls into a dogeza in front of his coach.

-We have seen this seen before through a flashback Kakeru had gotten, back in episode two when Haiji tells him, “You can run. No one will criticize you.” Now we know the context behind it.

He begs him. “Please! I’m here on a track scholarship! If I quit the team, I won’t have anything!” He entreats the coach to let him run. “Please!” he repeats, over and over.

-Now that we can hear the dialogue, its more heartbreaking than the first time we saw it.

Kakeru watches this with sad eyes and furrowed brows. The coach tells the others, “It’s time. Let’s get started.

A student, (the captain, presumably) answers, “Yes, sir.” And orders the others to the track. Sakaki pauses on the way when he notices that Kakeru hadn’t moved, and continues watching with a dark expression as the first year beg the coach, “I’m sorry I got injured! Please!”

The coach kneels next to him, and just when the freshman (and we) think he’s going to give him a chance, or options, he tells him, “I only have time for students who can run.”

The boy’s face falls in despair, as the demon coach (the real demon coach, not our lovable Haiji) tells him, “Good luck. You have my support.”

-Umm, really? REALLY. What a self-absorbed piece of faeces.

Kakeru, who must have been waiting to see what would happen, loses it.

He takes wide, deliberate steps to the coach, who seems to have been about to say something to him, and punches him.

The moment Kakeru does so, colors return to the screen as if Kakeru had been dead this whole time and only came to life when he punched his coach.

Everyone student is horrified, including his injured teammate and Sakaki.

We’ve now caught up to the scene that started the episode, where the coach is holding his bleeding nose in shock and his glasses have flown off. With tears in his eyes, he watches Kakeru with fear as he heaves in rage.

Kakeru grab him once again, enraged, his bruised fist bursts forth to land another blow. But the flashback is interrupted by Haiji’s voice, repeatedly calling Kakeru’s name and bringing him back to the present.

Poor boy is actually sweating.

Disoriented, he looks up to see that the table had been cleared from dinner, and all his teammates now have papers in front of them, probably the next day’s training menu. They’re also wearing similarly worried expressions on their faces.

-This is the second time. How long had he been zoned out for? PTSD is scary. Kakeru utters a confused, “Um…” when Jouji tells him, “He asked you to lead Group B, since we’re splitting into two groups.” Jouta then adds, in a lighthearted tone, “Quit spacing out.”

Kakeru replies, “Sorry.”

-How much more awesome can these guys be? They know why he’s upset. They were all there during his and Sakaki’s standoff. But they’re giving him space and acting like it never happened. I think they’re taking a page out of Haiji’s book as this is how he’s been handling Kakeru’s outbursts from the moment he joined the Aotake building.

But this time Haiji looks extremely thoughtful, as if he knows Kakeru’s losing himself to something he might be powerless against, and that he may not be able to return from.

Advanced Writing techniques: The first half of this episode was a screenwriter’s dream. It depicted Kakeru’s psychological turmoil perfectly. First, his run in with Sakaki was a stressor for his PTSD. Then he was plagued with intrusive flashbacks causing him disassociation from what was happening around him, so much so that he lost the time from when he was eating dinner to the team meeting. This was a fantastic creative decision and much more interesting and effective than just writing a flashback episode. Here, we are taken directly into his mind and experience his trauma with him.

Art and direction: The first of Kakeru’s memories was in full color, then the memories gradually get more gray, and more dark the closer we get to the traumatic event, until everything bursts back into full color.

Act Two

After the mid episode break we see Hana relaxing in the bath. All the males in the cabin, including her father, are sleeping together in one room.

Upon close inspection, you see that two of the futons are empty. The one nearest to the screen has Kakeru’s yellow sports bag on it, with the blankets folded neatly so he hasn’t yet turned in. There also seems to be another empty one next to Yuki (Haiji’s?) but I can’t tell if the bedding has been slept in yet or not. Nira is sleeping next to King and on top of the man’s bedding.

-Lol. First he takes his seat in the car, now he’s taken over his bed ^_^;

Kakeru is standing outside in the cabin’s balcony, a light wind blowing through his hair when the door opens and reveals Haiji. “You must be cold,” he tells him and offers him a mug of warm milk.

Seriously, how much more of a parent can he be.

Continuity. Haiji is always symbolic of light.

Haiji stands next to Kakeru at the balcony and makes small talk on how clear the sky is, and that it would be a waste not to see the stars.

-You know he’s just there to give KK a chance to talk about what happened with Sakaki, or anything else that is bothering him. It doesn’t take long. After a few moments of silence Kakeru asks him, “How much do you know. About me?”

Haiji repeats, “How much?”

Kakeru reminds him, “You knew the morning after I first stayed at Aotake that I was from Sendai Josei High School.”

Haiji confirms this. Worried, Kakeru starts, “Which means…” but he is interrupted by Haiji who tells him, “A quick search online revealed just how good a runner you were. That you were a nationally top-ranked runner by your second year, and that your records suddenly stopped the spring of you third year.”

Cultural note: FYI Japanese school have a 6-3-3 system, high school is just three years, so KK’s incident happened first semester of his last year.

At that last statement, Kakeru quickly turns away, as if in shame.

Haiji is quick to assure him, “But that’s all I know. There was no need for me to investigate any further.”

-Ok. I am %100 sure Haiji is lying. No way he wouldn’t have found out all he can about Kakeru. I’m sure he knows damn near everything about all his runners. But I don’t blame him. Parents will lie if it’s in the child’s best interest. And Kakeru here needs to feel in control of his situation, so Haiji wants to give him the choice of whether to share his past, or not.

Kakeru then tells him what must have been plaguing him all day: “I can’t cause the team any more trouble than I have already.”

I don’t know what Haiji expected, but it was definitely not that. Kakeru admits that he can’t control his emotions. “When that reporter spoke to me, I felt like I had woken up from a dream.”

-That’s nice. Kakeru had been so happy at Aotake, he compares it to being in a dream. Then creepy reporter (who obviously knows him but is pretending he doesn’t) reminded him of everything he had wanted to forget.

Kakeru: “I realized no matter how far I run, I’m still me.”

He then turns to Haiji with a determined look on his face, but Haji interrupts him.

“Kakeru. If you’re going to talk, why not tell everyone? It’s okay. No matter what happens, we’re still us.”

A reassuring smile.

-Haiji here uses Kakeru’s own words, but as a way to assure him. Like he’s saying being himself isn’t a bad thing, and that’s true for the whole team.

Just then, Hanako joins them, noticing that they’re still awake. Haiji apologizes that she had to bathe last, and wonders if the bath was dirty. Hanako say, “Not at all.” And guesses that Kakeru cleaned it again for her.

-Meaning, after the boys had their baths, Kakeru emptied the tub, washed it again, then filled it up with fresh water for her.

At KK’s quiet affirmative, Haiji asks, “Really? You’re that considerate?”

Kakeru blushes a bit and admits that Yuki gave him a hint and told him to use his head.

Awkward Kakeru is cute.

-Oh! So that’s what he meant. Well, done, Lawyer-san. That’s remarkably astute from a guy living in an all-male dorm, though perhaps not strange given he seems to know a thing or two about women.

Haji points out, “Your seniors can teach you all kinds of things.”

Haiji: “By the way…”

He then teleports to where Kakeru is standing, and, before the younger student can comprehend what is happening, puts a hand on his shoulder.

Haiji: “Kakeru, do you have a girlfriend?”

Kakeru starts violently, mortified. “What?” Hanako is gleefully intrigued.

Hanako: “Seriously?! I wanna know!”

Keeping his eyes firmly on Haiji, Kakeru blinks as he stammers, “Of course I don’t.”

KK: “Where did that come from?”

Haiji replies, “Well, the night sky is just so pretty,” looking at said sky.

Haiji, trying to set the mood.

Hana squeals excitedly, “What does that mean?!”

Kakeru is confused as well, not recognising wing-man Haiji’s intent, even when he’s very obviously being pointed out as an eligible bachelor to Hanako. But that’s fine, Hana, the object of Haiji’s little project is just as oblivious. “The stars are mad pretty!” she agrees in her adorably high-pitched voice. “Right?” Haiji tells her. “Yeah!” she squeals again.

Kakeru, embarrassed and annoyed, tells them “You’ll wake the others.” Haiji points out a shooting start to Hanako.

-Ok, that was ridiculously cute. I think Haiji just wanted to distract Kakeru from his doom and gloom. And he has no problem using Hana to do it. But I also think he actually wants to see these to end up together. We know he’s known her for at least four years, so he probably sees her as a younger sister. And Kakeru is just so a-dork-ably awkward. He’s slow (at everything except running). It’s obvious that Haiji cares for him deeply and wants to see him happy. I think he also suspects that Kakeru is intrigued by Hana. I said it before, but I actually think they’d be good together. Her cheerfulness would certainly help balance out his moroseness.

The next day, it is predawn when we see that breakfast is ready and covered with mesh to keep out the bugs. Hana comes down and finds her dad at the cabin balcony, looking at where the team seems to be having a meeting nearby.

Like Haiji advised him, Kakeru is telling the Kansei team what happened at his old school. He says that he hated it and his coach’s methods. He tells them how he lost his college recommendation after he broke the coach’s nose, and that he had quit the club afterwards.

-Wow. Quit, not kicked out? How much of star was he? Anyway, that explains why his records stopped. And why Sakaki is insanely jealous of him.

Kakeru goes on to say that since the school wanted to keep the incident quiet, they wouldn’t let his fellow third years participate in any meets. He adds that because of a moments decision he wasted three years of his teammates’ efforts.

Jo twins: “That’s why he hates you so much.”

That explains why Sakaki is holding a grudge. He must have felt robbed of what should have been the best year of his athletic life.

KK then says, “Looking back what happened to that first-year was just an opportunity for me to release all my pent-up anger and achieve some self-satisfaction.

-This is remarkably insightful and true. Seeing as how his coach practically worshipped Kakeru as his star student, Kakeru could have used that to intervene on behalf of that poor boy before his injury got so bad. I doubt it ever crossed his mind as he’s neither calculating nor experienced. He also obviously never gave much thought to the effect his achievements have on other people despite having it shoved down his throat, which he hates.

KK goes on to admit that he was unable to see anything but himself. And that he’s afraid he might do something similar again; that in fact he had been about to the previous day, when he almost hit Sakaki.

Nico remarks “You’ve been hesitant about running because you were worried about that?”

-Nice continuity. Now we know what he was so afraid of, why he hadn’t wanted to join the team.

Prince adds, “But you had a reason, right? A reason you had to do it.” He means hitting the coach. Obviously, at the time, Kakeru’s anger and sympathy were what drove him. Prince doesn’t completely let him off he hook though, and adds, “It’s not good to use violence against another person, though.”

Kakeru quickly agrees. “Yes, that’s why…”, when Yuki, seemingly knowing where he’s going with this, interrupts, “That’s why?” Kakeru clasps his hands together, as if forcing himself to speak, “Before I cause any more trouble for you guys…before that I …”

He seems to be in a lot of emotional pain, but is trying to force himself to say that he should quit even though he obviously doesn’t want to. Yuki realizes where he’s going and interrupts him once again. “Hey,” he says, standing up, “we’ve already started running,” rubbing the back of his neck the way he always does when he’s being kind, but cool about it.

One by one the others all stand, as if to underscore their statements. Nico-chan tells him, “We won’t let you bail on us now.”

Shindo agrees and says him, “If anything, I’m glad to know” and thanks Kakeru for telling them.

-Here, Shindo is reassuring KK by hinting that he didn’t actually have to, and that they feel privileged that he did.

King adds, “We more or less already knew that you tend to act before you speak.”

-This is actually part of what Kakeru is worried about, but is still assuring. They know, and they don’t care.

Prince elaborates, “If anything, I can’t believe you were worried about that.”

-Coming from someone who recently spewed vomit on his friends, Prince knows first-hand how accepting this group is. The twins agree. Honestly, the love freely given between these individuals is incredibly wholesome. And heartwarming.

Musa is even more up front about his emotions: “Kakeru, I really like you. Don’t the rest of you?”

The unreserved twins are the first to agree. Prince and Shindo smile, while King shyly says, “It’s hard to say yes you’re asked face-to-face.” Nico and Yuki chuckle in agreement.

Haiji finally speaks. Standing up, he tells KK that he was captivated by the way he ran when they first met. We get a flashback of Haiji, the first time he saw Kakeru. “I was moved. I couldn’t believe someone could have such a pure running form. I thought you might already know the answer I was seeking.” He looks at Kakeru meaningfully. “What it means to run. The answer to that question.”

Kakeru stares at him, open mouthed and wide-eyed.

-I think he’s floored by the knowledge that his running had made such an impression on Haiji. Especially considering his general lack of self-esteem. And, coming from Haiji, whom we know Kakeru looks up to and venerates perhaps more than any one, makes the words have that much more of an effect on him.

-It’s interesting to me that Haiji thought KK might have the answer he seeks. It makes sense considering how much we know Haiji, as a runner, thinks about the philosophy of running. But we know KK’s speed is based on talent and instinct, not on theory.

Haiji admits as much. Addressing the entire team, “I still haven’t found the answer. The more I run the more difficult I realize it is. Don’t you feel the same way?” he asks them. No one answers, as this is probably the first time they’ve pondered the question. It looks like this is too much theory for the twins, as they start competing over who has more fun running with Kakeru.

The poor loved starved boy can’t seem to believe his ears.

Yuki complains that they’re ruining the moment when Haiji surprises them all by interjecting with, “Me too. I enjoy running with you guys, from the bottom of my heart.”

He goes on to tell the overwhelmed Kakeru that they haven’t reached their goal yet. “Let’s go there together.” Gazing into the sincerely affectionate faces of his teammates, Kakeru finally stands up.

Recurrent theme: Symbolism in the rising sun.

Seeing that they seemed finished, Yaokatsu calls them, telling them that breakfast is getting cold. Haiji says that they’ll be right there. Yuki adjourns the meeting and as they head back Kakeru apologizes to Haiji. Haiji tells him that there is no need to apologize.

Kakeru then thanks him instead, “Thank you for believing in me.” Haiji seems shocked, and touched, at Kakeru’s sincere effort to express his gratitude. He tells him “You’re welcome,” and turns to leave.

Overcome with emotion, Kakeru cries out “I want to run. In the Hakone Ekiden, with this team of ten!”

Haiji remembers how he first pitched the idea to the guys, the first night Kakeru spent at Aotake. His eyes widen in recognition as he realizes that KK used the same wording he first did, back then.

But when KK goes on to say that he’s serious, that starting now he’s really serious, Haiji bursts out laughing. At Kakeru’s in bewilderment, Haiji tells him, “I can’t help it,” instead of explaining to Kakeru what he found so funny, he shows him. By exposing him to the others.

“Hey guys, Kakeru’s finally ready to take things seriously. He said he’s serious about running at Hakone starting now.”

The reactions are priceless.

Nico, Shindo and Musa smile knowing affectionate smiles, Yuki holds his head like he’d forgotten how big of a dunce Kakeru is, Prince’s trademark deadpan shifts a bit, while the twins react in annoyed disbelief.

Jouji: “Wha? Seriously? I thought we already were.”

Jouta: “Then what have we been doing until now?”

Seeing their dismay alerts Kakeru to his slip up. Before he can make excuses, a wind blows strongly against him. It’s just as well. No more words are necessary.

Haiji calls out to him, “Let’s go, Kakeru.” Kakeru responds with an eager, “Yes.”


-Genius. Pure genius. Haiji could have just allowed KK to vent to him the night before, but he knows that’s not what Kakeru needs. What Kakeru needs is acceptance and assurance and unless it had come from the whole team, it won’t be as effective. By delaying the talk, he makes sure the boys hear it first from Kakeru’s mouth, giving him their true feelings, unbiased, and unscripted.

-This is also why he remained quiet until after everyone else had voiced their thoughts, so that Kakeru knows they aren’t in any way being influenced by Haiji.

-For the record, I think Haiji’s teasing at the end was partly him covering up for his excitement at Kakeru’s new resolve. That laughter wasn’t just affectionate, it was also happy.

-Knowing the environment KK came from explains so much of his past behavior. When he first joined Aotake, he was never serious about running, was afraid to be serious about it because all he ever had were bad experience. He was running from the Aotake members. Then, when Prince confronted Sakaki, he discovered that there was a whole different way of doing things, that running doesn’t necessarily have to be about winning and losing and he started to enjoy running with them. After the meet, his competitiveness is awakened, and he’s frustrated at the lack of talent on his team. He tried to lead them, reverting to his old coach’s ideology because that’s all he ever knew. He was then running ahead of them, leaving them behind. After Haiji’s collapse which got him closer to Prince and served as a proverbial wake up call, KK finally started running with the team. But he was still running from himself, from the shame of being unable to properly regulate himself and his emotions, exasperated intentionally by Sakaki. This forced him to confront his problem instead of running from it. Haiji and the team’s support should do wonders, not just for his self esteem, but in helping him overcome his problems. After all, one of the reasons people resort to violence is when they are otherwise incapable of finding better ways of expression, or other solutions to their issues. Living at Aotake will surely save Kakeru. He has so many good role models, people who care about him and will set him straight when he goes awry, like Haiji did before.

Speaking of Haiji, Hemlock said something interesting when Haiji was recruiting the team, how he was indoctrinating them. But the only justification you need to make for Haiji’s methods is the results of his training, rather, the results of his rearing, versus the results of KK’s old coach. Haiji builds up, rather than breaks. He pushes the members forward to improve, rather than leave them behind. He brings them together instead of breaking them apart. Above all else, this team is happy. They’re cohesive. When Kakeru was putting everyone down Haiji wouldn’t stand for it. He gave him a gentle slap on the wrist “No one here is running half-assed” kept him from running in a meet (which KK at the time understood as a punishment) but it was actually Haiji being a teacher, wanting him to see his teammates efforts. He doesn’t spoil Kakeru, nor treat him better than the others. Neither does he single him out when he does something wrong. Rather, he allows him to form healthy friendships.

While one is a true demon, Haiji is your cute, friendly neighborhood Ogre, a magical creature working to achieve something truly amazing. Now that Kakeru has been unburdened, we can look forward to the new dynamic in this family.

Recurrent themes: Isolation, light, loneliness, PTSTD,what it means to run, family, friendship, influence…pretty sure I’m forgetting a few. but I’m too lazy to look them up in the past reviews ^_^;

Music: The gorgeously uplifting ending track is “We Must Go”, the first track in the OST.

Grade: 10/10

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Run With the Wind Episode 11 Review: Overflowing Drops

Warning: this review contains spoilers up to the end of this episode.

Disclaimer: All images have been screen captured from Crunchyroll and belong to their respective owners. I am using them to promote this show and will delete them if/when I am asked to do so.

Note: This episode flew under my radar the first time around. Though, to be honest I went through them all like popcorn. But upon re-watching them and savoring them more like the most decadent Japanese cheesecake I realized that it had so many vital elements. Without further ado…


It is raining. A sign tells us that the team is at the Kikui University track meet while a bell alerts us that is the last lap. King, Nico, Kakeru, Prince and Haiji cheer on the twins, Musa, Shindo, and Yuki who are participating in the race. The twins and Musa finish in time and managed to achieve records. They jump in delight.

Maybe it’s the heavy rain, maybe they had already expected it, but the rest of the team’s reaction seems a bit subdued. Except for King who has been endearing himself to me more as of late.

Look how happy he is for them!

Haiji turns to look at the track where Shindo and Yuki are still running with a solemn look on his face.

I know that look and how’s he feeling. It’s when you are so happy for one child but at the same time feel pained because the other isn’t doing so well. Parents want all their kids to do well. And in Haiji’s case all his runners have to all get records if they’re to go to Hakone. Because the celebrating trio’s times were barely enough to make it (Jouji: 16:20: 37, Jouta: 16:21:18, Musa: 16:29:31) we know that Shindo and Yuki didn’t.

Act One

The team is at the Tsuro no yo bathhouse where the team members are all soaking in the baths. Except for the twins who gleefully splash water onto Musa despite his protest that they’ll bother the others. So overcome with joy they do not seem to notice the moroseness of their friends a few feet away; a good thing to be honest.

Haiji quickly cuts through the silence. He tells Yuki and Shindo, “Everyone’s unique. Naturally so are runners.” He goes on to say that different runners do well on different terrains, inclines, etc. How some go for sprints at the end while others maintain a steady pace. “Everyone’s good at something different.”

-Haiji happens to be soaking closest to Yuki and Shindo. I don’t think it’s a coincidence. He probably did so knowing they’ll be needing moral support.

-I like how the rest of the team listens in absolute silence. Perhaps they are also absorbing the information he gives for their own benefit as well. Beside’s Kakeru, they don’t have records either. But I think its mostly because they don’t want to interfere; they realize Haiji is trying to set their friends’ mind at ease.

Yuki realizes this as well. He tells Haiji, “So we shouldn’t worry? Uniqueness certainly sounds nice but doesn’t that mean that some people aren’t suited to running at all?”

Shindo adds that he’s worried.

Haiji again tries to reassure them by telling them that times aren’t everything. Yuki points out that they have a time that they must achieve or they can’t get to Hakone. Haiji starts to say that if they feel what they’re doing is working, but get’s interrupted by Yuki: “But we’re amateurs. Unless you tell us what’s working, we won’t know what is.”

-It’s just like Yuki to be so persistent. This reminds me of Nico’s conversation with Kakeru when he told him it takes courage to face something head on. Yuki (means snow, but also means courage) certainly has plenty of that and so doesn’t want Haiji to spare his feelings. He wants an answer.

Haiji looks unhappy, as if he hadn’t wanted to get into this topic. “True to its name, long distance running is a battle of endurance. It’s not easy to compare results.” But before he can say anything else, Shindo stands up from the bath, scaring everyone when he says, “Sorry, but I’m at my limit.” When he senses everyone’s apprehension he quickly clarifies, “I meant with the water.”

The episode title is shown just then. The timing is foreshadowing that the Overflowing Drops of the title, isn’t just referring to the rain, but also to Shindo.

We next see the team gathered in the yard wearing identical large raincoats. King asks if it’s even possible to run in them. Haiji responds that they have no choice since not all of them have running wear suitable for rainy weather. A twin mentions that they really need to hurry and buy identical tracksuits. Haji points out that these coats are only temporary.

Nira barks excitedly, but Haiji tells him he’ll have to stay home today. The dog whimpers sadly, before shaking off his fur and splashing everyone.

-Like I said, I see Nira as an extension of Haiji. His being sad here is also foreshadowing.

The team runs with great difficulty in the rain. Yuki complains that it’s hot under the coats. King points out that they’re so stuffy they might as well be getting rained on. Only Shindo tries to find a silver lining: Let’s imagine that’s the point of this exercise. A truck with an ogre drawn on it speeds by splashing them all.

In Musa’s room, Jouta says he feels like he just came from the pool. Jouji agrees, saying that he’s exhausted. Musa tells them to dry off properly. The lazy two discuss not showering that day, counting the rain water as their bathing for the day. Their older roommate asks them to please go back to their room. They respond that it leaks when it rains.

-I love how these two just hijack whatever room they want whenever they feel like it/need to. I think they can only do that because their room is always used for gatherings, that, plus they’re so childlike it seems hard for the others to tell them no.

Shindo pops in to greet them before he goes to University, saying he’s got a class first period. After he leaves, Jouji remarks that he never skips his classes. The “unlike us” is inferred. Jouta then asks Musa if Shindo is ok, seeing as how “He seemed pretty depressed after yesterday’s meet. And he’s so earnest.” Musa seems worried, but doesn’t say anything.

A good friend.

-So, they did notice. It’s actually nice of them not to have said anything. Knowing Shindo, it probably would have saddened him for them to be concerned for him when they should be celebrating. That’s probably why Musa didn’t talk to him either, based on his depressed reaction.

-Jouta asking Musa about Shindo is more continuity how everyone knows that the two are best friends.

Jouji then points out that since Shindo has a girlfriend, they don’t need to worry about him. Meaning, he has someone to comfort him. Jouta agrees, annoyed. But then the two wonder when he has time to meet her, seeing how busy he is with training and classes. Musa says maybe during school. The twins ask if he’s met her. Musa says he hasn’t, and that none of the dorm mates have.

The twins then go off on a tangent, scared that maybe Shindo made her up because of the pressure he’s been under. They act a conversation with his imaginary girlfriend, meeting up with him apologizing for being late on a date. They then drop it realizing how scary that would be if it were true.

Seriously, these two
Even gentle Musa has had it with them.

At a convenience store, we see Kakeru buy himself lunch. On his way out he stops to look at the magazine rack.

“Monthly Track and Field Report” catches his interest.

The scene then switches to “Iimura Chiropractic Clinic” where we see Haiji getting a therapeutic massage from the chiropractor (I’ll call him Iimura-sensei).

Language note: Sensei is a title used in Japan to refer to teachers, writer, and doctors, amongst others). It can be used alone or added at the end after a person’s name.

Iimura-sensei tells him “You’ve been protecting the opposite side,” as he checks his non-scarred leg. Haji replies “I’m trying to be conscious of it.”

-I’m guessing he means the weight distribution on his legs? Maybe he’s been hesitant to run on the injured leg for so long that his other leg was starting to get affected, hence the decision to protect it. It’s all conjecture on my part. I’d love to hear what others may think.

Iimura tells him encouragingly, “Once something breaks you’ve got no choice except to take your time fixing it.” Haiji replies with a quiet “Yes, sir.”

-So Haiji isn’t yet fully recovered. He has a far away look in his eyes, like he’s forcing himself to accept that fact. You can’t blame him. It’s been years since his injury. He previously told Kakeru that it’ll take him six months to regain his speed. I guess he still hasn’t. I am glad to see he has someone helping maintain his leg. It’s totally in character. Like Yuki once told Nico, they’ll have nothing if they’re injured.

Back at Aotake, we see Haiji’s shopping bag on the kitchen table, along with a bookstore envelope. He is looking at something with boring eyes and a set mouth. It’s a new expression on him.

He is holding the same magazine Kakeru had been eyeing at the convenience store. But we can now see that it has a picture of Fujioka on the cover.

He lets out a breath through his nose and says, “Damn that Fujioka.”

-This is the first time we have seen Haji express something akin to jealousy. It’s fascinating to me that this emotion isn’t directed at Kakeru, whom we know he reveres as a runner, but rather at Fujioka, someone from his past.

It is still raining in the afternoon. We see that the public track where the team usually trains has been closed due to the rain. Shindo suggests running in the field where they usually do cross country running. Yuki refuses, as the mud makes it hard to run in. Nico points out that he just doesn’t want to get dirty, before glancing at Haiji and asking him what to do.

It’s Kakeru who answers, saying to use the roads, they just have to avoid the cars. Haji agrees, “We’ll choose the safest course we can.”

Prince looks insanely cute here, almost like a child.

When they finish the group once again goes to the bath house. We see Nico get on the scale in the changing room. This time he pumps his fist in happiness. Looks like his body finally started responding the all the exercise he’s been doing and he lost some kilos. Haiji’s advice to not panic and take it slow was on point.

In the washing area Yuki asks if they can’t use the club budget to buy rain-proof running wear, adding that the money should be used wisely. Shindo informs him that they only have 15 members in their fan club. Yuki is shocked to learn that. Shindo then adds that they don’t even have enough money to buy matching track uniforms. Musa points out that everyone in the shopping district is supporting them, but it’s still not enough.

Cultural note: It occurred to me that not everyone might know the etiquette of public Japanese baths. This is what I remember off the top of my head when I researched it many years ago and based on what Japanese people have told me: first you wash, then you soak. That way the bath remains clean and the reason it is so hot is that it’s usually set to boiling so that the heat disinfects the water. The soaking is strictly therapeutic for relaxation purposes, not washing. In family homes, the same bath water is used by multiple people after they shower, and it is boiled in between use for each person. That way the water isn’t wasted.

King wishes there was a Quiz show on that he could participate in, so he’d win them the prize money. Musa wonders if they can participate in something that would gain them recognition, and hence, more sponsors. Yuki concurs, and turns asks Kakeru if he knows of any. Kakeru confirms there is one: The All-Japan Intercollegiate Championship. Haiji, silent through this conversation, is shown soaking alone; hinting that he had been listening the whole time.

-We’ve heard of this competition before. It’s the one Fujioka said he’d be focusing on in his interview at the team’s first meet. Based on the fact that he was featured on the magazine cover, it’s safe to say that he and his team won it.

Love the art in this show.

On the way back home the twins and Musa look it up on their phones, and find out that it was in May. Haiji asks Kakeru if he read Fujoka’s article. Kakeru replies “I happen to have.”

-He must have guessed so based on KK’s answer to the others. Or maybe Haiji left the magazine for him on the kitchen table to see.

Haiji then tells Kakeru that “There was some curious things written in it.” We’re then shown a picture of Fujioka’s interview, and hear it narrated in his voice: “I ran the race I wanted this time. But there are more strong runners hiding in Kanto (their district). We’re then shown the scene of his interview, where Fujioka is telling a group of reporters, “I believe they’ll be ready by the time Ekiden season rolls around. I’ll make sure not to underestimate them as I wait.”

-So we already knew this, but Fukioka really is a straight up guy. Very humble. I’m guessing he means Haiji’s team here, specifically Kakeru who tried beating him the only time they raced against each other.

Haji then asks Kakeru if he knows what the strongest compliment is to a long distance runner. Kakeru guesses “Is it to call him fast?” Haiji negates this.

Haiji: “It’s to call him strong.”

This is the word Fujioka used in his interview. Haiji put a lot of emphasis on this word when he said it. Kakeru is a bit surprised. He repeats the word, “Strong?”

Act Two

After the mid episode break we see Kakeru helping Haiji out in the kitchen.

-While he would do so occationally before, I think Kakeru now has taken this as a permanent role, after Haiji’s collapse. He’s cutting carrots, rangiri style which means he either has some background knowledge of cooking or Haji taught him.

As he does this Haiji elaborates on what he told him previously, “You can’t survive long distance running on speed alone. You hold out through difficult phases to keep on moving your body forward. Every day, you have to push yourself a little harder in practice. What long distance runners need is strength.”

Somehow he seems very morose as he says this. We find out why soon enough.

Haiji continues, “Fujioka is strong, both as a runner and as a captain.”

-How would he know this? Was Fujioka Haiji’s captain in the past? Or is Haiji comparing the current Captain Fujioka is to himself, as Kansei’s team captain?

His eyes seem like they’re looking at an invisible entity as he continues speaking.

“But Fujioka is Fujioka. I regret that we weren’t able to show him your abilities at the inter college. But there’s no need to panic. Believe in yourself. It takes time to become stronger.” 

-There’s a distinct feeling here that Haiji’s addressing himself, whether he’s doing this consciously or subconsciously, I’m not sure.

Kakeru who had been listening quietly finally speaks, and unwittingly points this out. He tells Haiji, “Fujioka is on your mind, too. I understand what you’re trying to say, but why are you telling me this now?”

Haiji is projecting his emotions onto Kakeru. The latter somehow sensed that Haiji’s words didn’t actually apply to his own situation. But he lacks the insightt that would allow him to understand Haiji’s intent in saying them. Hence his question.

Kakeru: “Are you anxious?”
Haiji: “Anxious?”

-For his part, Haiji seems bemused by the question. Well, that answers my previous query. Haiji “doesn’t miss anything” seems like he hadn’t realized his own feelings. It’s unlike him. And sad.

Kakeru answers that half their members still have yet to achieve official records. Especially Shindo and Yuki who haven’t improved in a month, “despite practicing so hard.”

-It’s nice to see Kakeru giving his teammates credit here. He has officially changed for the better as a teammate; no longer making assumptions based on his teammates’ performances. Rather, he is seeing the actual work they are putting in.

Kakeru then repeats his question, “Is that why?” thinking that Haiji must be concerned for the team as well. He goes on to say that after Prince improved, he felt like he started to understand running a bit. But now he realizes it’s still very difficult.

Kakeru: “Honestly, I’m anxious.”

Haiji doesn’t reply. There is nothing for him to say.

– I think the reason is, perhaps for the first time, the cause for his anxiety is Haiji himself. Kakeru was able to pinpoint Haiji’s emotion, but not it’s cause. He naturally wonders if Haiji’s anxiousness, like his own, was born out of worry for for teammates. This makes sense considering Haiji’s conversation with Yuki and Shindo. There’s also the fact that the team has always been his first and foremost concern.

-Kakeru here is being both expressive and honest. He has grown. But Haiji despite being so vocal, wasn’t being honest. I think, again, because he himself didn’t realize what he was out of sorts for. But after talking to Kakeru, I’m sure he now knows. Though I doubt he’ll share.

-Haiji hasn’t yet managed to recovered %100, and is therefore unable to perform the way he wants to. Add to that, Fujioka’s article triggered emotions of unease within him. I’m pretty sure he knows or at least suspects that Fujioka was referring to KK in his interview, not Haiji. I don’t think that in itself upset him. But he does seem to regret not letting KK race in the inter college. Even though he had been the one to decide they’d focus only on preparing for Hakone. Maybe, because KK is on his team, he feels like he can compete against Fujioka, if only vicariously. After all, we’ve never seen him look at Kakeru with anything other than admiration. Never envy. And so, he talks to KK as if wanting to mollify him for not joining the intercollegiate race. Then there is the possibility that he’s also mourning the fact that he himself would never have been able to do well against Fujioka, had he been able to join.

We next see Shindo, Yuki and Musa in Nico’s room. Shindo is giving Nico instructions for, we later learn, a website he decided to make for the team. Musa tells Yuki that this will help get support even from people who live far away. Shindo adds, “We’ll never get anywhere if we just wait.” Yuki, impressed, points out, “And you’ve got seminars tomorrow, too. You’re truly amazing, Shindo.” The humble Shindo is quick to remind Yuki that he passed the bar in one try. Yuki replies, “Well, yeah,” in a blasé tone, suppressing a yawn. Nico tells Shindo that he’s going to bed, and to wake him up if he needs anything. Meaning, Shindo is going to continue working late into the night. before going off to bed. Yuki takes off for bed as well. Musa asks his friend not to push himself before he leaves. Shindo tells him to not worry and bids him good night.

The next morning, Shindo is rushing to meet his girlfriend who’s waiting for him at the entrance of a café/restaurant. Over drinks, Shindo is dealt a huge blow when his girlfriend tells him they should break up seeing as how there’s something he’d rather be spending his time on more than her. The poor boy refutes this, but she’s not changing her mind. He hangs his head.

-It’s like a retake of the skit Jouji and Jouta played earlier in the episode, where they pretended to be Shindo and his make-belief girlfriend. Only we now know she’s real. And unlike in the skit where he managed to charm her into forgiving him, his real-life girlfriend is not as understanding.

Lady, you did not just do this.

Poor Shindo. You deserve better, son. Nothing against her, but it’s not like his training for Hakone is permanent. It might be that she has a needy personality. No problem there. But if she couldn’t support him during a few months then she won’t be able to support him through other things in his future. Life is hard. He deserves someone able to be there for him even if it means patiently waiting for him.

Parental advice: I have to give Shindo’s ex her due credit: she knows what she wants and if he can’t provide the attention that she needs then good on her for recognizing that. Self awareness is possibly the most important factor in making relationships work.

Cultural note: In Japan there’s a belief, legend, or story (I forget what exactly) that those with beauty marks under their eyes, located on the path that tears take, are destined to be heartbroken. I should have know his relationship was doomed from the start.

It is afternoon practice and has Shindo just finishes being timed. Haiji tells them to cool down, since they’re done for the day, when Shindo interrupts him with an “Excuse me. I want to run one more.” He hangs his head, sweat, and what we the audience know are tears, dripping from his face.

The others can’t see it, however. Haiji tells him that he should stop, since his times are getting worse. “Times aren’t everything. Isn’t that what you said? It’s true that I want to improve my times, but more than that, I just want to run right now! Just until I’m satisfied. That’s all!”

By this point his teammates know something is up, based on the expressions on their faces. Though it doesn’t seem like they know what.

The innocent trio is mostly bemused.
Prince and Yuki seem particularly empathetic.

He repeats his entreaty, “Please!” twice, then takes off without waiting for an answer. It’s unlike the super polite Shindo so you can tell he had reached his limit.

Yuki’s the first to react. After gazing at him for a while, he say’s he’ll join him. Musa follows them, saying that he felt he could run some more today. One by one the others take off after them: Nico, the twins, Prince, King, Kakeru, then finally Haiji, who strangely, seemed the most reserved.

He only runs after Hana says that she’ll time them.

We soon find out why: as they run, we hear him muse: “I feel the same way. I want to run more. Even though I’ve been told not to run, I’m running,” now we know what’s been weighing on his mind. He then continues, “Maybe I’d forgotten to listen to my feelings,” meaning he’s been too worried that he’s been holding himself back.

Overflowing drops 💔

-The whole scene was just extremely sad. Shindo’s broken heart was bad enough, but then Haiji’s words sent up so many danger flags for me. It was, however, heartwarming how all the team members sensed Shindo was going through something, and ran with him as their way of showing moral support. In case that wasn’t clear, we have Prince’s shirt with the word “bond” written on it this time. Then there was the music, track “Reliance” from the OST. Very aptly named and a perfect accompaniment to the heart wrenching scene.

Back at the Aotake, Yuki tells Shindo that he saw his form during their last lap and noticed his center of gravity was different from fast runners like Kakeru. “I guess everyone runs differently. It’s the first time I noticed.”

-We understand that you were worried about him and hence tried to help him. You can just say it, Yuki. We won’t judge you. But it’s not this cool character’s style.

At this information, the two recruit Kakeru and have him observe Shindo as he runs on Prince’s treadmill. He gives him pointers, telling him to imagine his center of gravity higher, and not to curve his chest.

Prince tells them “you could be doing this outside” Yuki tells him “That’s rich, coming from you.”

-This was a nice bit of humor in an otherwise mostly heavy episode.

Shindo thanks Yuki and Kakeru for their help and asks if they’d be willing to do it again. The two agree wholeheartedly, with his upperclassman Yuki saying it was nothing, he just mentioned what he noticed.

Kakeru, looking at the laptop in Shindo’s hand asks if he’s still doing something after this. The shorter man tells him he wants to finish the team website. The two are taken aback at his diligence.

Kakeru immediately says he’ll make some tea and takes off. Yuki smiles and says that he’s becoming a bit more sociable.

-He is, and I absolutely love it. I think it also speaks to his newfound resolve to help the team. Properly, the way he learned how to help Prince in the previous episode.

The next scene is in Shindo’s room. Yuki tells him, looking at pictures on his wall, “I’ve been wondering for a while now. Is this your home?”

Shindo answers in the affirmative. Seeing what look like perilous mountains and a rope bridge, Yuki asks, “What kind of secluded region does your family live in?”

Shindo replies that they do have roads, but that its’ faster to climb the valley to get to his school.

-This explains the 10 kilometers to and from school that Haiji talked about when he said Shindo had potential.

Yuki goes on to ask if his parents wouldn’t drive him. Shindo replies that his family runs a farm and are hence busy in the morning. Ashe speaks, we see snap shots of his family working hard harvesting cherries. He adds, “If anything, they needed my help.”

-The images and Shindo’s words are continuity to how close he is with his family, enough that he first decided to run Hakone because he thought it would make them happy.

-Seriously, just when you think you can’t love him anymore. Yuki must’ve felt the same.

Yuki: “If I had a daughter, I’d definitely make her marry you.”

-Yuki is one smart cookie. I thought he might have suspected before, when he was the first to run with Shindo, but I’m pretty sure of it now: he recognizes a broken heart when he sees one. This is his way of trying to cheer the hurting genius.

Said genius, smiles awkwardly, “What does that mean?”

Yuki tells him, “You’ve really got your shit together.” Shindo replies, self deprecatingly, “I don’t. Not at all.”

You can just tell he’s thinking that if he did, he wouldn’t have been dumped. I could swear that I saw tears in his eyes.

Kakeru seems to sense his mood. He reminds Shindo that he was the first to declare wanting to run.”

“Is that right?” Shindo asks, seemingly he’s forgotten that fact.

Kakeru then apologizes, saying that at the time he was sure Shindo would quit. Shindo utters a mild, “Well, you know,” letting Kakeru that he isn’t holding it against him. Again, being self-depreciating as if he knows that he appears weak to others.

Kakeru goes on to say, “But I was wrong. This team never would’ve have formed without you and it can’t keep going without you. You’re strong, Shindo”

-Okay, Shindo really looks like he’s going to cry now. I sure am. Poor boy must have needed to hear this so bad, considering what he lost in return for investing so much time and effort on Hakone. He must have really loved that girl. It makes sense. A serious guy like him wouldn’t date just to fool around.

On another note, it’s nice to see KK employing the compliment he recently learned from Haiji, “you’re strong” which he now knows is the strongest compliment you can give a runner.

Shindo tells them, “The ten of use will run in Ekiden. It’s nice to dream.” We’re then shown a picture of the team on the website.

Kansei track team

He then continues, “But anyone can just talk about their dreams. It’s not about that is it? Neither is anyone else right? If you say you’ll do it, do it. Haiji’s the same way.”

As he talks, we get a shot of Haiji in his room, massaging his knee.

-It’s a great moment that explains Haji’s absence, when he would usually be the one offering comfort. He must be preoccupied considering the extra running they had done at that evening’s practice.

Back in Shindo’s room, he goes on to say “I’m not strong. I just do what needs to be done no matter what.”

-That, my dear boy, is strength.

KK however, knows when not to contradict his senpais. He just says yes, while Yuki, in a fit of sympathy, tells him, “You’ll definitely get that record.” Shindo replies, “This, again. But you’re normally so cool.”

-Cool-headed, he means. Also, the word “again” means that this isn’t the first time Yuki has reassured him. Nor will it be the last. Yuki immediately tells him, “Shut up. I said you’ll get it. Everything I’ve said would happen has happened.”

Shindo seems to have given up fighting his tears. He tells Yuki, “Then I’ll trust you.” And bows his head in gratitude.

When Yuki tells him, “What’s that?” He quickly raises his head, high enough that he’s looking at the ceiling, as he says, “Man working at night isn’t good for my eyes.”

Yuki seems to be going along with it. He smiles, telling him, “Seriously?” Kakeru, too, gives a knowing smile. But they both don’t say anything else.

-Seriously? Two of the most distant (Yuki, by choice, Kakeru, by nature) members of Aotake are the ones hanging out with Shindo, wanting to be near him to give him emotional support. Excuse me while I grab some tissues.

Music: the track playing is “Onward to Hakone” from the OST.

The scene changes. The rainy clouds have finally dispersed revealing a glorious morning.

Symbolism. Also, this show has the most stunning visuals.

We see that Yuki and Kakeru have spent the night on Shindo’s floor.

-Musa enters Shindo’s room to wake him up for his class, when he sees that someone has joined their fan club through their newly developed website.

Excitedly, he wakes up Shindo, who in turn wakes up Yuki and Kakeru to tell them the good news.

The next scene shows the team wearing their fan club recruitment t-shirts as they run through the shopping district, calling out that they have a meet at Tokyo Sport University, and asking people to come out to support them.

Shindo leads the procession

-It’s nice to see that they have all gotten over their initial embarrassment. Shindo, as always, leads the recruitment procession.

At Yaokatsu vegetable store, a reporter (we recognize him as being one who had interviewed Fujioka) is asking Hanako’s father about the Kansei team. He shows him a picture of their website. Hana’s dad is about to ask her to take him to the Aotake when the team passes them on their run. He points them out to the reporter, who watches them pass by with interest, particularly Kakeru.

At Tokyo Sport University, we see that the whole team, except for the twins and Musa who just got their records, is going to run. Haiji does his Hakone cheer with all the members. This time, they all join in immediately. The team is melding together nicely.

The cheering squad starts their encouraging calls early on. Unfortunately, the aggravations start early as well. Sakaki approaches the Kansei team, “You still haven’t given up?” This time, he’s in a running uniform, meaning he’s going to participate in the race as well. He says as much, telling them, “Please don’t get in our way. Our regular spot’s on the line.”

-As always, he seems to be showing off the fact that he’s in a prestigious athletic school to Kakeru.

But before he can rile him up, Shindo comes to stand in front of Kakeru, and tells him, “Don’t worry. We don’t intend to compete with you. Our battle lies elsewhere.”

At his self-assured tone, Sakaki is vexed. Haji smiles in pride that Shindo can hold his own. His interference isn’t necessary, and he tells his team to go.

On their way to the starting line, Yuki pats Shindo’s shoulder. I think he, too, feels proud. And it’s been canon that he expresses his respect for the others whenever the occasion arises.

We see the same sketchy looking reporter at the meet. When he sees Kakeru, he mouths something eerily. Unfortunately, I can’t lip read Japanese. Might be our boys name.


This episode shows just one more reason to love the show: realism. Shindo’s relationship falling apart was done very realistically. It was nice to have him be the focus of this episode. Though the best thing about the show is how most of the time characters get equal screen time, mini arcs like this are great too. Then there’s the fact that Haiji, while present in the episode, was emotionally unavailable. It’s definitely a first and it allowed other characters to grow and fill in the supporting role he usually plays. This, too, is a realistic depiction of what healthy relationships should be like. Not one person being relied on for everything, rather, different people depending on each other at different points of their lives. No one is infallible or untouchable.

As much as I loved this episode, it was also very sad to me. Even its title is sad. At first, we suspect it’s referring to the never-ending rain. But soon we find out it’s actually referring to Shindo, crying in spite of himself at the pain of being dumped. Even the lovely scene where the team ran with Shindo was darkly overcast by Haiji’s internal soliloquy. When he says “despite being told not to run” it sounds like such an ominous statement. As if his knee can give out at any second. Seriously, I’m no longer young enough to enjoy angst the way I used to.

But seeing Kakeru and Yuki praising Shindo’s efforts and personality was lovely. He really needed that. 

Then there was the race, and how Shindo confidently stood up to Sakaki. The bright blue skies were also a welcome change from the rain that had plagued almost the entire episode. But then the creepy looking reporter keeps us from feeling that everything will be smooth sailing ahead.

Grade: 10/10

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Run With the Wind Episode Ten Review: Our Speed

Warning: this review contains spoilers up to the end of this episode.

Disclaimer: All images have been screen captured from Crunchyroll and belong to their respective owners. I am using them to promote this show and will delete them if/when I am asked to do so.


Nira in his dog house looks towards the Aotake building and whimpers. Inside the building, we see all the members of the Aotake gathered at the door to Haiji’s room.

King and Yuki sit by his bedside as an elderly doctor examines him. When he finishes he turns towards the tenants whom all hold their breath as they wait to hear the verdict.

“He’s overworked.”

They all stare back in disbelief.

The doctor tells the residents that while Haiji is anemic, at the moment he’s just sleeping.

“Sleeping?” Shindo repeats with wide eyes.

It’s true. We get a close up of Haiji’s sleeping face before the opening credits begin.

This was a such a great scene. Having the ever-cheerful Nira whimper is a reflection of his (surrogate) owner Haiji’s state. Seeing all the members gathered around Haiji’s room, besides themselves with worry, was heartwarming. I would have thought Nico and Kakeru would have been closest to his bedside, but Kakeru is hanging back farthest than anyone else (out of fear, I think). Meanwhile eldest Nico is watching over Haiji at the door while his peers Yuki and King sit closest to him.

-This is actually the first time we’ve seen his room. It’s a reminder of how little we actually know him. We still don’t know much seeing as the only glimpses we got was the shopping bag hanging on a hook near the door, and a single bookcase full of books. We don’t even see what books he has ;_; Probably on long distance races, nutrition, and how to raise healthy and active children who like to run.

-Shindo’s reaction represents viewers as well who have probably come up with all sorts of scenarios on what was wrong with Haiji. But this makes the most sense, given the clues we had gotten in the previous episode.

-I like how the episode immediately dealt with the Haiji issue and didn’t make the mistake of milking it for more drama.

Act One

The team members all see off the doctor in the yard.

-Perfect example of manners in Japanese culture.

After they all sigh in relief, Yuki remarks that even the injection the doctor administered Haiji didn’t wake up him.

Yuki: “He must really be exhausted.”

The twins mention that they can never tell when he actually sleeps “I thought he was fine without sleep.”

Musa adds that it’s not just training. Haiji does all the cooking as well.

At his words, Nico scratches the back of his neck.

The doctor’s diagnosis sparks a discussion amongst the Aotake members, sending them all into a period of pensiveness.

Prince, Kakeru and Nico

In the next scene, Nico, Prince and Kakeru are cleaning up the ruined fried rice.

KK says “It’s my fault. I made him worry.”

Nico tells him “You know that’s not true.” Prince then says that he caused him much more concern. He’s probably thinking about how Haiji has been training him one to one from the beginning.

Nico then states “It was everyone. All of us can think of something we did.” I think he’s not doubt remembering how much he made Haiji run after him to eat, and how much he had been panting. It had been unlike him so he was probably already pushing himself at that point.

Landlord/Coach Tazaki and Yuki

The landlord stands at the door of Haiji’s room praying. Yuki tells him to please stop, since it’s ominous.

Coach Tazaki says “I don’t know what to do in times like these.”

Yuki replies: “You don’t need to do anything.” But he then looks away, as if in regret.

Perhaps he is thinking what he himself should be doing, or what he should have done before things got to this point. Like the other’s he looks like he’s has something he feels guilty for. One thing that comes to mind is how Yuki told Haiji that he was worried about Nico, that he thought he was dangerously pushing himself. Maybe he’s wondering if he should have been more concerned with Haiji, who was essentially looking out for them all, instead of burdening him further with his concern.

King, Shindo, and Musa.

The three are gathered in (I think) Shindo’s room, where he says that they should run practice themselves the next morning. Musa agrees. King then says, “Come to think of the, clerical procedures like registering for meets were all Haiji’s job, too.”

Shindo starts counting on his fingers: “Supervisor-cum-coach-cum-manager-cum dorm leader, huh?

The trio looks solemn.

Cultural note: Managers (stereotypically girls) for sports teams in Japan take care of various things like providing meals and drinks and general support for the team. Remember how embarrassed Hana got when Sakaki assumed she was the manager? That’s cause it’s a pretty big job usually handled by several people. By supervisor, I think Shindo means the registration for the meets and so forth. We already knew Haiji was the dorm-leader and cook. He’s also the (unofficial but literal) coach.

His daily routine must be packed. He wakes up pre-dawn to prepare the team for their morning jog. Then he comes back and prepares their breakfast, goes to university, oversees their afternoon training, prepares their dinner. I had asked in the previous episode’s review when he ever runs himself. I’m guessing he squeezes that in either before their morning jog, or after. If we go by the ending theme song, he basically runs all times of the day, maybe whenever he can, which is why he’s always in his track suit. The only time he relaxes is in the bath house. But even in the evenings he’s the last one to sleep as he’s busy cleaning up after dinner; though we sometimes see Kakeru helping him.

-In the review for A Dangerous Character I mentioned that, after the track meet, Haiji might have not been as vocal as usual because he was tired from cooking. Now we know he was just tired overall. From the meet, from having to deal with unhappy children. I know first hand how exhausting that is, yet I completely missed it here.


At their room Jouta and Jouji are cleaning up after the party which ended abruptly. Jouji says, “We should at least take turns cooking.” Jouta agrees, but says that all he can cook is ochazuke (rice cooked in green tea). Jouji says that he too only has one dish in his repertoire: boiled pasta. The two realize that they have a more immediate concern than helping Haiji at the dorm.

Twins: “Can we survive without Haiji?”

Prince, Kakeru, Nico (continued)

Nico then takes this opportunity to tell Prince and KK to reconcile, reproaching them: “Quit the team if you don’t run fast enough? This is no time to be saying that.”

-I forgot to say this in the last episode’s review, but damn those twins have loose lips. Did they manage to tell everyone before remembering Haiji’s orders?

Kakeru looks a bit chastened at Nico’s words.

Prince points out that it wasn’t his idea. But Nico doesn’t let him off the hook either. “You’re his senior.”

I guess he means if Prince were more authoritative KK wouldn’t have said it in the first place? Or maybe that he should have shot down the suggestion immediately.

At this point Kakeru becomes defensive saying he was just expressing his misgivings. Nico warns him with an “Oi!” But Prince is quick to answer, “If that’s what you hurled at me then you’re just being a nuisance.”

He’s right. You shouldn’t make complaints without offering possible solutions if you want to be helpful. Especially if you’re on the same team.

But KK isn’t backing down. He attacks Prince with: “Just now you said you were making him worry. You are making him worry, aren’t you?”


That was a little below the belt, using Prince’s guilt. The lit student is visibly upset but can’t say anything. Whereas in their first scene the two were both blaming themselves, they’re now like kids fighting over who’s giving mom more grief.

-Kakeru should know that his attitude is just as troublesome, if not more, than Prince’s lack of speed.

Nico demands they cut it out, “Don’t ruin what Haiji entrusted to you”. Both react angrily.

Prince, KK: “You make it sound like he’s dead!”

Nico asks with a straight face. “You guys sure you don’t actually get along?”

Cultural Note: Unlike the English stereotype “opposites attract” what I’ve gleaned from 30 years as a fan of Japanese anime/culture is that the stereotype there is similar personalities should get along. Nico’s using Prince and KK’S identical reply to imply that they have more in common than they think. This is probably true. They’re both quiet types who only ever speak when it comes to their passions (manga and running, respectively) they’re both somewhat loners, and both care about Haiji.

That being said, Nico’s sentence sort of came out of nowhere and had almost nothing to do with the topic at hand. He was being a bit melodramatic and I’m not sure if this was intentional or not, whether he said it expecting the reaction the two would have, to show that they have something in common.

But, the fact of the matter is, before Haiji collapsed, these two were getting along fine after the whole team came together, runners and cheering squad. I don’t even know why Nico felt the need to rehash the argument. Maybe he wanted to make sure it was put to rest before Haiji woke up, hence the whole “Don’t ruin what Haiji entrusted to you”.

Ugh. I really hated that line. Cause I feel it was just used to set up Prince and KK’s reaction and I can’t seem to convince myself it wasn’t just a piece of bad writing. There. I said it. But that’s fine. Even this show isn’t perfect.

Back in his room Prince is on the treadmill, but it is now set on a higher speed than it was at first. In fact, I think he’s been steadily increasing its speed.

On the first floor, the motion of the treadmill sends dust flying once again through the ceiling of KK’s room. He’s sitting in contemplation, before he looks up at the ceiling.

Kakeru: “That’s not good enough, Prince.”

I’m pretty sure he means Prince’s speed, which would make sense seeing as how Prince is walking, not running, to be able to hold his manga.

We finally the episode title: Our Speed.

A clock shows the time is 6:05 am. It’s next morning. The team should have already started practice. But they haven’t yet.

Shindo asks Nico to take over as substitute Captain. Musa agrees, seeing as he’s the oldest and has most experience in track. Nico refuses saying he can’t afford to look out for others. King mentions that they never actually discussed who would be Captain.

-This makes sense as everyone (including viewers no doubt) naturally assumed it would be Haiji.

Shindo next turns to Yuki who says he expected to be asked but, but “I refuse.” This sends Prince’s heart aflutter thinking he’s referencing Jojo’s Bizarre adventure (haven’t seen it, but recognized the art style).

His T-shirt has “heart” written on it
Jouta, to Prince:”What are you doing?”
Prince: Don’t you know? “I refuse”?

Yuki of course isn’t doing anything of the sort. He tells the others that he still doesn’t think they can make it to Hakone.

King: “You’re still saying that?”

The twins too, are disappointed that even after all the practices they’ve had, Yuki is being skeptical. He doesn’t care, says that he wouldn’t know how to lead the team, and that he won’t do it.

-This completely fits Yuki’s perfectionist personality. He’s not the type to take over something just because he was asked. One thing I thought/felt is that he seemed annoyed as he said this. We know that he started reading up on running. Maybe he wishes that he did know enough to take the job, in light of how much pressure Haiji has been under.

Shindo then asks Kakeru to take over, much to King’s disappointment. Shindo points out that he knows King would never want to do it. The older man says that he would at least like to be asked, to be able to refuse, as a Senpai.

Jouta (under his breath): “I can’t respect him even a little bit.”

King’s obsession with the Senpai/Kouhai hierarchy rears its head once again. Methinks, outside of it, he has a hard time dealing with people.

Kakeru says that he doesn’t mind taking over practice, but adds, looking at Prince, “I may not be gentle.”

This sends the team into a frenzy, with the older ones getting angry and the younger ones excited. The twins look like they might be mocking him, though.

Everyone has something to say, except, ironically, Prince, who knows that Kakeru’s words were directed at him. His shirt still says “heart” on it though, so he might be nervous.

Meanwhile, Haiji tries to leave his room only to find out that he can’t. The door has been blocked from the outside with heavy cardboard boxes.

A sign has been taped to his door “Absolute and total rest.” And some tea flavored rice porridge left on his bedside.

Haiji: “Is this torture?”

Hee! It would be to someone used to being up and about most hours of the day. But next to the food is what looks like a white board propped up with books with messages written on it from the boys. Also an African mask which looks a bit eerie and could be the reason for Haiji’s apprehension.

The messages were very interesting to me. The twins tell Haiji, “Have some porridge!” and that’s it. It’s probably the only thing that came to their mind and I can’t hate them for it. They sign with their nicknames which we know are a mashup of their first and last names and probably what they’ve been called their whole lives. It’s as endearing as they are.

Prince wrote: “I’ll lend you some of my comics.” So the books behind the whiteboard might actually be his manga. By now viewers should know that to him this is the ultimate expression of love. He signs his note using his last name, Kashiwazaki. This fits his manner of speaking; polite, if a little distant. Also fits his character: I think Prince is a name given to him by others based on his looks, not something he chose himself.

Kakeru’s message is very simple and to the point. “Take care.” I can see him agonizing over what to write before finally settling on those two words. Knowing him, they’re actually very expressive. He also signs using his last name, Kurahara, despite Haiji always calling him by his first name. Like Prince, he’s being formal, maybe too formal for friends. Another similarity between these two.

King’s message also has Haiji’s well-being in mind. Not surprising as we saw how worried he was sitting by Haiji’s bedside: “You need to rest!!” But the rest of it isn’t too helpful, “They said eating meat when you’re sick is good for you”. If you’re going to recommend meat, you should provide some, King. This awkwardness and him signing using his “self proclaimed” title matches his personality.

Musa tries to be helpful: “This African mask will protect you from evil!” It’s a lovely gesture from the considerate exchange student who signs using his given name first then his family name. I think he does this because it’s probably how he signs all his exchanges, like they were official memos. At least in my head he does.

Cultural Note: In Japan first names always come second. Of course Musa knows this, so it was a personal decision. Subtle but nice characterization.

Language Note: Musa is Moses in Arabic, Kamara is the feminine form for the masculine word Qamar (which means moon), so Musa might be from the Arabic speaking regions of Tanzania.

Shindo, likewise, signs with his first and last name, though like all Japanese his family name comes first. It matches his serious personality. It also shows that he doesn’t have any particular attachment to his nickname, which means “genius” or “prodigy”. He’s humble and his message reveals his trademark conscientiousness: “I’m sorry for always relying on you for everything! Get well soon.” This remorse from the only member who went out of his way to do something for the team, thinking of the budget and making T-shirts to help create a fan club and jogging evenings to promote the team. Like Yuki always says about him, Shindo really is a “damn honor roll student” which I’m guessing is Japanese for “goody two shoes” but in the positive sense. His parents sure raised him well.

Yuki’s message touched me a lot because it shows what I’ve been suspecting for a while now: “Sorry. Get some rest!!! Sleep well, rest well.” He’s a very caring individual and he actually feels guilty for not having done more to help Haiji. I like how he signs his message with his nickname. Unlike the others, it’s just an abbreviation of his actual name. Like the twins, it’s probably what most people call him. He’s also close enough to be on a first name basis with Haiji and isn’t concerned about showing it. And why should he be? They are the same age and have been living together for four years. It’s normal.

Last but not least is Nico: “Get well soon!” Well, maybe least on the board, but surely not emotionally. He didn’t even bother signing his name. Nico is a private person, so I think what’s not being said is as important as the generic message that is there. And Haiji would probably get that.

Back to the team: It looks like Kakeru won’t have time to make any changes to the training menu, as he takes over Haiji, tagging along with Prince during morning practice. Not that I think he had anything planned. Like I said, his “I may not be gentle” was mostly directed at Prince.

Prince tells him “You don’t have to do what Haiji does.” Kakeru argues “If I leave you alone, you’ll fall farther and farther behind. Everyone’s else’s pace is increasing. Their efforts will be ruined because of you. Buck up and take this seriously.”

Prince and the Zombie. Which is which?

Well, he didn’t lie about not being gentle. Though his tone wasn’t cruel either, just matter of fact. Actually, that might be worse. Being dispassionate could be interpreted as being uncaring.

Prince takes it pretty well, however. He asks Kakeru how long he’s been so fast, and guesses since he was a child, since he’s a genius at it. KK tells him that’s not true. Prince replies, “Then try talking at my speed”.

In one sentence, he managed to silence Kakeru completely. Everyone knows Kakeru isn’t good at talking. Just like Prince is terrible at running. Him asking Kakeru to talk at his speed is his way of reminding him that different people have different talents…and weaknesses.

Kakeru stops for a bit and studies Prince as he runs. When they return to Aotake, he berates him for going to read manga, and tells him he has to change out of his sweaty clothes first. Prince snaps back “Freshness is everything!” Much to Kakeru’s confusion.

A feminine voice agrees and the two looks towards the door to see that Hana-chan has come to Aotake. After hearing that Haiji collapsed she brought ingredients from her father’s store, knowing that he won’t be able to go shopping that day. As soon as she arrives the twins run up to her like she’s a savior, and ask her to cook for them.

We’re taken to mid episode break and the adorable Nira.

Act Two

After the break we see the Aotake members outside the WC, holding their stomachs in pain and waiting desperately for Musa to finish so that they can have their turn in the bathroom.

– I love how there was a shot of a flower in the garden giving us a hint of how this mysterious case of food poisoning come about.

Burned and drenched in seasoning.

The culprit can be seen occupying the kitchen. Hana apologizes and wonders if her cooking is not to the team’s taste.

She asks Prince and Kakeru what they think of the food. The two reply simultaneously.

“It’s good.”

Then glare at each other, annoyed that, for the second time they had the exact same reaction. The thing is that they really do look like they’re fine with her food and not just being kind. It’s a unique thing to have in common. They must like strong flavors.

Hana is glad, and tells them her family loves her cooking, so much that her dad cries every time he eats it.

-Dear sweet unsuspecting Hana doesn’t know the rest of the Kansei team has turned into dried up husks. Or that her dad probably cries out of misery as he’s eating.

That evening the twins check in on Haiji thinking he must have had enough rest. They find his room empty.

The two inform Nico and Yuki that he vanished. Their elders panic, but when they learn that the twins forgot to account for Haiji’s window, and the fact that his room is on the ground floor, they in turn realize that they forgot to account for the twins’ stupidity.

-This scene where Jota and Jouji were analyzing what must have happened like it was a great mystery from Detective Conan was fun. As were the reactions of Yuki and Nico.

The would be lawyer says,“We were stupid to let them handle it,” meaning that the window should have been blocked, too. Nico wonders where Haiji went. The twins don’t know but tell them the Ochazuke they’d left for Haiji was finished. “So, he’s well enough to eat and escape through a window?” The older two conclude that he must be fine, then.

-Yuki is hanging out in Nico’s room. This is progress. I like to think they were talking about Haiji and how to lessen the burden on him.

It’s almost sunset and Kakeru is running by himself. Afternoon practice must have been cancelled due to most of the team having food poisoning and dehydration.

He’s surprised when he sees Haiji, with his shopping bag and Nira, at the doctor’s clinic. He’s thanking him for his house call. Nira’s bark, as always, alerts him of KK presence.

The doc tells Haiji he shouldn’t have come just to thank him and puts a hand on his shoulder, telling him he’s a fine young man.

It only lasted a second, but the shot felt poignant, somehow. Like it was meant to show how those living outside the Aotake see, and are able to support Haiji, in ways those closest to him can’t. Particularly Kakeru, who was in the center of shot.

Or he may just be considering how respectful Haiji acts with the adults. I wonder what other fans think.

The next scene shows the two runners sitting at the park bench with Haiji laughing after being informed of Kakeru and Prince’s conversation. “You totally lost that argument,” he tells his unamused companion. He then adds “There’s no beating Prince when it comes to sophistry,” before adding that it’s not actually sophistry, meaning Prince does have a point.

Kakeru surprises Haiji when he asks “Will he be all right?” Then points out that he saw Prince properly for the first time, and that he has no form at all. “He needs to be corrected.

Haiji doesn’t respond to this. Rather he repeats Kakeru’s words: “You got a proper look for the first time.” 

Caught, Kakeru starts to respond, but doesn’t know what to say. Haiji saves him the trouble and kindly says,

“I’m not criticizing you. You had your own problems. But I think he was watching you and waiting to see when you’d look his way. You’re always looking forward.” He then adds, “Prince isn’t the only one. Everyone is running behind you. Until you turn around, you’ll never see them from where you are. You won’t see who is running where, and how.”

It’s a continuation of their conversation before Haiji collapsed. At Haiji’s words, Kakeru remembers the meet the day before, and how, for the first time, he saw how hard his teammates were running.

I think he understands what Haiji is saying. Prince, like the others, is trying just as hard in his own way. He’s not running “half-assed” any more than the others were. But Kakeru had been treating him as if he was.

I love how Haiji seamlessly switched the topic from Prince’s form to Kakeru’s attitude. He knows, even if KK’s concern is genuine, he won’t be able to help Prince if he doesn’t change the way he sees him. Before correcting Prince, Kakeru has to correct his misconception about him.

Kakeru takes in Haiji’s words silently and thoughtfully. There is tangible remorse in his contemplation, even. I think he realizes that if he hadn’t been forced to sit out the meet, he might never have considered, or even bothered, looking at his teammates.

Kakeru in the light, for once. Symbolic of enlightenment

This was such a gorgeous scene drawn and voiced perfectly. Then you have the wind slowly swaying through Kakeru’s hair, again hinting at a coming change, with Haiji calmly watching over him, and the background music. These are the type of scenes I search for in entertainment: intimate, revealing, thoughtful, and above all, beautiful.

Haiji smiles gently in satisfaction, as if he knows something is shifting for the better within Kakeru. He gives him a moment to gather his thoughts before telling him it’s time to go home. And that he might actually get sicker, seeing that he only had Ochazuke to eat all day.

Music: The title of track here is Meteor and I think it refers to Kakeru. They’re both beautiful when they move. They’re also fast and never stop till they’re done.

Back at Aotake, the Kansei track team members have gathered for dinner and are in tears upon seeing the glorious spread Haiji has set for them.

He apologizes for worrying them and tells them to eat as much as they want. Everyone cries in happiness. The uninhibited twins even hug him.

He then mentions that he learned that Hana cooked for them, with her own ingredients and how he has to thank her.

-Kakeru really must have been fine with Hana’s cooking. I’m guessing he’s the one who told Haiji, as the dorm cook obviously hasn’t yet heard of the collective case of food poisoning. At his reference to the incident, everyone suddenly turns to ashen mannequins, remembering their ordeal.

Later, Kakeru visits Prince in his room, asking Prince if he can borrow some manga.

He’s so delighted he can’t breathe.

Kakeru misunderstands Prince’s reaction and becomes defensive, saying that he doesn’t have anything in his room.

-Oh, boy Kakeru, you’re in for a ride. Basically, you have just fulfilled every otaku’s dream: the chance to introduce/talk about their favorite fiction. Just so you know, there’s no going back here.

But I think Prince may be a bit skeptical as he asks Kakeru if he’s fine with romance, like he’s testing him. Or it could just be what he’a currently into.

Later, We see KK sitting on Prince’s futon (the only space available) with a manga in hand. He watches as Prince reads while walking on the treadmill and tells him he’s good at that.

Kakeru here is making a genuine effort to get closer to Prince and make amends, after giving him so much grief. He probably remembered how excited Prince was when he tried to recruit him for the manga club. It’s such a Haiji thing to do! Remember Haiji telling Yuki he’ll go clubbing with him as teammates need to respect and understand each other.

As he sees Prince on the treadmill an idea occurs to Kakeru.

He exclaims “That’s it!” Surprising Prince and causing him to hilariously fall.

The next day he tells Prince he’ll hold his manga for him as he runs, seeing how on the treadmill Prince’s form is much better than on the road, because he stands straighter to be able to read. “It brings your center of gravity forwards. “

With Haiji leading the way, to keep them from running into anything, they conduct the experiment. It works! Prince then asks them to wait as he puts up his hair so that he can see better.

-Like girls cutting their hair, this is symbolic of a new resolve.

Prince explains that he couldn’t see before because of his bangs. Haiji ruefully asks “What were you looking at all this time” but not loud enough to be heard by anyone.

When they arrive at the river, Kakeru ask Prince to try running, only this time alone without a volume in front of him, using his imagination alone. The others observe and they all notice the bizarre way his hands swing, even though his posture is better.

Shindo says quietly, “There’s a lot I want to say about that.” While the younger twin points out, “I bet it would be fun if we put bells in his hands.”

-LOL!! It would.

Their collective reaction is priceless.

Jouta tries mimicking him as he thinks, “Why does he do that?” Before coming to a realization, “I know! It’s like when he’s reading comics!”

Kakeru agrees that Prince arms are fixed in a reading position even when running. Yuki states how amazed he is that Prince could run like that.

-You and everyone else, Yuki.

Kakeru says, “We’re not short distance runners so there’s no need for sweeping arm movements. But I’d like to fix his habit of holding them in place.”

The problem is solved by putting a few manga volumes in each hand and asking Prince to pretend he’s running to his room to read.

Prince: “I can’t wait to go back to my room and read.”

As they watch Haiji tells Nico, “You’ve got your color back.” The older resident responds, “I’ve been eating. I don’t want you worrying unnecessarily.”

I always knew he cared.

Haji thanks him. Nico then tells him “You really don’t miss a thing,” then looks at Kakeru and Prince, “What about them? You could have intervened anytime. Did you stay out of it because you knew this would happen?”

Haiji says “No way. I intended to fix things if I had to. But I didn’t think it would ever really be his if he’d learned to run that way. A truly fortunate error.”

-It’s just like Haiji to want Prince to discover his running form on his own. Though I think it wouldn’t have hurt to give him more pointers. Even Haiji isn’t perfect. Like he said, it was an error on his part, but it worked out in the team’s favor.

Next, we get a wonderfully edited montage that depicts how KK has taken a genuine interest in Prince. Even after Haiji gets better he continues training with him, holding manga up for him as he runs on his treadmill and helping him stretch.

We even see them reading manga together, though Prince is, of course, the faster reader as shown by how quickly he flips his pages. It’s not just about running anymore. They’ve become friends. During training, Prince starts watching Kakeru’s form as he runs and tries to copy it. He can do this now because Kakeru is no longer running ahead, he’s running close to him.

Prince’s form becomes better. So does Kakeru’s reading. The scene ends with the two, finally, flipping their respective manga pages at the same time.

How beautiful and uplifting. I love this show.

At their next meet, when Prince’s exhaustion has him reverting back to his improper form, Kakeru yells at him from behind and stops next to him to encourage him: “Forward!”

Zoom in to see the reflection in his eyes.

Prince is as shocked as everyone. But KK’s words pull him up, he straightens his back once again and tells Kakeru “Seriously, you never shut up!” He then says that he’s fine and to go on ahead.

It is an extremely touching moment. Especially given that KK had been about to break his old record. A few onlookers exclaim at Kakeru’s action, saying that he was going to get a great time. Even his teammates are touched, but none more than Haiji. I wonder if he was hoping for this, given that he only registered Prince and Kakeru for the meet.

More than Prince’s corrected form, Kurahara looking out for his teammate, rather than be obsessed with his time, was the greatest achievement. You see Haiji’s hand quiver as he holds the timer, obviously overcome with joy at KK’s emotional growth.

Even when he crosses the finish line KK doesn’t even look at his watch. Instead he turns and immediately starts cheering for Prince. The entire team is doing so and Prince manages to put in the smallest increment of speed.

The Kansei members all meet him at finish line. Kakeru, who was in the race, is naturally the first by his side.

Kakeru: “You did it. You made it!”

“Don’t make a fuss. I still have a long way to go.” Prince gasps out as he’s stretched on the floor. Kakeru replies, “Yes you do. You can go much faster.”

“Shut up!” Prince shouts, hilariously angry. I don’t know why he’s so pissed but it’s funny. Maybe because he’s already dead tired but is being told he has to go even faster (though he knows at well, but it might grate coming from “faster than the speed of light” Kakeru). I think he’s also still astounded at how Kakeru matched his speed during the race and that while it must have made him happy it must have also frustrated him somewhat, having to be looked after like that.

To further ingrain just how amazing this team is, we see the confused expressions of random onlookers trying to figure out why they are making such a big deal over Prince’s time: (29:26:26).

“What’s so great about that?”

His companion replies, “Who knows.

The cheerful twins quickly yell out “To celebrate breaking 30 minutes!” And to the random pair’s astonishment they see Prince’s teammates flinging him in the air in absolute joy.

The terrified Prince yells with tears in his eyes the entire time.


The title of the episode, Our Speed, refers to Kakeru’s understanding that, for better or for worse, the team’s speed is what really matters. Whereas he used to see this as a weakness and expected everyone to just be serious and become faster on their own, he now knows speed is a goal for the team to work at together.

This is one of the best parts of the show. It’s not about comparing yourself to others, rather comparing your progress to yourself and celebrating even the smallest of gains and using them to push yourself further. And to have people close to you who are able to understand that and celebrate it with you is one of life’s greatest gifts.

Kansei may not be the fastest team, but you know that they’re the most special one.

Grade: 10/10.

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Run With the Wind Episode Nine Review: Mismatched Runners

Warning: this review contains spoilers up to the end of this episode.

Disclaimer: All images have been screen captured from Crunchyroll and belong to their respective owners. I am using them to promote this show and will delete them if/when I am asked to do so.


We get a recap of Haiji and Kakeru’s argument and KK’s ultimatum to Prince.

Act One

The episode starts with the last two people who should know about the incident exclaiming “No way!” in disbelief: The twins know.

-I don’t think anyone told them. Neither Haiji nor Prince seem to be gossips nor thoughtless. We know Prince is slowest to run, and probably slowest to arrive at Aotake from their morning jog. Since he is just being served his breakfast by Haiji, the twins likely overheard the two talking about it in the kitchen before they joined them for breakfast.

Haiji says “That kind of talk is ineffective. I told you.” So he has already discussed this matter with Prince, perhaps the night before. He then adds that Kakeru went too far.

Jouji jokes “Well, he is fast,” and he and his brother nudge each other.

Haiji ignores them and points out Kakeru h zi

Haiji then tells the twins “I don’t want you two having weird biases,” and orders them not to tell anyone else.

-Kudos to Haiji. The gag-order keeps the matter from getting out of hand. He’s also tacitly asking the twins to not take sides.

They seem to understand. Jota points out “Well, we know he’s not a bad guy.” Jouji qualifies: “But he can be really irritable.”

Prince says he was so upset he stayed up all night reading manga. 

-I feel you Prince. I too drown my sorrows in fiction.

For some reason the twins feel the need to confirm it was manga that he was reading. I say, does it matter?

After the episode title: Mismatched Runners, we see Haiji opening the rice cooker and seeing that it has rice left over.

Haiji: “Someone besides Kakeru isn’t eating”.

-So not only did KK (presumably) go on his morning jog alone, he also skipped breakfast. To avoid the team? Or was he just too into his training that it ran late?

Prince asks if Haiji thinks he’ll actually acquire the required record.

Prince asks this haltingly, like he’s afraid of the answer.

-Its obvious Kakeru’s words were a huge blow to him, especially considering his genuine efforts and how supportive everyone else is being. But because KK is an actual runner, his opinion has more impact; like it did with Nico. So, it makes sense that he wants Haiji’s opinion, who is also a runner.

Wait. What if this is why Haiji was silent most of the last episode when it came to KK’s behavior? We know KK comes from a (presumably strong) running school. Bram mentioned in a comment to the previous review that most of what Haiji does is deliberate. I think so too, but I couldn’t figure out a reason for his silence in the face of Kakeru’s aggressive assertiveness. What if, like Nico, and Prince here, he too is was influenced by KK’s opinions as a runner, especially considering that Haiji isn’t a real coach. Even as he became increasingly worried about KK’s health, Haiji silently let Kakeru express his opinions because he thought they might help push the team forward. It is only after KK hurt Hana that Haiji intervened because he saw that, in his zeal, KK was starting to hurt others as well as himself.

Back to Prince, Haiji is quick to encourage him. He tells him that his time is improving. At Prince’s doubtful silence Haiji reveals he enjoys running with him, truly. “Running next to you makes me feel like I can reconsider what it means to run.”

Continuity: this is a topic we know occupies Haiji’s mind. Now we see exactly how much.

As he continues, we get a flashback of Haiji in physical therapy: “Right foot forward, left foot forward, slowly increasing your pace. You used to walk, but before you know it, it looks like you’re running. I’m re-experiencing the excitement of running.”

High school Haiji.

In contrast to Present Haiji’s words, Past Haiji looks like he’s suffering immensely as he forces himself to walk, while supporting himself with handlebars. I loved this scene. Haiji’s so mysterious that any backstory on him is interesting. This scene is also incredibly well done with gorgeous music (In a World Where Running Is from the OST) and just a hint of Past Haiji’s pained, shuddering gasps being heard through Present Haiji’s narration.

Admirable Fortitude.

The flashback reminded me of something Nico asked Kakeru about Haiji a while back: “Why is he so confident?” This might be it. When you overcome adversity, it leaves you stronger. Haiji sees his recovering self in Prince. But probably feels Prince has an advantage in that he is healthy and not recovering from an injury. Conversely, he sees Kakeru as himself pre-injury, presumably when all he cared about were times. I think this puts him a wonderfully unique position where he can emphasize with both. It is also probably why he was careful to tell the twins to not have a “weird bias”.

Prince says he’s not sure he understands Haiji’s words.

-Well, yeah. Unlike us, he didn’t see the flashback. As absorbed as he is in his manga. does Prince even know about Haiji’s injury? Haiji doesn’t seem the type to talk about himself, either.

But Prince then goes on to say that he thinks he does, however, understand enjoying doing something together. “We read the same comics together at the same time.” He describes the joy of counting down to start, flipping the pages in tandem and having their thoughts synchronized. “Even if we don’t share our thoughts, it feels like we’ve thoroughly discussed the content.”

Haiji hears him out, then says “I see. He then goes on to say that it is difficult for him to understand Prince. The bookworm replies, “Of course it is,” as if he never expected Haiji to, in the first place. 

Language Note: These last two quotes are my own translation. Not that it makes much of a difference. But I though viewers might be interested in how it could been translated.

-This conversation reminds me of Yuki trying to understand Nico’s reason for running. I said it at the time, and it seems especially true here: even if you can’t reach complete comprehension of another person, sometimes just the effort is enough. Prince and Haiji here are a perfect example

At the university cafeteria, our beloved idiot brothers have already spilled the tea to Yuki, Shindo, and Musa.

Shindo is horrified while Yuki, after logically arguing that it would be impossible for Prince to suddenly get faster, sighs carelessly that this means he’ll be their first drop-out.

-Oi! Stop acting flippant, Yuki. I saw that sweatdrop. You’re actually as worried as anyone else.

Zoom in and you’ll find it on his cheek.

Musa is quick to say that Haiji will never accept it. Shindo eagerly asks what Haiji had to say. The two recall his orders: not to worry, not to be biased, not to tell anyone.

The twins realizing they disobeyed Haiji.

Yuki speaks for everyone when he says “You guys are such idiots.” They are, but there are so freaking lovable. You can’t help but forgive them. It helps that the other teammates are all mature so we know they’ll heed Haiji’s instructions. No harm no foul.

Later we see Prince reading manga while on the treadmill. Despite what happened he doesn’t plan on quitting. Good for him.

We also see Nico for the first time at the Kansei University grounds. He has dark under eye circles and is drinking milk from a carton. As he laments his growling stomach he’s approached by Haiji, still in his apron.

Haiji stops to catch his breath. It takes him a while. We then see him hilariously chasing Nico through a flower field with a lunch box, like they’re in some sort of skit or commercial.

Nico yells at him to stop chasing him. Haiji’s pleased he found him despite Nico hiding in the last place he’d look; that place being the university.

-Lol! No wonder he fails his classes. This also explains why Haiji was panting so hard. He’s been running all over looking for Nico. Did he forget to remove his apron? And how much cooler can he get that he doesn’t care about how funny he looks?

He’s pushing Nico to eat the bento (boxed lunch) he made. Nico replies, “I don’t want it! It doesn’t look good for a grown ass man to accept a lunch from another grown ass man!”

This is because in Japan the stereotype is that homemade bentos are usually made by wives or girlfriends .

Haiji tells him not to worry, his food looks perfect.

Nico: “That’s not what I mean!”

Haiji says he knew something was up as there was exactly one extra serving of rice left over.

-I don’t get it. Earlier in the episode Haiji said someone “besides Kakeru wasn’t eating” , now he’s saying there was only one serving left. If Kakeru isn’t eating either wouldn’t there be two servings left? Unless, maybe KK had told Haiji before-hand that he wouldn’t need breakfast? That would make sense; despite his awkwardness he tries to be polite so it seems like something he’d do.

-I do wonder why Kakeru isn’t eating. The only other time he refused was when he first came to Aotake and told Haiji he didn’t want to owe him anything. Maybe after the fight he feels too angry/awkward to eat with them.

Nico comments on how close Haiji’s watching them. Haiji explains that he plans their meals carefully down to volume and nutritional value. Shocked, Nico finally stops his escape to ask how long Haiji has been doing this. The younger tenant tells him since he took charge of the cooking, so four years now.

After finally catching his breath, Haiji tells the astounded Nico not to rush and that there’s no reason to panic. “You’ll probably get it eventually.”(Kito)

Nico calls him out on not saying “definitely,” (Zettai) Haiji says he’ll change his mind if Nico eats properly. Then shows him the lunch which features bento art of Nico.

A man of many talents: Haiji’s instagram worthy bento.

-Incidentally, I think this is actually the first scene we’ve had of these two alone together. We’ve been told that they’ve known each other the longest. We’ve heard Nico talk to Kakeru about Haiji. We know Nico is older, but that he’s used to being looked out for by Haiji. Here, we see that even as a former member of track, he allows himself to be guided by the younger athlete. We also see them interact as equals with mutual respect and regard. No wonder Yuki approached Haiji about Nico in the previous episode.

At afternoon practice, Yuki impresses everyone when he overtakes both Nico and King on the track.

-Now that he’s decided to run seriously, he’s improving very quickly. This fits his perfectionist personality.

On the other hand, Kakeru’s times have been steadily decreasing, presumably due to him going overboard with his practice and not resting enough.

We also (finally!) see Haiji running during practice, and not just to supervise Prince. Rather he’s running off the track the same time as half the team is racing, with Shindo taking over the stopwatch to time the others.

Blink and you’ll miss him.

At their after-practice meeting, Haiji tells everyone that in three weeks their times have improved due to their sticking to his menu, which means they have a chance of doing well at tomorrow’s meet.

-Well, everyone except KK but then he isn’t listening to Haiji’s advice that he needs to rest too.

Haiji then states that the team needs all members to make it Hakone, since they do not have any substitutes.

He’s talking to you, Kakeru. You too, Prince.

-It’s interesting that these two ended up sitting next to each other. Prince’s posture however hints that he still feels a bit sad and/or uncomfortable, despite Haiji’s encouragement. He’s probably worried about what will happen if he doesn’t run well the next day. Conversely, Kakeru is looking up, so he’s probably looking forward to the meet.

Haiji adds “Let’s all attend tomorrow’s track meet so we can participate together.” But seemingly contradicts himself when he says he’ll announce which members will be running. 

Everyone is confused. Jouta asks “It’s not everyone?” 

Haiji tells him “It’s everyone. We’ll all go. Running isn’t everything.

Prince and Kakeru become antsy. No doubt KK is recalling Haiji telling him that he won’t run while Prince is wondering if he’ll be chosen or not.

Haiji names Jouta, Jouji, Shindo, Musa, and Yuki as the participants.

-Well played, Haiji. Despite telling Kakeru in the previous episode that he’ll only let those without records run, Haiji splits the team in half.

Shindo, Musa and the twins have always done well, from the beginning, so it makes sense for them to be chosen. I think Yuki looked quite shocked that he’ll be running but it fits. This is probably Haiji’s way of encouraging him and rewarding his progress.

As to those not chosen, we already knew KK won’t be. But by keeping Prince out as well Haiji effectively voids Kakeru’s ultimatum. As to Nico, he has obviously overworked himself with exercise and dieting so he isn’t in the ideal shape to run. Then by keeping both himself and King from running (even though they’re probably fine) Haiji keeps the trio from feeling singled out. He also successfully diverts KK and Prince from thinking his choices were driven by their fight. Although I’m sure that was the case. Haiji is a loving parent putting an end to an argument between his children.

Said kids are all visibly shook and confused. Prince’s expression then becomes contemplative while Kakeru’s contorts in anger. He stands up and looks at Haiji menacingly.

Act Two

It is now the next day and we see the members preparing at the track meet.

Haiji is signing the team in, Musa and Shindo change, Nico and King are preparing drinks while Prince is helping Yuki stretch. Kakeru stands apart from the others, closest to the track with his arms crossed.

-As pissed off as he looked in the previous scene, I’m actually surprised to see Kakeru there and wonder how Haiji convinced him. He seems like he’s interested in the other teams but he might just be feigning interest because he feels awkward.

Jouta and Jouji, sitting closet to him ponder where the Rikudo team is. They talk about how strong and cool Fujioka’s team looked in all-white, highlighting their team’s strength. They then compare them to their team, Kansei Uni, that doesn’t even have matching track suits and how no one can even tell who they are unless their racing uniforms are in view.

Kakeru listens in on their conversation discussion and it gives insight into his mind. It reminds us how upset he was when he heard Fujioka will be skipping future meets. But the fact that even the twins are lamenting how lacking their team is makes it more likely that KK (who was in a strong team) is as well. Though I think he’s more concerned with the team’s overall inexperience rather than uniforms. Looks like Sakaki might have been right after all.

At the starting line, Shindo says that despite it being their second time, he’s still nervous. Musa points out that it’s because its their second time. Yuki says “Practice should be just as hard.”

Language note: I felt the phrasing of this to be odd. Even if the translation is correct it would be easier to understand if it had been “It shouldn’t be harder than practice.” As I suspect that was the intended meaning. A literal translation isn’t always best.

While Musa ponders if they’ll lever get used to the atmosphere, Shindo says they probably shouldn’t. Yuki admires his sentiment.

Yuki: “Nicely said.” Indeed.

I like how vocal Yuki is with his praise to Shindo here. And in the previous episode he admired King’s energy. I want to say that Yuki’s a closeted supportive-type but that would be inaccurate. He stood up for Haiji when King wouldn’t train with them, he reassured Musa he was just as strong as his fellow exchange students, and he tried making KK feel welcome his first night. He also warned Haiji about Nico exerting himself. But he does most of this so smoothly that it’s easy to forget.

The twins plan their run, with Jouta saying he’ll run on the inside, and Jouji telling him he’ll create space in front of him, and that he should run ahead if he can. They discuss how similar races feel to their soccer games, when they would take each other’s positions to confuse the opposing team. They call the race a “game” and mention how they like it.

These two exchanges serve to show how invested our runners are.

The remaining members watch in anticipation the beginning of the race. King mentions that he feels nervous. Nico says it’ll be fine since “they’re the elite team.”

-Nico seems to have realized that Haiji chose the athletes who are at their best.

As Kakeru watches his participating teammates, he recalls what happened the previous day after Haiji’s announcement.

He had stubbornly declared that he will run, but Haiji takes the wind out of his sails by telling him that he registered in advance.

Kakeru angrily asks what he’s training for, then. Haji responds with what he’s been telling them all along: “Hakone. You’ve already got your record.”

Kakeru is infuriated. “That’s not what this is about! You should understand better than anyone how it feels not to be able to run when you want to!”

I live for these details. Kakeru’s in the dark.

-Ouch. I think this is the first time Haiji’s injury has been alluded to so openly.

-Kakeru here is directly quoting what Nico told him about Haiji. I wonder how Nico feels about that. A collection of sighs and low groans is emitted from the group at Kakeru’s desperate appeal.

Check out the sunset.

Haiji remains calm. He tells KK with an inward smile that he does understand, and he knows that he wants to run more than anything. But then adds more firmly that he also knows “you don’t see what running is about”.

Haiji’s in the light. Symbolism, anyone?

He tells a shaken Kaeru to stop and take in the view, then slowly start running again. He ends it what is perhaps the most surprising statement of all: “Be like Prince and Nico-chan Senpai,” shocking all three men at what he could mean, since Kakeru is obviously infinitely faster than those two.

– Haiji here is referring to both Nico and Prince’s mental strength. While Kakeru is fast, he is also emotionally fragile. This has been proven by how much the first meet damaged him.

Nico can’t believe he’s being used as a example for Kakeru
Neither can Prince. Both are partially highlighted by the sunset. Meaning is open to interpretation.

And here I was wondering how Haiji calmed Kakeru’s anger. By telling him to be like Nico and Prince, he forces him to recognize their tenacity. He also encourages these two who had been collaterally damaged, though in different ways, by Kakeru’s fixation.

– Haiji is a master at knowing what to say and how to say it. Also, him not getting angry even when attacked where it hurts, probably made an impression on temperamental Kakeru. But what makes his advice truly effective is the care behind it. He’s stern, but kind. He assuages KK by empathizing with him, but pushes him to grow past his obsession. The fact that he has Kakeru’s best interest at heart is what makes his words stick.

Back in the present, Prince’s shirt has “why” written on, undoubtedly reflecting his mood. He tells Kakeru “I don’t think I’ve narrowly escaped. If anything you could say I’ve got no way out now.”

-He’s talking about KK’s challenge and how his not being chosen to run is enough for Kakeru to demand he leave the team.

KK is perturbed at Prince’s depressed tone and words. Overhearing their conversation, King chimes in to say, “Oh, right. I hear you said something to Prince. You’re a first-year, right?”

-King, you’re the only one who cares about the senpai-kouhai hierarchy. Also, no one asked you to take sides, so don’t.

Thankfully, Nico warns him to not stir things up by simply saying his name in his usual mild tone.

KK seems a bit abashed, and, by way of apology, says “That was the heat of the moment.”

But when Prince asks if he takes it back, he stubbornly refuses, saying that he’s taking things seriously in his own way. Nico sighs and says “you finally said what was on your mind.” When Kakeru starts, Nico assures him that he’s not blaming him.

-Nico here makes Kakeru realize that he’s been expressing himself more. And even though his style leaves much to be desired, it’s still progress. Which is why Nico made a point of telling him he’s not blaming him. Otherwise, KK might go back to being his silent emo self who only shouts out his frustrations when they bubble over.

Before the race starts, Prince comments that he can’t believe he’s watching a race, and that he never would have imagined this a month ago.

-It wasn’t intentional, but Prince’s statement reminded KK that Prince, like the others, is completely new to this world, and that he hadn’t entered it on his own.

Meanwhile Haiji is looking at his watch, getting ready to time his runners, only to have his vision blur. Haiji’s eyes widen in shock, before he furrows his brows.

This is very concerning.

-I noticed here that Haiji too has under eye circles. We also recall that he was panting very heavily when he caught up with Nico to bring him lunch. What’s wrong with him?

The race starts. KK hears King say that, in the previous race, he was so focused on running he couldn’t even think about his time.

-Again, hopefully this serves to remind Kakeru that his teammates are all amateurs, and he should go a bit easier on them.

The race progresses, and the Kansei members manage to hold on even as the group of runners increase their pace. Kakeru, perhaps for the first time truly sees how hard his teammates are trying.

So hard, he recalls the wind in his own ears as he was racing against Fujioka. So hard, that their expressions remind him of the Rikudo champion’s. It’s like something finally clicks in his mind. So overcome is he that his mouth drops open.

And its not just the runners. He sees Nico, King, and Haiji cheer with all their might. It spurs him to start cheering as well, shouting as hard as he could. Even Prince stirs from his corner and stars mouthing something to his friends.

The cheering squad catches the attention of the runners, and they all give open mouthed smiles.

After the race, we learn that none of the team members got records, although they were close. King really thought they would, as close as they were. Nico points out that Yuki even achieved a new best time, and that it wasn’t bad at all.

Yuki: “When I think about how I have to run again it makes me want to puke.”

-Nice to see these two as friendly as ever in their own quirky way.

Shindo seems most down about it. The ever alert Haiji tells him it was too bad, and that he was close. Shindo admits “I waited too long in the middle. I should have gone sooner.” He also adds that he realized he isn’t someone who can win at sprints.

Haiji tells him “You sound like a long distance runner,” making Shindo smile in pleasure. After all that’s what they’re all aiming to be.

Dedicated Shindo.

-Seriously, how does Haiji always know just what to say? I want that super power.

The twins then mention how Haiji’s cheering made them laugh mid race. And that, despite feeling embarrassed, it actually made them run faster.

He looked absolutely insane. It was hilarious. And moving.

Musa concurs, saying that support is really truly essential.

Haiji is touched that his boys came to this understanding. He gives a small genuine smile.

Nice. It’s been a while since we’ve seen one.

Musa continues saying “Just thinking that these two were saying something to me made my vision blurry.”

Musa is such a sweetheart.

Which two? He means Prince an KK. He bows his thanks in their direction, much to their consternation.

But they can’t run from the truth. The twins inform them that Musa’s has amazing eyesight, he can even see the apartment building from the Skytree (look it up). Yuki yells that they souldn’t lie.

Writing tip: this was a great way to slip in some characterization.

Prince doesn’t miss this opportunity to embarrass KK by telling the others that he was calling thei names.

Kakeru, mortified, counters “So were you!”

Prince: “I was barely speaking.”

Prince points out he was just barely speaking. But that KK was shouting. He adds, “I was so embarrassed I didn’t know what to do,” before walking away.

Prince is such a troll.

I love Prince here. His teasing is a bit petty, but I think, in his own way, he was also sticking up for KK. Letting the others know that Kurahara was cheering for them is his way of showing that he isn’t harboring any grudge against him.

Of course, this goes over our dear Dunce Kakeru’s head. He thinks he’s being mocked as revenge for telling Prince to quit. He’s conflicted, and reaches out like he wants to say something to Prince but doesn’t know what. But Nico gets it. He happily grabs him, rubbing his head as he laughs, and says “He’s a good guy at heart.”

Nico is such a Dad.

I think this is Nico’s way of letting KK know that Prince wasn’t actually being malicious. But again, it goes over KK’s head, instead, he’s annoyed at Nico’s roughhousing and feels upset and embarrassed at being teased.

Kakeru’s such a teen.

-It’s a beautiful moment and while no one got records, I think Haiji considers it a great victory for their team

He says as much. Haiji happily thanks those who ran and those who cheered, and says that because of everyone’s efforts their times improved a lot. He reiterates that they took a huge step forward, and they should have faith. They have plenty of chances.

Smiles all around. Except for KK.

Shindo gives an energetic “Hai!” (yes) while Yuki coolly says “Well, it’s not my style to end on a loss.” Damn straight, Mr. “Passed the Bar on my first try as a third year”.

As always, it takes a while for Kakeru to react. But Haiji’s words seem to finally resonate with him. He slowly gives a tiny smile.

Nice to see this. Again, it’s been a while.

The smile also gives hope that, after regressing a bit, KK’s starting to move forward again.

At the Aotake, the team is having another after-meet celebration in the twins’ room. Haiji is cooking dinner in a wok. It’s fried rice and we’re reminded of his culinary prowess. Those things are HEAVY.

My favorite place, where poignant conversations happen.

Unlike with their first after-meet party, where Kakeru was so annoyed, this time he’s helping out in the kitchen, as he was prone to do, before that cursed TSU meet rattled him.

-This, too, hints that he’s returning back to normal, or his new normal where he had been slowly but surely starting to fit in at the Aotake.

As he cooks, Haiji asks Kakeru what it was like, watching from the outside. “Did you see anyone run half-assed?” he says gently, quoting Kakeru’s unfair accusation. Without waiting for an answer, he adds “I didn’t. Everyone was running as hard as they could. Not just us. Everyone was.”

Kakeru’s reply is sincere: “I understand what you are trying to say. When they failed to achieve official records, I was as disappointed as if it was me.” He adds “I felt for the first time the earnestness of the people cheering around me.”

I do not doubt this. We’ve seen Kakeru’s old coach cheer for him, but that was for his own selfish reasons. And his high school team members, jealous as they were of Kakeru’s talent, probably never cheered for him so honestly.  

Kakeru repeats that he does understand Haiji, but adds “I still don’t think we can do it. Even if everyone achieves an official record.”

-Like Nico said earlier, he’s finally able to say what he thinks, what has truly been bothering him all this time. He wants to go to Hakone, but doesn’t think they can.

Haiji continues cooking silently. It’s unlike him, and we see him sway a bit. KK continues expressing his fears, looking away, perhaps in sadness, when a sudden thud interrupts him. Haiji has collapsed on the floor.

A stunned Kakeru can only watch as the wok follows the same path, dropping on the floor, and spilling all the rice.

Kakeru: AKA “slow at everything except running.”.

Damn. That was unexpected. It was so good. Having Haiji drop off-screen was genius as it adds to the intrigue of what’s wrong with him. The symbolism of the spilled rice creates feelings of apprehension to viewers. Then there’s Kakeru who was paralyzed with horror.


Poor boy can’t even save a wok from falling off a stove. All joking aside, it just shows how affected he was. The fear and concern on his face and in his voice were genuine. Loved it.

Kakeru: “Haiji-san!”

Grade: 10/10

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Run With the Wind Episode Eight Review: A Dangerous Character

Warning: this review contains spoilers up to the end of this episode.

Disclaimer: All images have been screen captured from Crunchyroll and belong to their respective owners. I am using them to promote this show and will delete them if/when I am asked to do so.


It is evening when Kakeru arrives at the Aotake building. From the outside, he can see light and hear laughter coming from the twins’ second floor room. Inside, he sees Jouji carrying a plate of Karaage chicken up to his room. The younger twin tells Kakeru he thought he’d reach the apartment building before them.

-Kakeru had been running, while the others were in the van. Either Jouji thinks that highly of Kakeru’s speed or Haiji’s driving is just that bad. Probably both. In the previous episode, Haiji had mentioned the trip took longer than he’d thought.

Kakeru asks what they’re doing. Jouji tells him they’re having an after-party.

“Not a review session?” Kakeru asks. The blond first year tells him with a smile, “You could call it that.” He tells Kakeru to join them after he changes.

– Maybe Kakeru arrived later because he just ran until he felt better. It must have taken a while. We’ve seen him run as a way to deal with his frustrations before. He seems much calmer now than when he took off in the previous episode. Speaking of which, Jouji is acting as if that never happened and treating Kakeru normally. Nice.

At the twins’ room, Prince talks about how disappointed he was at the lack sportsmanship amongst the runners, and that he was elbowed as soon as the race started.

-Methinks real life doesn’t hold a candle to the blood, sweat and friendship depicted in his beloved sports manga.

The twins say they know how he feels. King too, says someone shoved him from behind.

-We actually saw this happen to Shindo as well, in the previous episode.

Prince adds it made him lose all desire to run.

-This is very interesting to me. The way he speaks implies that there was some desire, to begin with. Or maybe he’s just giving an excuse for his performance. Not that he needs to, but maybe he feels that he does.

Haiji is uncharacteristically silent. He seems somehow down, and lost in his own thoughts as he chews his food. Nico studies him for a bit, I think to see if he plans on saying anything (i.e. to Kakeru) after the awkwardness at the bus.

-At first, I thought Nico been looking at KK, but his eyes shift slightly more to the right when he starts talking to him. He was definitely looking at Haiji first.

At Haiji’s silence, Nico addresses Kakeru himself, telling him that he must not understand everyone’s complaints.

Yuki is quick to back him up, and points out that Kakeru was running so fast, he was completely alone.

The newest member of Aotake is quick to refute this, but everyone else chimes in on how amazing he was. Musa mentions it was impressive that he got third place in his first race and how he heard people asking about him. The twin’s add, “especially the girls.” King goes as far as to say he felt sorry to be wearing the same uniform.

Haiji finally speaks, to tell Kakeru “good work” and give him a toast. Everyone does as well, clinking their glasses to his. Kakeru looks silently as the liquid in his glass sloshes around.

– Like Jouji, I like how no one mentioned KK’s burst of anger. It’s like they all tacitly understand he’s upset and are giving him space. More than that, they’re trying to help him move past it.

-The scene of the toast is very telling. Everyone moved towards Kakeru, who sat put in his seat. They eagerly hit his glass with their own, while his own hand remained still, his drink dancing around in it gently. I found it all very symbolic as to how accepting they all were of him, and how they’re all on the same wavelength, but he isn’t. It’s a continuation of the isolation theme. It’s not like Kakeru’s trying to be a jerk, he’s just not good when it comes to social situations. This has been canon for a while now. At the same time, the liquid being pushed around could hint at his inner turbulence; and that he feels pressured by an outside force.

I am worried about Haiji though. It is unlike him to not be proactive. He was too quiet. Maybe he’s worried about his knee which was bumped into by another runner during the race. Or maybe he’s just tired from double frying the Karaage. Either way, I’m glad Nico and the others were there to help ease whatever tension was left.

Act One

After the opening credits Shindo asks Haiji how they did. Haiji answers with a question of his own:

“What do you think?”

Prince hides his face in his bangs and book.

King calls him out on not wanting to respond.

-To be fair, Haiji had already applauded their efforts at the meet. It’s natural to want to know how they rate their own performance.

Musa is the first to give an honest response, that it didn’t go as well as he hoped. Jouta says it was fun at first, but Jouji then admits he couldn’t find a proper pace. Shindo seems unhappy and says it hurts when there are winners and losers. Even the usually cheerful Jouji says he couldn’t beat his best time. The ever-analytical Yuki says that since none of them achieved official records, the meet was a failure. Unlike the others, he doesn’t count Haiji and Kakeru’s time as an achievement probably since he thought it was a given for them.

-I disagree. Maybe it’s true for Kurahara but we had no idea how Haiji would do seeing as how we never saw him run before then. But Yuki’s opinion here shows that, except for KK and maybe Nico, the others probably don’t know about Haiji’s injury. Or if they did, they probably think he’s already back at %100.

Haiji consoles them: “Practice and races are different. If anything, experiencing that was a major achievement.” He starts saying that the more they get used to races, the better their times will be, but Kakeru interrupts: “Practicing like that, will we make it in time?”

Haiji is quick to assure him, adding that they’ll attend another meet in two weeks at the Kikui Uni, and starting tomorrow they’ll practice even harder with a new training menu. The twins recoil. King asks to take a day off. Prince who had been mostly silent chimes in to say that they need to “cool down” after a race.

-Oh, Prince. You’re just dreading the practice, aren’t you? Also, you were reading this whole time, probably to avoid discussing your own performance, but you were also listening.

Coach Haiji patiently tells him that there’s no need to take the whole day off, since long distance running is about running every day. Prince gives his standard grimace, but doesn’t complain anymore.

Kakeru says that he doesn’t mind starting now; that’s how seriously they should be taking the results of the meet. He gazes intently at Haiji, “We’re going to Hakone, right?”

His eyes and tone are firm. Hard, even. Almost challenging.

Haiji doesn’t reply. It’s hard to tell what he’s thinking, but if I were him, I’d be “Oh boy. A beast has been awakened.”

Nico is too stunned at Kakeru’s change of heart to say anything. Remember, he and Kakeru had both agreed they won’t make it to Hakone in a previous conversation.

Yuki, however, who has proven to be just as dependable as Nico in diffusing tense situations, asks with a mollifying smile what’s up with KK. Shindo is also quick to appease, saying to not worry, they plan on making it to Hakone.

Kakeru then accuses them of having a party instead of a review meeting.

Again, Haiji stares back at him, but doesn’t reply.

Shindo mildly ventures that he thought they was reviewing. Nico agrees, but Yuki quickly points out that he had too much to drink for that to be true for him. The twins say that both reviewing and relaxing are important and that they’ll work hard tomorrow. Prince checks his phone and mentions that it’s raining tomorrow. When Yuki jokes that his jeans would absorb a lot of water, Kakeru finally loses it.

“Stop fooling around!” he says, slamming his glass on the table and effectively ruining everyone’s mood.

-The prologue ended with Kakeru’s drink gently swaying in his glass. This scene ended with him slamming that same glass, spilling its contents on the table. Forget different wavelengths; the difference in their points of view is greater than that. They’re doing their best to try help him relax, he’s doing all he can to make them more serious. And it’s not like they don’t want to try for Hakone. But achieving the level of tension that would appease Kakeru is probably impossible for the Aotake members. Knowing the kind of team Kakeru used to be in, it’s no surprise that he finds this environment lacking. But is that really a bad thing?

After the episode title, we see Kakeru getting a drink of water alone in the kitchen. Nico joins him and says while he knows how KK feels, he also sympathizes with the others, adding that it takes courage (yuki, in Japanese) to face things head on.

Kakeru says that it’s something they should already have, when they decided to race. Nico responds “Sure, you do.” He points out that KK is amazing for being able to compete with Fujioka. KK responds that he wasn’t at all, since he couldn’t do anything at the final lap. Nico points out that there was nothing the rest of them could do from the first lap, to which the younger man points out that’s exactly why they should all be serious about training.

-This here is the main reason why he’s upset. He lost. Like Shindo said, it hurts when there are winners and losers. This might even be Kakeru’s first loss ever, since he was such a champion in Sendai, his old town.

Nico then asks KK for advice, since he’s so heavy, he doesn’t feel that he can be a good runner.

-During this conversation, Kakeru’s slightness seems to be emphasized. I think this was an artistic decision to contrast his build with Nico’s.

The older tenant says his high school coach told him his build wasn’t meant for long distance running. He points out that this truth hit him once again when he and King got similar times,even though King had taken several days off practice.

Someone sneaks in the hall, walking carefully so as not to make noise. It is Yuki, who probably realized Nico had followed KK, and got worried. He listens in on their conversation. Kakeru points out that the reason Nico confided in him was that he was actually frustrated, when he quit track; that he can’t give it up. Nico say’s that’s probably true. When he overhears this, Yuki hangs his head a bit, and looks low, like he lost something.

Nico then tells Kakeru, with a smile, that, as frustrated as he was when he quit track, it made him that much happier to once again stand at a starting line. “I never thought I’d get to taste that again.” KK encourages Nico that he should then keep running, and that they’ll both do their best.

The next morning Kakeru and Nico opt out of the morning jogging session. They leave a message with the others to Haji that they want to run at their own pace in the morning.

Yuki hears this without commenting.

-I said it before, but I think Yuki feels especially close to Nico. Despite his complaints, perhaps even, despite himself, he looks up to him and takes his cues from him. He kept bugging Nico using multiple methods to try to find out his reasons for running. But even after he finally opened up to him, Yuki couldn’t emphasize with the reason Nico gave him. He hadn’t even known Nico did high school track before Haiji mentioned it. Seeing how easily Nico was discussing the same topic with Kakeru, who only joined Aotake recently, must have hurt a bit. But I think he probably understands that, unlike him, it’s because running is something those two have in common.

Hanako, on her bike sees both Kakeru and Nico on their morning training.

She calls out to “Kurahara-san” but he’s so focused that he doesn’t even hear her.

-Still on last name basis. I suspect she’s being set up as a romantic interest. We’ll see.

That evening, the twins are hanging out in Nico’s room, doing their stretches together, since they’re too tired to walk up to their own room. Prince is there as well, using his computer. Nico is fiddling with his wire (voodoo) dolls as the twins groan in pain. Nico first yells at them that it’s making him feel creepy, like the doll is being tortured. When their groans turn into cries of pleausure he yells at them again for being gross. Confused, they ask why he’s in a bad mood and wonder if it’s withdrawal.

Even Prince is feeling awkward .

-The fact that they can’t figure out Nico’s complaints show their lack of experience. The girl-crazy duo is actually pure. I like them better for it. It’s cute.

This is one of the funniest scenes in the entire show. And it keeps getting better when Prince sees Nico’s cigarette case wrapped in wire and goes crazy.

You know it’s about manga cause that the only time Prince becomes so expressive.

This time it’s the twins’ turn to be creeped out. It looks like witchcraft. Senpai explains he only did it to keep from accidentally smoking. Prince attacks him with an an otaku-geek rant on how Nico Senpai is like boxer Rikishi (from Joe), a manga character who went to great lengths to train himself before finally dying in the ring. The twins are only mildly impressed by this story.

Prince:”That’s it?!” I totally get you Prince. Non-otakus can’t understand.

They tell Nico “Don’t die while standing during the Hakone Ekiden.”

-This may be a flag (foreshadowing).

Prince, moved by Nico’s dedication, decides to go ahead and purchase a treadmill (his original purpose for being there and using Nico’s computer) despite how expensive it is.

Prince: “The button is so far…”

As the cursor wavers over it, the twins cheer him on loudly until Yuki bursts into the room angrily at their noise, and yells at them to go to their own room. Nico in turn yells at Yuki to stay out of his room.

– So. Freaking. Hilarious. I love these guys. But there are also important things to take away from the scene: Prince is serious enough to want to spend his precious money on a treadmill when he hasn’t even bought running wear yet. He says it’s cause “he’s always telling us to practice” so he at least wants to read manga while he does, but this progress is admirable. I’m super proud.

– It makes total sense for Yuki to be annoyed by the noise. But I wouldn’t be surprised if another reason is also how easily everyone is just hanging out at fatherly Nico’s room. Meanwhile he’s probably playing it like the cool kid who couldn’t care less. It’s interesting how Nico instantly kicks him out, especially consider how he was much gentler earlier when he tried to get the younger members to leave. To me, there might be a very logical explanation for this. When Nico tells Prince to use Yuki’s computer, Prince tells him Yuki would never allow it. Nico agrees and adds especially with the twins accompanying him. Meaning, Yuki’s room is probably off limits to everyone. I think Nico treats others the way they treat him. Everyone’s always hanging out in the twins’ room, so he lets them into his. When Kakeru questions him, he asks clear direct questions so Nico gives him clear answers. On the other hand, he kicks Yuki out of his room and evades his roundabout queries, only answering when asked directly. He probably does this unintentionally. Or it might be his way of teaching Yuki to be more tolerant of others and forthcoming. It matches his fatherly personality.

While all this ruckus is happening, Kakeru arrives at his room, panting heavily. He has always been training on his own, in addition to running with the others. But we’ve only ever seen him this exhausted when he runs as a coping mechanism when frustrated. This time, there is also an almost manic glint in his eye that hadn’t been there before

A dangerous character.

Act Two

After the mid-episode break we see the others at the park preparing for their afternoon training sessions. King and the twins study the new menu, and comment on how Haiji had increased both the length of their fixed-pace runs as well as the build ups. Haiji informs them that he considered their individual levels, but that he plans on increasing the intensity of practice any way he can.

KK would usually be warming up closer to the team. Distance is symbolic.

-Poor Prince’s mouth is agape in horror. He looks at Haiji likehe’s spelling his doom.

Yuki asks Haiji if that’s safe, as build ups, which are speed training, are both exhausting and hard on the legs.

-Someone has been doing his homework. The other members are all very impressed, and ask if Yuki finally feels like running. Yuki is defensive and tells them he’s just worried about them.

When Nico teases him, Yuki tells him meaningfully:

Yuki: “If we injure ourselves, we’ll have nothing.”

– Yuki’s been good to run for a while now. But this spike in motivation is new, and, like Yuki’s decision to run, is a direct result of Nico. Now that the elder is more serious about Hakone, Yuki is too, but he seems intent on making sure Nico doesn’t go overboard.

Haiji admits that’s Yuki’s concerns have merit, and says that he’ll take care of it by adding interval runs. The others aren’t appeased at all, realizing that just means more exercise.

-I think what Haiji means is that, if they can’t do build ups, he’ll have them do intervals instead, which will give them a break in speed. I do it myself when I jog, only, I go from walking to jogging, being only around twice as old as these guys >_<

Kakeru tells them impatiently to start. As they run around the path, he almost runs into a staggering Prince. He asks him to clear the path and stay on the left side. He speaks in keigo (polite speech) but his tone is impatient. Haiji, who as always is running with and encouraging Prince, watches Kakeru in concern.

  • Speaking of Haiji. He’s always running at Prince’s pace, and managing everyone else’s training. When does he himself train?

After training they continue running even on the way back to Aotake. Kakeru who is far ahead of everyone, stops at a crosswalk to wait for Shindo and Musa to reach him. As he runs in place, he asks them if they’re going on their nightly jogs that evening. The two say that they’re too tired to do it, after the new training menu. KK is annoyed, and tells them if they decrease training after just adding to it, they would have gained nothing. Shindo points out that their nightly jogs were for getting members for their fan club. Interested, Kakeru asks how that has been going. He’s told that they’ve been slowly getting members, but Shindo’s too exhausted now to recruit. Kakeru is frustrated, and as he’s lost in thought he almost gets run over by a lady on a bike, despite Haiji warning him from behind.

The others catch up, and stop to take a breather. Kakeru immediately tells them to keep going and that they shouldn’t quit once they’ve started.

Everyone looks at him, but what’s he looking at?

-KK seems to not only be pushing himself, but the others too. He also seems to be acting like a leader. The others don’t seem to mind, although Haiji does seem to be worried about him.

At the Tsuro no yo bath house the twins are enjoying the hot bath (which they seem to have gotten used to by now).

-I was glad to see them there as they seemed to have been neglecting their hygiene for a while, based on what Nico said about them deferring their bath two days in a row. With all the running they’re doing, I doubt they can afford to skip even a day of washing.

Nico stands on the scale of the bath house and tsks in annoyance.

-I feel you all too well, Nico, believe me 🥲

Haiji and Yuki are at the sauna. Yuki comments to Haiji, “The bath is hell, but the sauna’s is pretty bad too.” Haiji tiredly tells him to make sure he hydrates himself. After a few beats Yuki tells him “I’m sure you know, but Nico-chan Senpai’s pushing himself too hard. Kakeru’s egging him on.”

Haiji’s wonder what he means, Yuki clarifies “He used to run track. Having a fast guy tell him he can do it probably makes him feel like he can. I think it’s dangerous.”

-I love Yuki here. His behavior shows a high level of maturity. He has realized that KK, as a runner, has more influence on Nico than he does. So, he goes to the other runner in the group, Haiji, who is also their (unofficial) leader with the information, knowing that he too can effect Nico and help him in ways that he, Yuki, cannot.

-The way Yuki gave this information was considerate as well. Him telling Haiji, “I’m sure you know” is very socially intelligent. It prevents the listener’s feathers from being ruffled. Not that Haiji is that type, (rather he seems very easy going) but it shows that even blunt analytical Yuki can be subtle when giving someone a head’s up. His assumption that Haiji knows also implies that maybe Haiji’s closer to Nico than Yuki is. It’s another possible reason why he thinks Haiji can help whereas he can’t.

-Maybe Yuki followed Haiji into the sauna just to tell him this.

At dinner, Yuki’s concerns are immediately made legit when Nico quickly gets up, after partaking very little of Haiji’s cooking. Yuki asks him if he had enough, Nico says yes, and that after quitting smoking food tastes better.

-Er, if that were true, you’d be eating more, not less, Nico.

King’s in high spirits, as he got a good response at his most recent interview when he mentioned training for Hakone. Meanwhile, Kakeru takes off to practice some more. Haiji, who had been feeding Nira, sees him on the way out. He tells him in his benign lyrical tone that he needs to rest his muscles as much as he trains them.

Kakeru replies that he had plenty of rest the past month.

-I assume he means the month before the track meet. It could also be a dig at Haiji’s training menu. I don’t want to assume that, though.

Again, it’s hard to know what Haiji thinks, just that his concern for Kakeru keeps growing.

More distance. Also, same moody colors as in first few episodes hint at a regression.

As he runs, Kakeru remembers Fujioka’s words that he should lead the team with Haiji. He also remembers Fujioka telling him “Aren’t you going for Hakone?”

-So we’ve got two possible reasons for KK’s motivation: wanting to lead the team and going to Hakone, and wanting to face Fujioka at Hakone. While he didn’t seem to care or think they’d make it before the meet, he’s obviously looking forward to it now. He probably wants a rematch with Fujioka.

Back at Aotake, Shindo tells Prince that his family has a treadmill they don’t use, and he’ll have them send it over. Prince is ecstatic, and shouts praises to God at this miracle.

-Poor guy. I knew he didn’t want to spend all that money. Speaking of which, it still doesn’t seem like he bought running wear yet. Maybe he will now.

-Seeing how the team members are interacting and helping each other is wholesome. It also highlights Kakeru’s isolation further by contrast.

The treadmill is delivered the next day by “Ogre express”. That logo is hilariously cute.

The noise caused by the treadmill infuriates Kakeru, whose room is below Prince’s. He takes off before the others to start afternoon practice.

-You’d think he’d be happier with Prince’s initiative.

At afternoon practice, Yuki asks Nico how he feels. Nico banters if this is an interview, then replies that he’s getting into shape. Hana times Kakeru, but when he hears the result, he exclaims angrily that it’s the same as the week before and accuses her of getting it wrong.

-This time that he doesn’t like, is actually called crazy fast by the others.

Kakeru tells her he’ll run again, and to “time it properly this time.”

You did not just do this KK.

The befuddled girl doesn’t know what to say, but seems hurt.

King: “What’s his problem?”

Haiji quickly intervenes. He firmly tells Kakeru to stick to their training menu, and that Hana’s times are good.

Kakeru apologizes.

-I’m glad he did. I think he realized he was unfairly taking out his anger on her.

Sweet Hana smiles awkwardly

– Call me crazy but I think these two would be good together. Hana handled herself maturely. She was also quick to forgive. I think she understood that his outburst wasn’t about her, and that, as an athlete, Kakeru is just frustrated about his own performance. She might have also noticed the dark circles under his eyes. Fatigue would cause most people to become easily irritated.

More distance.

I think this is when Haiji must have decided that enough is enough. In the next scene he tells Kakeru he doesn’t need to participate in the next meet, and that only those who haven’t gotten records yet will run.

– Haiji and Kakeru are sitting at the kitchen table, directly facing each other. It’s the first time in this episode. Unlike their usually mild interactions the air is tense.

Kakeru asks why, before immediately assuming its because his times haven’t gotten better. He adds that he needs to run to help him get back into shape.

-Oh, Kakeru. This assumption is very telling of the environment you used to be in. I feel sorry for him.

Haiji tells him running would be pointless, as he can’t see himself at the moment.

Kakeru’s brows furrow in anger and defiance. Haiji’s expression becomes sterner, as well, but relaxes a bit when Kakeru asks “Where should I leave my record?”

Haiji tries to appease him, with “there will be other meets” and starts reminding him that they’re focusing on Hakone, but before he can finish KK bangs his fist on the table in anger, and asks him if he wants him to waste an entire year (until Hakone, that is).

Here, for once, Haiji appears angry. He asks Kakeru if running to him is only about achieving records and abandoning those who fall behind. Kakeru is defensive. He reiterates what he told Haiji before, that running is competitive. He then points out that the team isn’t guaranteed to run in the Hakone qualifier. “Matching their half-assed speed won’t make me any faster.”

Haiji loses it here. He yells out “No one here is running half-assed,” stunning Kakeru into silence.

He’s like a parent upset that one child is belittling the efforts of another.

-It’s the first time we’ve ever seen Haiji lose his temper, and I must say it really ramps up the drama.

Frustrated, Haiji asks KK why he can’t see that everyone is doing their best.

“Is it because they’re slower than you? Is speed the only thing that matters to you? Then there’s no reason to run. Ride a bullet train Ride a plane. They’re faster.”

Kakeru stunned into silence at Haiji’s anger.

I think it’s because he’s never seen infinitely patient and kind Haiji angry before. He also doesn’t seem able to understand the words coming from his mouth. It’s like Haiji is speaking in an Alien tongue.

Haiji goes on to say: “Wake up, Kakeru. It’s not enough to just chase speed. It’s futile.”

Here, the camera pans to Haiji’s knee, so we viewers know Haiji speaks from experience.

Kakeru on the other hand, has gotten over his initial shock at Haiji’s yelling, and seems like he’s trying to comprehend Haiji’s meaning.

Given a few more seconds, he might have managed to put Haiji’s words and his injury together. Unluckily, Prince enters the kitchen at the most inopportune time, and asks if they’re fighting.

-It’s exactly like a child walking in on a adult’s argument.

Haiji calms down, and asks Prince if he wasn’t sleeping.

Prince responds that he came for a drink.

-He was probably reading, seeing as he’s still in his jeans.

Kakeru, who seems triggered that someone heard him being berated, excuses himself and takes off, like the angry teenager that he is. Haiji tries calling him back, telling him that they’re not finished.

Prince steps aside so KK can walk out, but at the door, Kakeru turns back and tells the unsuspecting Prince: If you’re only able to achieve the same time at the next meet, will you quit the team?”

You did not just do this, too.

Poor Prince’s eyes widen and mouth drops open in shock. As does Haiji’s. Kakeru then reiterates his request: “Please. For the team.”

-Kakeru’s ultimatum has nothing to do with the good of the team. If Prince leaves, they’ll be missing a member. Does he think they can somehow easily recruit someone else? I think he was just lashing out and Prince, as the weakest runner on the team, was a convenient outlet. It really is counterproductive, unfair, and untimely. I mean, it might have made more sense in the beginning, but Prince has just gotten a treadmill and seems to be making sincere efforts to get better. His shock here shows just how invested he is in the team. But Kakeru hasn’t noticed.

Best Scenes:

The entire episode was fantastic, start to finish. Both the humor and the drama were solid. But if I had to choose it would be the last scene in the kitchen. An angry Haiji isn’t something we normally see. And it was completely righteous anger. But it’s important to note that he was angry for Kakeru just as much he was angry with him. His advice was given in desperate frustration, like he’s seeing a train wreck about to happen and wants to stop it. Of course, he also hates how unfairly Kakeru is judging the team’s performance.

Best Lines

Haiji’s entire speech to Kakeru has a place here. But a few other lines got my attention due to the characterization they provide:

Prince: “My alphabetical order!” Prince, rearranging his manga perfectly in order to make room for the treadmill.

King: “Teacher says the field trip lasts until we get home.”

Yuki: “You’ve got energy to spare.”

King: “I’m really thinking about quitting today.”

It wasn’t so much the line, as it was Yuki’s expression when he said it. Yuki seems to respect hard work and dedication. Also, it’s nice to see that King has a sense of humor.

Twins: “You cursed us!” When Nico throws a wire doll at them. These two were fantastic this whole episode. The voice actors were wonderfully entertaining.


A few episodes ago, Kakeru asked Haiji to not let the Aotake members race at the TSU meet. He had been worried that they would get “hurt”. And yet, he’s the one hurting them now. Considering what Fujioka had told him, Kakeru may be trying to lead the team, but the “with Haiji” part doesn’t look like it got through at all. Instead, like Yuki commented, he’s gone back to how he was in the beginning. He used to run alone, then he started enjoying practice a bit, now he’s back to running solo. But this time it’s due to his newfound ambition, not because he’s still uncomfortable with the others.

Despite encouraging Nico, he’s only focusing on himself. Instead of finding ways to help the team, he’s just criticizing it. He’s impatient and curt. And like Yuki said, he might even have done damage to Nico, who’s exercising more and eating less. It’s a contrast to how intelligent Yuki is supporting the team from behind the scenes. Then there’s Haiji, who is as usual, taking care of them all. In every way. We’ve seen his unlimited patience with Prince, we’ve seen him give Kakeru his space, but when it comes to having him make light of his “brothers’” efforts, Haiji, being the fair parent that he is, won’t stand for it.

On another note, I love how we never see Haiji seem like he’s bitter or jealous of Kakeru’s talent. It could be possible that he does feel that way, but never shows it, but I don’t think so. He’s mentally strong. And kind. He knows his limits, and is willing to work within them. This awareness helps him set realistic expectations of the others, as well. Like Bram said in a comment to the previous review, “Haiji is a patient guy who has demonstrated that he’s good at celebrating small gains and how they chip away at the big picture in a measured and consistent way.”

The themes for this episode are, as usual, isolation. We also have friendship. We’ve seen how Yuki tries to look out for Nico. Then there’s how Nico, Shindo, Haiji and the twins encourage Prince. Another I’m going to add is influence. People have individuals they care about, admire, and look up to. They are therefore easily influenced by them. Yuki first brought it up when he said he won’t be “peer pressured” but joined the team anyway. Kakeru was influenced by his defeat and Fujioka’s words. And by Haiji. I think, Kakeru’s ultimatum to Prince here, was a direct result of how shocked (and hurt) he was by Haiji’s censure particularly because of how unexpected it was. If Prince hadn’t shown up, Kakeru would have probably thought a bit before apologizing, but having Prince show just then made him more oppositional instead. The last theme is the one Haiji and Kakeru discussed a couple of episodes back: what running is. Haiji didn’t have an answer then, and he doesn’t answer it now. But it’s clear that he knows what running isn’t.

Ironically the one who was hurt the most from the meet was Kakeru. The others only seem inspired to do better. Likewise, while the title obviously refers to Kakeru, I think the person he poses the most danger to is himself.

Grade: 10/10

*All material posted on this blog is the intellectual property of Reviewbrain (unless otherwise stated). Readers are free to make use of the information provided they cite the source (this blog) either by name (reviewbrain’s blog) or by linking to it. Please extend the same courtesy to the authors of the comments as well (by mentioning their names) to ensure that credit is given where credit is due.

Run with the Wind Episode Seven Review: Bear Your Fangs at The Summit

Warning: this review contains spoilers up to the end of this episode.

Disclaimer: All images have been screen captured from Crunchyroll and belong to their respective owners. I am using them to promote this show and will delete them if/when I am asked to do so.


It is predawn at the Aotake. An open notebook on the kitchen table with the date and the words “Tokyo Sport University Meet” written on it alerts us that the day has come for the team’s first race. We see Kakeru sitting up in his room, already dressed, with a contemplative expression on his face.

I’d commented in the previous episode review that he might actually be nervous. This scene seems to support that.

Act One

The apartment tenants are all waiting in the yard of the building. All, except Haiji. Yuki tells us “He’s late isn’t he?”

A large van speeds into area, terrifying the members with the driver’s recklessness. Haiji has come to pick up them up and plans on driving them to the meet. Yuki barks at the others, asking if any of them have a license. Everyone shakes their heads no. He yells that they should all get one, to which Nico mutters “You too.” Hadji pushes him into the van and cheerfully tells him “I’ve got mine.”

Only Prince, busy reading, is unbothered…yet.

At the TSU parking lot the Aotake members try to regain their bearings after Haiji’s terrible driving. Prince in particular is suffering immensely from motion sickness and is vomiting continuously.

Why is a miserable Prince so hilarious? And how can I love the guy so much and yet enjoy watching him suffer?

The group immediately gets the attention of Sakaki who seems to be preparing items for the event.

He makes a big show of introducing Kakeru, or rather pointing him out, to his teammates: “That’s the guy I told you about.”

Previously we’ve seen him flaunt his big shot sports University in KK’s face. Now he’s showing off his posse and basically letting Kakeru know that he’s been badmouthing him.

Sakaki also wastes no time in making fun of the Kansei University team and assuming one of them is already dropping out due to nerves (i.e. Prince).

When he tells them they’ll just embarrass themselves Kakeru approaches him threateningly, much to Sakaki’s delight. It’s like the red-head is intentionally trying to rile him up, maybe to get him into trouble. But before Kakeru can do anything Haiji’s teleportation powers are once again activated; he suddenly comes between the ex-teammates.

Protective Haiji.

Just as he starts to speak a tall man in a white uniform calls out to him.Twice.


The first time was an affirmation that it really is Haiji. The second, was said in unveiled delight.

Haiji answers “Fujioka” with a smile of his own.

Despite the fact that they call each other by their last names, we quickly learn that they are old acquaintances. First “Fujioka” asks if Haiji is running. When Haiji confirms this, Fujioka then asks, in a low voice, if Haiji’s better now, to which Haiji replies with “Finally.”

Here, Fujioka’s low tenor makes me think he’s being considerate, in case Haiji doesn’t want anyone to overhear them and find out about his injury.

We also quickly realize that this guy is a big shot based on how Sakaki and his friends immediately recognize him and are completely in awe of him and his team. After Fujioka leaves, his teammates bow respectfully to Haiji in tandem, prompting Yuki to ask “What army are they a part of?”

Deference to their friend’s friend.

Like the TSU team, not only do they all have the same track suits, they even have matching shoes. Their team probably gets a lot of funding. It’s a stark contrast to Haiji’s team in their mismatched jerseys. But despite the so called different “levels” of their teams, the way Haiji and Fujioka conversed was as old friends who are equals. Their reunion is completely different from Kakeru’s with Sakaki.

Haiji tells Kakeru that Fujioka Kazuma is a fourth year from Rikudo University, and that he should remember his name.

Haiji then addresses Sakaki: “Sorry, but we’ve got to get ready. You must be busy too, with your chores.”

Haiji’s referring to how the Tokyo Sport Uni first years are all holding various equipment and therefore won’t be participating in the race. He’s being a bit petty here but I can’t say I hate it. He wasn’t overtly rude, but by putting Sakaki and in his friends in their place (as first years who probably are currently used for grunt work) he keeps them from harassing his team.

The Kansei members heads off. As they pass Sakaki and his friends King glares at them while the twins make faces at them. Meanwhile Nico and Musa support the still afflicted Prince. The rest simply ignore them. It’s interesting to see how King and the twins seem to be on the same wavelength (i.e. childish).

What makes Haiji’s jab even more satisfying (to viewers) is when an upperclassman at Tokyo Uni berates Sakaki and his friends for standing around.

When our protagonists see the track they are excited (twins) astonished (Yuki, Shindo, King, Musa) and happy (Nico, who actually breathes in the meet’s air contentedly).

Prince is still mostly passed out while Kakeru looks like he’s in a bad mood. He probably hasn’t yet recovered from his run in with Sakaki.

Musa sees a group of fellow exchange students and feels lacking, since, unlike him, they are all in Japan on athletic scholarships. Yuki encourages him saying that he’s just as good.

Musa: “Their hunger is different.”

Haiji gives the team their team uniforms which only adds to their excitement.

While the twins happily take pictures, Kakeru looks at them disapprovingly, as if their happy go-lucky attitudes are grating on him. He then finds Prince in a corner indulging in his favorite past time.

“I’m surprised you can read manga now,”

Prince replies : “It’s to lift my spirits.” But even this answer doesn’t pacify Kakeru. Shindo then shows the others a picture of Fujioka he found online, and tells them that he is both the Captain and the winner of the second section of the Hakone Ekiden the previous year and that he’s the “pinnacle of college racing”. King wonders how Haiji knows him. Kakeru seems interested in Fujioka as well, but he’s still mostly annoyed, especially when Shindo asks King what section of Hakone he wants to run. He probably thinks it premature when they haven’t even run their first race.

He angrily calls out to the team and is about to say something when Haiji shows up with their numbers, effectively stopping KK.

Haiji’s other superpower: perfect timing to stop KK from wreaking havoc.

Kakeru is obviously upset the others aren’t taking the meet more seriously, but honestly, what does he expect? They are completely new at this so a little excitement is not only understandable, it’s probably even desirable. It’s better than to have them all be nervous.

As they warm up Kakeru eyes Haiji’s knee, perhaps wondering how well he can run. When he accidentally crowds Fujioka, he stares at him as well remembering Shindo’s summary of his achievements. Fujioka senses this, but when he looks at KK expectantly, Kakeru says it’s nothing and runs ahead.

Before the race, Haiji gathers the members and tells them that while they need to achieve good times, its more important for them to actually experience their first race. He tells them to have fun, and tries to pump them up with his catch phrase: “The Mountains of Hakone….” but at everyones’ blank stares he has to finish it alone: “the steepest in the world” then yells out “Let’s go!” and heads off without waiting for the others. For the first time, everyone is just as slow as Kakeru.

Yuki tells the others, “Someone answer him.”

Yuki, I’ll tell you the same thing Nico said when you demanded the others get their licenses: “You too.”

Joking aside I think he genuinely felt bad for Haiji. It was quite the awkward moment and shows just how disjointed the team still is.

Kakeru catches up to Haiji. “Have fun? Aren’t you being naive?” He then tells him “Sorry but today I’ll be seeing how everyone runs.”

It’s like he’s testing the team, and by default Haiji, to see if they actually have the potential to make it to Hakone.

Haiji doesn’t respond. Before, we had seen him stretch his injured knee out while taking a deep breath. This is probably Haiji’s first race in a long time, ever since his injury, so he might be a bit nervous.

At the start line, we see him looking down, possibly at his injury. Meanwhile KK is looking at Fujioka.

Both Haiji and Kakeru are preoccupied.

We know Kakeru was fastest in his hometown so maybe he wants to test himself against this big shot runner.

Meanwhile, one of the exchange students takes his place next to Musa. When the Aotake member greets him politely, he glares at him. We later learn he’s Manas, from Boso University.

Manas proving what poor Musa already knew: the difference in their motivation.

Act Two

The race starts, with the exchange students and Fujioka leading the pack. Kakeru recalls what Haiji had told him before, “Reality is harsher than that” and that he also needs to prepare for the race. He glances back at Haiji then takes off to join the runners in the lead.

Kakeru eyeing the leading runners like a sniper.

Seeing Kakeru speed ahead, Haiji’s competitive streak is sparked but before he can up his pace another runner bumps into his injured knee, and he is forced to keep his modest pace.

Meanwhile, Kakeru easily catches up to the leading runners. He sparks the interest of the onlookers and puts himself and his university, Kansei, on their radar.

Sakaki isn’t exactly pleased by that.

Prince does as well, but in an entirely different way. He’s lapped by all the others even though it’s only the beginning of the race. Onlookers comment: “He’s from Kansei too. They’ve got a crazy line-up.”

Can’t argue with that. His zombie-like run is also, as usual, a sight to behold. A member of the Tokyo Uni team approaches him with water, thinking that he’s dehydrated, only to be told “This is how I always run.”

Nice to see not all TSU students are jerks.

The Tokyo student’s reaction is priceless. He stops to look at Prince running while waving his hands, as if he’s wading in an invisible pool.

The rest of the team is also struggling. Nico has a hard time breathing. When he sees Kakeru at the front of the pack he’s impressed.

Nico: “He’s on another level.”

Haiji seems to be breathing fine and yet he hasn’t been able to increase his speed. A shot of his knee hints at it being the cause.

Kakeru remains in the lead with Manas, the exchange student, until the last two laps.

Just as he thinks he can win, Manas quickens his pace. Kakeru tries putting forth his own burst of speed but before he knows it, Fujioka overtakes him.

Image commissioned by Reviewbrain. Not to be shared without permission.

Fujioka and Manas race for first place while Kakeru who has been left behind desperately tries to catch up.

He can’t.

Fujioko wins, with Manas close behind. Kakeru is in third place, but a fair distance behind them both.

Their fatigue levels show the difference in their abilities. Fujioka’s breathing is normal. Manas gasps for air. Kakeru seems to be having a hard time breathing.

Unlike at the start of the race, he’s now looking down.

His knees and legs are shaking as well and he’s visibly shocked and disturbed by his loss. Fujioka glances at him in interest, then looks at Haiji who has yet to complete the race.

Later, Fujioka is being interviewed. When KK overhears him say that he won’t participate in any more meets, and will stick to the intercollegiate races instead, Kakeru becomes very upset. Undoubtedly, he wanted a second chance to compete with him.

Kakeru is washing up at the outdoor faucets when Fujioka joins him. He says he recognizes his name as a strong runner from a high school in Sendai.

Fujioka then says: “It’s an interesting team that Kiyose put together.”

Fujioka: “Watch out for him.”

He adds that at his best, Haiji can run better than he did that day. They look at Haiji as he cheers on the last runners of his team. Kakeru’s gaze is contemplative. It’s like he’s wondering if Haiji can even get better.

Fujioka then adds: “Lead the team with him.”

Kakeru questions his meaning, Rikudo’s captain clarifies, “Aren’t you going for Hakone?”

Kakeru reacts strongly to this statement. His eyes first widen, then he bites his lips, and lowers his head.

This reaction initially bemuses Fujioka, but after a second he smiles inwardly in understanding, then leaves.

For some reason, it took me forever to understand this scene. In a nutshell, Fujioka mentioned Hakone as if it were a given Haiji’s team would get there. But Kakeru has no such confidence, which is why he got so upset. I think Fujioka then realized this and that he’d accidentally hit a sore spot. That’s why he didn’t say anything afterwards. It’s not like he can change Kakeru’s mind. And he probably thought encouraging words coming from him, with his powerful team, might not be taken well. So he refrained from saying anything more.

Fujioka comes across as a thoroughly decent and wise young man. He not only looks older than his peers but seems older due to his mature attitude. He also obviously holds Haiji in very high regard, which really piques our curiosity about their history.

Later, after everyone has changed, Haji happily congratulates them on finishing their first race.

Everyone is too drained to reply.

He proudly says Musa and the twins finished in around 17 minutes, while Shindo and Yuki managed to do so in around 18 minutes.

Truly, these are remarkable numbers for first timers.

Haiji adds that once everyone gets used to races they’ll eventually reach the required 16:30 time. Yuki then asks, “What about this guy?” Meaning, Prince, who is now being carried by the twins back to the bus. We learn that he’s the only person who finished the race in 30 minutes, and that he did so badly he was almost forced to stop.

30 minutes is still better than Prince’s previous time. Just saying

The twins then point out that Kakeru and Haiji were the only two who managed to get official records. Meaning, even though he wasn’t in good condition, Haji still managed to get the required time.

Prince gasps out that the Tokyo Uni guy (Sakaki, I assume) called them stupid. He complains, “Where’s their sportsmanship?”

Nico in his usual mild tone responds “Well, this is reality.”

Kakeru finally chimes in, angrily, that they already knew all this. The twins asks what he’s upset about, since he got the required time.

Kakeru: “It doesn’t matter how good my time is! How times do I have to say it?!”

Once again, he’s fisting his hands. The episode ends with him running off alone, not stopping or even bothering to answer when Haiji calls out to him. He probably never even heard him.

Episode themes: Dreams vs. Reality, Isolation, Loneliness, friendship, disappointment, frustration.

Icings in the Cake:

– I love how aware Musa is of the difference between himself and his fellow exchange students. He’s such a humble and great character. I also loved how beautifully drawn the African characters were. Wonderfully realistic, as are most of the other characters in this show. They actually look like real people.

– Seeing how the members were all looking out for each other was lovely. Yuki encouraging Musa, Shindo staying with the hurling Prince, King and Musa, then the twins supporting Prince without a single complaint. Even King and the twins teasing Sakaki. It was all just so wholesome. I wish KK can learn to appreciate this. Haiji, of course, is what my eldest calls “best boy” material. I said it before, and I’m sure I’ll keep saying it: he’d be such a great parent.

Ogre who? He’s so sweet to these guys.

Best Lines

Haiji: I was nervous since it’d been a while. I think changing lanes had my heart pounding harder than the meet.”

Musa: “One of us needs to get a license before we train anymore.” Ok I will concede he drives like a demon.

Prince: “The stories I write are perfect. In my mind, anyway.” Nice insight to his character. As a lit student, he’s both confident in his writing, and self aware that his opinion might be biased.

Prince: “I’m not a hamster. Why do I keep running around, and around, and around and around…”


Let’s remember what Kakeru told Haiji before the race, that he’ll be looking to see how well everyone runs. It’s obvious that he isn’t impressed. Worse still, he wants to race against Fujioka again, but won’t be able to unless he makes it to Hakone. And he doesn’t think he can, with this team. That’s why he’s so angry.

I think the others understand this, based on the expressions on their faces. I do think KK’s being a bit too negative. For a bunch of amateurs most of them did very well. Haiji said that even King and Nico would be able to make it. As to Prince….well…they can cross that bridge when they get to it. Suffice to say that he completed the race and didn’t drop out even when he could have. There really is plenty to celebrate. What I’m interested in the most is what Haiji thinks. We know he is happy for his friends’ achievements. But how does he feel about his own?

When he and Kakeru met, he had told him he’ll be able to match his speed in six months. I think it’s only been one month since then. How does he feel about his own performance? Elated that he could finally run? Happy he achieved the required time? Jealous that he couldn’t keep up with Kakeru? In the end he might be satisfied with his friends and disappointed in himself. We won’t know if he’s too busy worrying about Kakeru’s tantrum. Considering what Kakeru told Haiji before the race, he might think that, just as disappointed as KK is in everyone else’s times, he might also be disappointed in Haiji’s.

It is also frustrating that we don’t know if he could have gotten a better time if one of the runners hadn’t bumped into him at the beginning of the race.

Finally, like the title of the episode stated, Kakeru did bare his fangs. But he’s the only one who seems to have been bitten. Also, the title might have a double meaning: bearing his fangs could mean they are too heavy for Kakeru. Otherwise its just an error in translation.

Grade: 9/10 Only because the art at times wasn’t as perfect as could be.

*All material posted on this blog is the intellectual property of Reviewbrain (unless otherwise stated). Readers are free to make use of the information provided they cite the source (this blog) either by name (reviewbrain’s blog) or by linking to it. Please extend the same courtesy to the authors of the comments as well (by mentioning their names) to ensure that credit is given where credit is due

Run With the Wind Episode Six Review: The Emperor’s New Clothes

Warning: this review contains spoilers up to the end of this episode.

Disclaimer: All images have been screen captured from Crunchyroll and belong to their respective owners. I am using them to promote this show and will delete them if/when I am asked to do so.


We get a recap of the last episode where King tells everyone that he won’t just spend all his time running. There are varying looks of shock on everyone’s faces. Shindo especially looks affected while Haiji looks pensive.

Act One

The episode starts with King engaging in his favorite hobby: watching a quiz show. He gets all the questions right and comments that “entertainers suck at sports questions.” As usual, he’s borrowing the tv in Shindo’s room. The younger housemate calls out to him several times to get his attention, finally telling him that he’s about to go for his night jog. King tells him to go on ahead. Shindo then asks him if “he’s sure”. King thanks him for the use of his television, “It was a nice change of pace”, and apologizes for bothering him.

-King is intentionally misunderstanding Shindo, acting as if the younger housemate was hinting he wanted him to leave, to avoid discussing the scene he had made earlier.

Shindo clarifies that wasn’t his intent, then asks King if he’ll show up to practice the next morning. He parrots Kings words back at him with a sincere smile, telling him that it would be a nice change of pace. King doesn’t reply and shuts the door behind him.

After the episode title, the Emperor’s New Clothes we see that it is now the next day where the team, including King, have reached the river bank, having finished half of their round trip. The twins, Musa, and Shindo talk about going on another night time jog that evening.

Yuki calls them “Damn honor roll students,” before warning them “don’t blame me if you burn yourselves out and can’t run anymore.”

Jouta is glad that Yuki cares. Musa invites him to come along with them. He declines, as does Nico when they ask him, saying morning and afternoon jogs are enough for him. Yuki adds “Respect the elderly”, much to Nico’s dismay.

Jouji reminds him that if they don’t get good times they won’t be able to run at Hakone

“As if we’ll get to run in that, idiot. Hakone’s a distant dream.”

-This goes back to the dreams vs reality theme first brought up by Haiji in the previous episode.

-Yuki seems to be showing up to practice now without complaining much. As I mentioned in the previous review, he also doesn’t seem interested in using King’s anger to help him in his resistance against Haiji.

Hana stops on her way to school to greet them. up. King is pulling out grass listlessly. Haiji, trying to cheer him up, announces Haiji’s arrival to King. He doesn’t respond at all.

-I love Haiji, but he was off his game here. That was a bit too obvious. And desperate.

The twins, Shindo and Musa tell Hana about their night jogs and ask her to join them. She agrees to ride her bike with them. Here, King stands up and says he’ll go back first, saying that he doesn’t have time. Haiji says that they’ll return together but King takes off without waiting for them.

-King is obviously depressed over the job thing, but I think seeing how easily Hana gets along with the others didn’t help his mood either. His previous conversations with her seemed forced like he was trying too hard to impress her. I don’t think she realized it or even minded it, but now he might be too anxious to even try.

The scene switches to the university cafeteria where Yuki, Shindo the twins and Musa are having lunch together.

-Yuki is having a steak set, Shindo an Unagi-don, the twins are having ramen (or udon) while Musa looks like he’s eating curry. And now I’m hungry.

Yuki comments that King has completely closed himself off. The twins ask if it’s stress from his job search. Always the pragmatist Yuki replies: “Maybe it’s overall, but guys who can’t handle it aren’t going to do well.”

-Far from using King to quit the team, Yuki’s actually worried about him. Looks like after talking with Nico in the previous episode, Yuki is no loner resisting running.

Shindo is worried as well, but he says he’s also concerned about how their track club doesn’t have any money. They’re an official club, but aren’t even allowed to use the track field.

The scene switches over to the landowner’s Tazaki’s home. The first image we see is a statue of the money bringing cat, Maneki-neko.

This is symbolism.

Haiji is there, sitting in a respectful seiza as the old man cuts his toenails.

The contrast in their moods…

The coach tells Haiji that he doesn’t have money, or he would’ve fixed up Aotake from being the decrepit building it was.

Haiji respectfully says, “Of course,” then takes his leave when the old man stays him by saying “Since you said you’d do it, I’m allowing it…”

-He means aiming for Hakone. As suspected from the very first episode he must trust Haiji enough to give him free reign of things. 

He goes on to say “but this world isn’t just about who’s fast and who’s slow. Naturally you need money as well. And there is no guarantee your peers will acknowledge you. That’s also part of running.”

-Haiji concurs but nonetheless looks troubled. I’m guessing he was hoping to get advice on how to obtain necessary funds. And because the team hasn’t proven themselves yet no one will recognize them; either to give them time on the university track field or to help them financially.

Meanwhile Kakeru is in Nico-chan’s room.

The oldest resident types rapidly on his computer and asks Kakeru not to tell Haiji that he’s working, “He’ll get mad at me. I’m supposed to be older than him though”

-Nico here mentions the reversed senpai/kouhai relationship dynamic he and Haiji have. What makes it even more noteworthy is that it’s not a cliched reversal where the older person is hopeless and irresponsible. Nico’s pretty mature and the fact that he failed a few times is probably because it he works for a living, unlike the others who are most likely all supported by their families. Haiji probably worries about Nico’s finishing his graduation requirements; we’ve seen him reprimand Nico for working even before Haiji forbade all members from doing so to concentrate on Hakone.

Nico then asks KK what he needs from him. Kakeru asks him about Haji, “What kind of person is he? You’ve been living together since his first year, right?”

More symbolism. Kakeru is trying to see through an unclear window.

-This is continuity on KK trying to figure Haiji out, ever since he asked him if “only the chosen once are allowed to run.”

Nico answers, “What he’s like? Exactly what the way he looks.”

-Furtive as always. I think Nico knows Haiji a lot more than he’s letting on but wants to protect his privacy.

Kakeru then asks “How about as a runner?”

-It’s a valid question, and one we viewers still do not know the answer to.

Nico pauses a bit to look at KK shrewdly.

It’s like he’s gauging the intent behind those questions, to decide if he should answer. He then says: “I think Haiji was a good runner. I’ve never seen him run all-out, though. Apparently, he was told to stop for a while. He must’ve wanted to run even though he couldn’t. His first year, when I told him I ran track in high school, his eyes were glittering. It was a pain. I’d completely quit running.”

As Nico says this, Kakeru remembers a conversation he previously had with Haiji: we are show images of when he saw Haiji’s scar in the park, and hears explanation for it.

Nico continues, “It’s been four years since then, and his eyes are still glittering. Surprising, isn’t it? It’s only gotten worse since you showed up.”

-Haiji just started his fourth year so wouldn’t that normally mean he spent three years in Aotake? Does this mean that Haiji moved into Aotake even before university began?

-Nico’s word choice here seems intentional, like he’s indirectly encouraging KK to live up to Haiji’s expectations. We saw in the second episode that he feels sympathy towards Haiji.

Kakeru response is not enthusiastic: “Even with me on the team, we can’t win.”

Nico’s replies matter of factly: “I know. I feel bad for Haiji, but I don’t think we can make it to Hakone, either.” He adds it’ll become clear enough once they run in the scheduled track meet.

-This matches what Nico told Yuki, that he’s not taking Haiji seriously, and is taking this opportunity to become healthier.

-At this admission, KK seems a bit sad too. Maybe he’s starting to sympathize with Haiji as well.

– It should be noted that it took Kakeru much less time than it did Yuki to get information out of Nico. This is because, unlike Yuki, Kakeru, from the start was asking sincerely. We’ve seen now for the second time that when asked something straightforwardly, Nico tends to answer. It’s a good life lesson. If you want direct answers ask direct questions. This actually makes me wonder why Yuki, who has known Nico much longer than Kakeru, doesn’t follow this strategy. Maybe it’s a personality thing. Some people click much faster than others.

At afternoon practice, to half of the team’s dismay, Shindo is handing out t-shirts he and Musa made for the team. They are plain white, but on the back have the following written:

We’re trying to make it to the Hakone Ekiden. The Kansei University Track and Field Team Fan Club is now recruiting!!

Shindo explains that they want to form a fan-club that will support them so that they can focus on training. He adds “we appreciate your cooperation” with a sweet encouraging smile.

-My eldest (who’s the same age as the first years) got second hand embarrassment watching this. It was hilarious.

Yuki and Kakeru must have felt the same. Kakeru’s face is dark in mortification when optimistic Musa innocently attacks him with his shirt. Yuki’s reaction is much louder. He calls the proactive Shindo and Musa “Damn honor-roll students” then yells out, like he can’t help it: “God, these are lame! These are so lame!”

-It makes sense that Yuki, with his piercing and medallion, and who seems to always want to project a cool demeanor, wouldn’t want to wear these. I also just answered my own question from the previous scene: maybe the reason why Yuki beats around the bush with Nico, instead of being forthright, is because he always wants to appear aloof. Nico probably knows this and doesn’t want to cut him any slack. It’s probably his way of wanting to teach future lawyer to be more honest, at least with his friends.

Speaking of Nico, his concern with the shirts is more practical “These won’t run when we sweat, will they?”

The twins happily tell him it’s oil-based ink so it should be fine.

The difference in their moods 😂

Haii is happy with this initiative. Makes sense. We know he and Shindo have previously discussed the club’s finances, and seeing as how the landlord/coach didn’t come up with anything, he would be happy with Shindo’s plan.

King shows up Jouji cheerfully greets him with “Did you find a job?”

For his lack of discretion, he gets a kick in the behind from Yuki and falls face first on the floor. Nico then saves King from having to answer by saying it’s too early for anyone to reply.

-I love how merciless Yuki is here. Poor Jouji never knew what hit him. Also, it looks like he started writing something on the dirt, probably the first character of an apology.

King asks about the shirts, Haiji tells him “Surprisingly they’re not bad,” he and the others then all turn around to show off the message written on the back, everyone except KK who only puts his on after realizing everyone else already has.

Jouji teases him.

Jouji: “You’re slow at everything except running.”

-Nice bit of continuity there. It takes awkward Kakeru a bit longer to comprehend what’s going on around him.

King tells them good luck and makes to go inside, with no apparent desire to join them. Shindo and Musa invite him to afternoon practice, to which he replies, “I told you, I’ve got my own shit to do. I’m real busy right now.”

Haji easily replies that he should forget it and run.

-Yuki tries to intervene here, as if he knows Haji’s going to rile King up.

King asks if he’s telling him to run from reality, Haiji replies:

“Tomorrow, the day after, and the day after that…What you need to do won’t ever change. Reality will always be there in front of you. So instead of running from it, why not try running with reality?”

Best quote of the episode, and possibly the entire show.

King doesn’t respond to these pearls of wisdom. Instead he asks Haiji

“Will running help me get a job?”

-Here he’s referring to how Haiji convinced him to run in the first place.

This time Haiji answers sincerely, “I don’t know. But standing still will make you anxious. I was like that once.”

-Another wise phrase. King has already applied for jobs. Why just sit and worry while he waits for an answer?

-Based on the reaction of the others, they seem to realize the gravity of the information Haiji had just given about himself.

Haiji: “I was like that once.”

King however, is too upset to comprehend it. He calls Haiji a dreamer. Then asks him “Why am I here.”

-Wow. It’s like King’s job search has him questioning all sorts of things, including his very own existence. I wouldn’t want to be in Haiji’s shoes.

But said Haiji is completely unfazed. He instantly replies: “For us,” to King’s shock, and even goes as far to ask “What’s wrong with that?”

King angrily snaps back, “It’s my life!”

Yuki intervenes by resting his arm on Haiji’s shoulder and saying, “I know this guy says some crazy things, but you shouldn’t freak out so much. Yuki goes on to tell King what I’ve been wondering all along “It’s only April. The battle’s just begun.” Meaning, he still has a lot of time (almost a year, I assume).

-Haiji seems shocked at Yuki’s strong show of support here; both physical (the arm on the shoulder) and verbal.

His mouth literally drops open.

It’s no wonder. This is the same guy who, when Haiji recruited him, told him “I don’t exist for your purposes!”

The twins seem skeptical, too. They say that coming from Yuki, the words sound sarcastic.

Nico then hands King his t-shirt and tells him: “At least wear this. We’ll all suffer the punishment together. You can decide for yourself.” He then walks away and tells everyone to start running.

-Nico here is trying to make King feel included, despite himself. Him ending the topic was a wise decision as there wasn’t anything that would be said that would have taken the discussion any further.

Image commissioned by Reviewbrain. Not to be shared without permission.

Everyone leaves, except Haiji, who apparently still has something to say. He tells King: “Don’t get the wrong idea. It’s not just you. I’m here for you guys, too.”

King angrily says “That’s just lip service,” before throwing the shirt on the floor and disappears into Aotake.

Haiji is as impassive as ever, while Shindo who had stuck around, looks saddened.

I don’t know what it is about Haiji that King finds insincere, here. Maybe he feels that he’s just being used. But this emotion only came about after his job search started. Yuki, as a lawyer, seems to feel his future is set. The others still have time before graduation, while Haiji only cares about running. Maybe King feels that no one can emphasize with him at this point.

Act Two

After the mid-episode break and the adorable dog Nira, we see that the “busy” King is wiling away his time in a Mah-jong parlour, and losing.

-What is it with gambling and depressed people in this show? Kakeru wasted his entire apartment deposit there as well.

-I said in the previous episode review that King is taking out his frustration at Haiji and the others. But seeing him gamble reminded me that when people feel out of control of their lives, they try to exert control whenever they can. King refusing to run with Haiji and the others, even gambling here, is just him turning towards behaviors that make him feel in control. It’s understandable, but unwise. He can just as easily turn towards something that will not ruin his relationship with the others, nor deplete his funds. Like running.

On his way home he sees Musa and Shindo on their nighttime jog while wearing their “Please join our fan-club” t-shirts. Unbeknownst to the two, a couple of high school girls laugh at their attire and wonder if they are being forced to wear them. On the other hand, Haiji’s bath-house acquaintance sees them and says he’ll be the first to join. Likewise, Musa’s kind employer (er, ex-employer) sees them and says she’ll join as well. The twins then join them with Hanako and say they manged to get more members, too, and that Hana’s presence makes it easy for people to approach them.

King sees and hears all this while hiding in what seems to be an alley to stay out of their sight. Upset, he goes home alone.

Back at Aotake everyone is gathered in the kitchen. Everyone, minus King. At Shindo’s query, KK replies that he hadn’t seen him since they returned. Haiji is explaining his new training menu for the boys. He tells everyone that he found the perfect place two kilometers away for cross-country runs.Yuki asks him when he had the time to do that.

-It’s true. Haiji is so busy training the others, we haven’t even seen him run himself. Hmm. Maybe he’s running on that cross-country place. Though I don’t know when that would’ve happened. He seems to be at Aotake all the time.

The boys start panicking when they realize that they’ll all be running 6 laps of 2.6 km (!) but are stunned into silence when they realize that Kakeru will be running 8 laps of the same distance. Everyone looks at him.

Awkward Kakeru: “Sorry, I think.”

Jouji points out “No, you’re the one who has to run it,” enlightening Kakeru that he has nothing to apologize for.

-I think Kakeru’s reaction here is a result of him always being the envy of others (i.e. Sakaki in his previous team). Haiji giving him more training is due to him being more capable and experienced than the others. But unlike in his old team, the boys here are all amateurs, and therefore have neither the ability or desire to compete with him.

Yuki laments how Aotake has completely turned into the track and field team and adds “I feel so small.”

Yuki, admitting his defeat, has joined the team.

Haiji good naturedly tells him that he’s keeping up with the others. Yuki then accuses him of going easy on him.

-I loved this exchange especially after Yuki’s earlier show of solidarity with Haiji. It’s like he’s officially announcing that he’s decided to seriously join them.

The others joke around but Shindo feels bad that King isn’t with them. He goes to King to tell him that he recorded a game show for him. King turns him down and at Shindo’s disheartened demeanor tells him not to worry about him, it just makes him feel awkward. Nonetheless, when Shindo bids him goodnight, King calls him back to ask him why he’s running with Haiji, when he’s never been to the Ekiden before.

Shindo admits that he’s not sure. When King asks him if he considered not doing it, Shindo admits he hadn’t. King then points out that he doesn’t have to run if he doesn’t even understand why he’s doing it.

Shindo answers that he thought he’ll come to understand once he starts.

-In the previous episode, when Yuki asked Nico his reason for running, he had sarcastically warned Nico, “don’t tell me I’ll understand once I start”, meaning he had wanted a more concrete reason. We know he never got it, as Nico’s “I feel clean when I run” wasn’t something Yuki could understand. But I think the fact that Nico shared this information with Yuki in and of itself became part of his reason to run. Like he owes it to Nico, after getting him to share something he felt was so obviously private. Or maybe it really was peer pressure.

-But here Shindo is trying to find his reason to run from the act itself, a method which Yuki had scorned. It shows that running is highly personal, as personal as peoples’ motivations. And, genius that he is, Shindo manages to present this in a way that King can relate to:

Shindo admits that he doesn’t know what it’s like to search for a job, since he hasn’t started yet, then asks King why he wants to work, if he loves it so much that he’s desperate to find a job. King naturally negates this, saying he’s just doing it because he has to. Shindo points out that this is common ground. He says that he first ran because he was forced to by Haiji, but he then thought it would be more fun if he chose to run instead, that he might even start enjoying it.

-This completely fits Shindo’s earnest personality. Basically he’s saying since he’s going to be doing something, he might as well give it his all. I swear to Allah I’ve been saying this to my kids for years now. I remember telling my eldest when she started the first grade that school was a “fact of life” and since she was going to go no matter what, she might as well learn to enjoy it. Not saying Haiji forcing everyone to run here is the same, but people who make the most of, and indeed, learn to enjoy situations they otherwise cannot avoid, are truly smart. I have no doubt Shindo is going to become very successful in his life. He’s a fantastic character.

King’s reaction to Shindo’s words is telling. He eyes the t-shirt that he had previously thrown; Shindo had brought it with him, and eventually interrupts Shindo’s incredibly polite and delicately given advice to gripe, “why am I being given advice by an underclassman?” before getting the flustered Shindo in a headlock to cover up his own embarrassment.

-King here seemed incredibly insecure. He holds on to the label of “Senpai” (upperclassman) that Japanese society automatically bestows him, possibly because it gives him a sense of security; like with it, he knows where he stands in the world. I think Shindo sort of senses this which is why he was quick to apologize when King complains. He seems a bit immature, especially when you compare him with Nico. Earlier in this same episode Nico brought up his and Haiji’s reversal of the Senpai/Kouhai relationship to Kakeru, and he didn’t seem to care. Nico’s maturity is due to his acknowledging both his and Haiji’s strengths and weaknesses. He also doesn’t mind when Haiji berates him from working because he knows he’s just looking out for him. He isn’t hung up on labels because he doesn’t need them to feel comfortable. Unlike King.

The next morning, King shows up to practice wearing the fan club advertisement t-shirt, to everyone’s shock and pleasure. Nico tells him he’s late, nobody’s wearing theirs today, Shindo (who unlike Kakeru is very quick on the uptake) immediately put’s his on. He encourages King with his kind smile. The embarrassed man then goes on to make excuses, saying that since he’d already promised to run he had to go through with it. Everyone gives him wide, knowing grins (except Prince, who’s as always expressionless and KK whose face is conspicuously absent from this montage).

We get it later after they finish practice. Hana is telling everyone how their times have improved, even Prince’s. (33:13:13). Everyone is in high spirits and the twins suddenly notice that Kakeru is smiling.

Twins: “Did you just smile?”

When he notices their stares, he takes off, and they follow him, teasing him mercilessly when he denies smiling.

-I think it’s the first time since the series began. It only took KK six episodes. Better late than never, I guess.

Back at Aotake, Kakeru is helping Haiji clean up after dinner. Haiji asks him if he wouldn’t rather go jogging with the others: “You finally found friends to run with.”

-i don’t know how Haiji came to this conclusion. He probably figured, based on Sakaki’s cold interaction with Kakeru, that he wasn’t popular in his old team.

Kakeru explains that the difference in their paces makes it difficult for him to run with the others. He then takes the opportunity to ask Haiji the question he couldn’t in the previous episode:

“Why did it have to be these guys? Remember what you asked me. You asked me if only the chosen are allowed to run. You’re right that anyone can just run. They can run all they want.”

-At his words we get a montage of Nico (working), Yuki (listening to music), Prince (reading), and King (watching a quiz show). These four are probably the slowest amongst the Aotake members so it makes sense to have their images shown as KK speaks about “chosen ones” seeing as they are probably the opposite of that.

Kakeru then goes on to say, “But is that the kind of running you’re talking about? Not everyone can run in the Hakone Ekiden. I don’t understand. What kind of running are you talking about?”

Haiji answer’s “That’s it. I want to know, too. What is running? What does it mean to run?”

Kakeru is astonished, “You mean you don’t know?”

“Not yet. I don’t have an answer yet,” he then adds happily, “we just finally started running.”

Kakeru is now visibly upset.

“I’m amazed you were willing to get us involved.”

– He means that Haiji would dare to have them all set their sights on Hakone when he doesn’t even have a clear understanding of what running is.

Kakeru then adds, “You finally got them all together. If we just keep having a good time training together, they don’t have to get hurt.”

-Once again, I like how Kakeru’s reasons for wanting to stop Haiji have shifted, from thinking the attempt is ridiculous, to wanting to spare the others the hurt of realizing it can’t be done.

Haiji then tells him “We can’t expect to stay unscathed if we’re going to run at Hakone.”

Considering Haiji’s scar, he might mean this both physically, as well as emotionally. It could also serve as foreshadowing.

At his unconcerned tone, Kakeru tells him that reality is hard, and that if Haiji insists on having the guys run at a track meet when they are woefully unprepared, it could be the end of the team. Haiji answers, “I believe they can overcome it.”

-Throughout this conversation, Kakeru’s words were delivered in an unchanging crystal-clear voice, matching the rigidness of his ideas. On the other hand Haiji’s tenor is more throaty, full of conviction, mirthful at times, deceptively low, and even languid at others. But then he asks Kakeru if he doesn’t need to prepare, adding, “Reality is harsher than that, right?”

It almost sounded like a challenge. Kakeru certainly takes it as such, based on the subsequent determined expression on his face.

Best Lines:

Shindo adorably asks “How is this a punishment?!” When Nico tells King that they’ll suffer wearing the shirts together. I love how he, Musa and the twins are completely unaware of how self-conscious everyone (minus Haiji) seems to be over wearing them. Only Prince seemed to not care either way.   

Yuki: Why am I running first thing in the morning?

Prince: Should we flee together, Yuki?

Yuki: They’d catch us. You’re too slow.

Prince: You’re right.

This was probably the funniest scene of the episode. Prince was once again tied to Nira. Now that he’s come around to running, Yuki’s complaining here was good natured.

Prince: Your attire doesn’t matter.

Haiji: You can’t wear denim.

Seriously, I get that Prince probably doesn’t want to spend his precious money on running wear when he can spend it on manga, but how the hell can he run in jeans?!

Best Scenes

I love intimate conversations and there were so many in this episode: Haiji with the landowner, Nico and Kakeru, Shindo and King , then finally Haiji and Kakeru. The tracks were all fantastic as well (numbers 13, 4, and 11 in the first CD). But I think my favorite moment was when Kakeru was caught smiling by the twins. It’s like, for the first time, we get to see him acting and being treated like the teen he is.

Icings on the Cake

I already mentioned several instances but there’s one major piece of symbolism that needs to be discussed: when Shindo is talking to King, he sits just outside his room, with the door being open. Afterwards, when he eyes the t-shirt Shindo brought, King headlocks him and they both end up inside the room. Earlier in the episode, Yuki had commented how King had closed himself off completely. And in the previous episode, we saw King looking at the floor of the twins’ room, at the magazine covered hole with what could be a wistful expression. So we’ve seen him be completely isolated, with a number of barriers (of varying sizes) between him and the others. The theme of loneliness and isolation that had been prevalent with regards to King in this mini-arc is finally resolved when he puts on the shirt Shindo gave him, hence the title of the episode; “the Emperors’ New Clothes”. It’s also ironic that by putting on the t-shirt, he actually removed the wall he had set between himself and others.

Shindo is what my eldest calls a Cinnamon roll. Apparently, that’s Gen-Z speak for “sweet and precious”. He’s also wise beyond his years, clever, and proactive.

Yuki is quickly becoming a favorite character. Which is funny, because I love every single character in this show. Yes, even Sakaki (I’ll explain, eventually). But him supporting Haiji here really earned my respect. Especially since he could have used King’s dilemma to cause more friction and therefore avoid running. The fact that he didn’t shows that he’s a decent person who values the greater good over his own comfort.

Grade: 8/10 The art quality dipped a bit in this episode, especially in the scene in King’s room. It’s a shame especially considering the gorgeous track that was playing in the background. Otherwise, the episode was perfect.


It could be that this whole time Kakeru has been projecting his own concerns on the others. It might be that he’s feeling worried about facing Sakaki, since the track meet will be at Sakaki’s University. The red-head has already made fun of the team once, when he saw them train. Maybe Kakeru asking Haiji to delay having a meet was just so that he can avoid the meet at Sakaki’s school. It might also be that Haiji realizes this, and is calling Kakeru out on it.

I don’t know. It’s most likely that KK knows the team isn’t ready, and wants them to avoid confronting reality. Haiji’s last line was just a reminder that he should worry about himself, since he’ll also be running at the meet.

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Run with the Wind Episode Four Review: Shadows That Don’t Fade

Warning: this review contains spoilers up to the end of this episode.

Disclaimer: All images have been screen captured from Crunchyroll and belong to their respective owners. I am using them to promote this show and will delete them if/when I am asked to do so.


Miyagi High School Track and Field Meet: it’s the boys 5000 meter finals where we see a younger Kurahara Kakeru in a green track uniform. The words “Sendai High School” are written on it.

The red headed young man we met in the previous episode (also younger here) asks him, “How’s your stomach?”

Kakeru, who is sweating and rubbing his stomach, replies that he’s hanging in there to which his teammate replies “Sorry, but I won’t hold back.”

  • Here, we know that despite being on the same team, the red-head considers them rivals.

Kakeru doesn’t reply, but as soon as the race starts, he is able to easily take and maintain the lead. In the audience we see a bespectacled older man wearing the same green uniform (his coach, presumably) cheering him on proudly.

Later, we see that KK has won based on the medal hanging on his neck. He doesn’t look too pleased, however. He overhears people talking about how he finished in 13:54, even though he wasn’t feeling well and despite being just a second year.

  • Perhaps the reason why Kakeru doesn’t seem happy is because the tone of the “praise” sounds more shocked than impressed.

To make matters worse, his coach reams into the rest of the team, telling them that their “average” numbers are as good as losses, before throwing Kakeru’s success into their faces. He then instructs them all to run 10,000 meters as soon as they get back to school. When KK moves to join them, the coach says he doesn’t have to, and praises his performance. Kurahara is left alone as the rest of his team leaves to fulfill their punishment.

Unhappy Kakeru. Envious Sakaki
  • As a parent, this makes me livid. It is a terrible idea to compare people, let alone children, to each other. We are all born with different talents and abilities. Drawing comparisons belittles people’s individual efforts and is counterproductive. The damage this causes can last for years, perhaps even a person’s whole life. Here, we see Kurahara being isolated from his teammates. He is not happy, despite winning, and his team isn’t happy either, because they are being told they are no good, even if they worked as hard as he. The red-head’s gaze on KK a particularly envious. His words to KK before the race show that he is ambitious. He thought he might do better since KK’s condition wasn’t optimal. His disappointment, and the coach rubbing salt in his wounds, explains his resentment. It’s too bad since under other circumstances they might have been friends.

And if wasn’t clear before, isolation and loneliness have now been officially established as main themes of this show.

Act One

Winner Kakeru left alone, after his team goes to run their punishment laps.

After the opening credits the episodes starts where it previously left off. A sweating Kurahara is catching his breath after a particularly tiring run when he is approached by his red-headed high school teammate.

He greets him with “It’s been a while,” and explains that he ran this course yesterday, and was surprised when he saw him. He then adds with a glare “I didn’t think you were still running.”

  • Meaning, something must have happened to cause him to stop.

A disturbed Kurahara greets him simply by saying his name “Sakaki”.

Sakai then asks him, “Who were those guys you were with?”

Kakeru answers that it’s none of his business. His ex-mate replies, “Really, I guess it doesn’t matter,” with an unconcerned tone.

-If it didn’t matter, he wouldn’t have asked. So why is he interested?

Sakaki then comments, “Lucky you, you made some friends.” Kakeru, who barely made eye contact this whole time, keeps his head down, eyes averted, and looks quite upset.

The entire scene was a jumble of contradictions. We were just shown in the prologue that KK’s talent isolated him from his team. If we take everything at face value it’s just a meeting of old acquaintances. But Kakeru’s body language, rigid, closed, and Sakaki’s confident demeanor, his solemn and mostly neutral tone, make it very odd. It didn’t sit right with me. It took me a while to pinpoint it exactly, but I think Sakaki’s expression here is almost critical. Even his words and tone have a bit of an accusatory feeling to them. It’s like he’s saying Kakeru doesn’t deserve friends.

Episode title: Shadows that Don’t Fade

After the episode’s title the scene shifts to the university. We see the twins at a lecture with Jouta barely staking awake and Jouji already asleep. This gives us a timeline that it’s after Haiji’s morning practice. We then see KK, whom we assume should be attending his own lectures, but instead is sitting alone near what looks like a storeroom.

He looks at its door, and sees a past version of himself, complete with a sleeping bag, and sport bag holding his few things.

-So this is where he was staying before Haiji brough him to Aotake. He was literally sleeping in the open.

Past Kakeru, whom we know by the same black jacket he was wearing in the first episode, takes out all that’s left of his cash and wastes it in a mah-johg parlor. He then goes to a convenience store, where he eyes a piece of bread, and with shaking hands reaches out for it.

Present Kakeru berates him. First, he questions him: “What are you doing?” Then adds, “Is that all you can do? Is it?”

Just before past KK steals the bread, a voice recalls him into the present: “Kurahara?”

It is Prince. Concerned, he asks him “What’s wrong? You’re spacing out?”

We see that KK had been walking aimlessly on campus, lost in his memories. Prince, who is accompanied by three other dudes, introduces him: “He’s an underclassman at my dorm.” They all greet each other with nods.   

Next, we see the four at the cafeteria where judging from their empty, or near empty plates, they just had lunch. Prince’s friends argue over a manga they’re reading. Kurahara watches with mild interest. Prince tells him that they are always passionate like this. “It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say everything important we’ve learned about life has come from comics. Friendship hard work, and everything else. It’s an enriching experience.”

– I think it’s the first time I’ve seen something close to a smile on Prince’s usually unexpressive face. He’s practically sparkling in excitement. His even raises his voice as he speaks.

He then leans over the table to get into KK’s personal space, and excitedly says “Why don’t you begin your new college life with us!” trying to recruit KK into his manga club.  

One of Prince’s friends, the heavier one, is on wearing a shirt with the communist symbol it. This is important.

– Prince here is the perfect representation of geek culture. Anyone who has ever been passionate about anything can relate perfectly to him. Myself included.

The ambushed Kakeru starts to say that he doesn’t read manga, when he is saved by a group of athletes. Their intimidating presence pressures the group to vacate their seats.

Yuki and Musa, who are also in the cafeteria, see them leave. Yuki wonders if KK has joined the manga club, before saying “whatever” and turns back to Musa and asks him “So, is Shindo serious about continuing practice?”

-This is continuity to the fact that Shindo and Musa and friends, and that everyone knows it. Previously, Nico asked Shindo what his friend’s opinion was on running. And now Yuki’s asking Musa the same.

Musa tells him that he’s not sure but that his expression seemed “earnest”. Yuki tsks in annoyance.

Meet Cute and Cool.

Musa also tells him that he overheard Shindo and Haiji talking about club dues on the way back from morning practice, and that when he looked it up, he discovered it meant money. He’s extremely troubled by the possibility that they might request money from him. Meanwhile Yuki is impressed that Musa knows the word “request”.

-This is a nice reminder that Musa isn’t actually a native speaker. The fact that each character has his unique individual voice is part of what makes this show so good, and a study of characterization for writers. It’s a pity that much of this is lost in translation, however. It’s one of the reasons I try to include the individual nuances in the different speech patterns in these reviews, although, realistically speaking, I’m just a beginner myself.

Yuki states that when it was just Haiji getting excited on his own, they could ignore him, but it would be difficult if others join him. Musa then points out that the twins have already been sold on the idea. If he convinces two other’s they’ll become the majority.

At this Yuki pushes up his glasses in determination.

I don’t know why or how, but this mannerism never gets old, no matter how overused it is.

Kakeru and Prince part ways, with the older housemate telling him he’ll see him back at Aotake. As soon as Prince leaves, Sakaki’s words start haunting Kakeru: “Who were they? Those guys you were with?” He remembers answering “None of your business,” and the subsequent reply of “Lucky you. You made some friends.”

Upset, Kakeru takes off running. The cloudy skies turn black and gray and the street he’s running on is lined on the right and left with infinite images of his high school coach.

This coach kinda looks like Prince’s friend doesn’t he? That communism shirt was an allusion to this creep.

-I absolutely loved this sequence. No matter how far he runs Kakeru can’t escape from the shadow created by this failure of a coach. He’s literally everywhere in KK’s mind.

Nor can he run from Sakaki, who easily creeps up behind him.

– It’s been established that Kakeru is faster but here he’s the one gasping for air.

“I didn’t think you were still running.”

Kakeru finally speaks, though what he says is just a desperate “shut up”, like a small child who doesn’t know how to argue.

The convenience store employee from the first episode has joined Sakaki in chasing Kakeru down. “Wait! Thief!” Meanwhile Sakaki once again asks “Who were those guy’s you were with?”

As he runs, Kakeru asks himself “Why? Why couldn’t I say anything?”

-Kakeru’s tone here is frustrated. The fact that he’s still being chased by the convenience store employee means he still feels bad about stealing, as established in the earlier scene when he asks himself “Is that all you can do?” Here, he also berates himself for being unable to answer Sakaki’s questions: if he’s running again, and what exactly his relationship with his housemates is.

The twins join the fray of Kakeru’s disturbed mind. They, too, are keeping up with him easily despite being slower in reality. Running closely behind and on either side of Kakeru, they ask him “What are you afraid of?” Kakeru looks at Jouji, to tell him “I’m not scared!”

-His frantic and terrified voice begs to differ.

Jouta then adds “Who cares? Run with us?”

Kakeru retorts “I can’t!”

-Knowing the environment of his previous team, we now have an idea as to why it’s so hard for him to join Aotake’s group. He has really bad memories of it, maybe even PTSD. Sakaki’s presence seems to have triggered a full blown panic attack.

Finally, an image of Haiji shows up speeding on his bike alongside a running Kakeru, just like he did in the first episode. Everyone else disappears as soon as he shows up. “Hey! Do you like running?” Kakeru, like before, looks at him. Haiji, with the same open-faced grin asks one again “Do you like running?” The traumatized Kakeru replies in his mind: “Don’t ask me that!”

-Wow. So Kakeru doesn’t even know if he likes to run? Despite being so obviously addicted to it?

Kakeru is finally brought back to the real world when Hanako shows up suddenly right in front of him. She gasps in surprise and fear.

This montage was the Best Scene of the episode. Starting from the beginning, the memory that shows Kakeru before the first episode, before he met Haiji, and its continuation: the haunting nightmare-like sequence when Kakeru is running back to Aotake, being chased by his previous coach, ex-teammate, the twins, the convenience store employer, then finally Haiji. I said it the intro page to the series, that running is used as a metaphor, and we can see that clearly here. Kakeru’s trying to escape the ghosts of his old team. He’s also running from Haiji and the twins and the possibility of a new beginning. Who are the Aotake members to him? What is he afraid of? Does he even like running? He cannot answer these questions, and the restriction that places on him and powerlessness are clear when he asks himself “Why couldn’t I answer”? It is all consuming, and this is depicted masterfully by both the music and the editing. We experience Kakeru’s chaos, with him and are only brought back to the present, and out of his jumbled mind first, when Prince calls out to him, and afterwards, when he literally runs into Hanako. Prince and Hanako both have brightly colored hair and wear red (Prince’s shirt, the bow of Hanako’s uniform). Their vibrancy cuts through the black and grey of the scene and Kakeru’s turmoil.

We are taken to the Mid-episode break where the infinitely cheerful and cute Nira is a sight for sore eyes after such a heavy sequence.

Act Two

We see a girl’s slightly scraped knee put under a fountain. “It’s cold!” she gasps. We then see Hanako and Kakeru in the park where she is washing away the barely visible injury. Kakeru is bent over slightly, watching her in concern. “I’m sorry,” he apologizes. The high school girl is quick to assure him that she’s really fine. “If anything, I’m glad you’re not hurt.”

Kakeru is taken aback “Don’t”, he says in an extremely troubled voice.

-I like how the episode didn’t show the actual accident. It might’ve changed the tone of the scene into something that could’ve been interpreted as romantic and that definitely isn’t the point of this scene. That said, Hana might later be considered as a romantic interest. We’ll see.

Hanako then says “You’re an important athlete, after all,” then elaborates that Haiji said “God may exist after all. We’re no ordinary men. We’re destined for something great.” She goes on to say how Haiji wouldn’t’ stop talking about them running together.

-How desperate, and how glad was Haiji, when he found Kakeru? Hana’s words here prove there is something greater at risk for him here than just running at Hakone.

-Despite all the praise he’s being showered with, Kakeru doesn’t look the least bit happy. In fact, he looks utterly miserable, and guilty, despite how superficial the wound is.

When Hanako turns off the water and before she stands up he stretches his hand towards her as if wanting to help her, but it hovers ineffectually for a bit as she straightens up and dries her hands.

She tells him with a kind smile, “The only thing I understand is that you’re really, really fast.”

-So awkward was Kakeru that Hanako didn’t even see his attempt to help her up. Not that she needed it, but it would have been interesting to see her reaction. Meanwhile all her efforts to reassure him seem like they’re having the opposite effect.  

Kakeru pulls back his hand and in a depressed voice tells her “That’s it. I can’t do anything but run.”  

  • His voice actor was perfect here. It wasn’t overly dramatic or anything. The statement was said like it was fact. The tone nonetheless depicts all the pain he is going through and how useless, impotent he feels. It weighs heavily on both his mind and heart. To him, hurting Hanako was just the last straw.

Hanako, who has no idea what he’s going through, looks at him in confusion until Haiji calls out to them from the street.

Based on the grocery bag on his shoulder, he’s on his way back from buying dinner ingredients. As usual, he’s accompanied by Nira.

The next scene sees Haiji and Kakeru going home together under a cloudy sky. Haiji looks at the silent Kakeru who’s walking behind him out of the corner of his eye. He then asks if KK wants to race him and Nira back to Aotake.

-Haiji here has picked up on KK’s depression and is trying to cheer him up, even though he seems unsure what the reason for it is.

Without waiting for a reply, Haiji takes a starting position but before he takes off KK suddenly asks him: “Why? Why won’t you leave me alone? If you want to run, you can run by yourself. Isn’t that what it means to run?”

As he asks this, Kakeru remembers the race he won in high school, when he was running alone at the head of the pack as a second year, and how his success isolated him from his teammates.

-The poor boy here looks so sad and lost.

He goes on to say, “I’m sorry, but you should give up on me. I-”

Haiji interrupts him. “Kurahara, even if you’re running alone, you’re not actually alone.” He then stands up from his racing position to turn and smile at Kakeru. “You’re always running with someone.”

Kakeru’s incomprehension is obvious. He tells Haiji, “I don’t understand.”

Haiji gently replies, “I see.” then tells Nira, “let’s go.” They take off at Haiji’s command, and he can be heard to tell Nira “you’re fast,” laughing.

Left alone, Kakeru repeats Haiji’s words to himself “with someone.”

-This was one of my favorite scenes in the episode. Haiji quietly watching out for Kakeru on their way home, the cloudy weather, the two walking silently at the beginning, then the moody track starting when Kakeru starts to talk…it was just such a lovely interlude. Haiji giving him a chance to share his thoughts, trying to guide him and knowing when to quit when his attempt doesn’t work is everything to me. So often when trying to help people we go overboard and give too much information all at once. Parents are guilty of this all the time. But Haiji restrained himself when Kakeru couldn’t understand his point. He didn’t delve deeper into the matter not because it wasn’t important, but because it is too important. It’s something Kakeru has to figure out on his own, or it would be meaningless. Of course, this method isn’t one that applies to everyone and everything, but especially for young adults, giving them a map and having them find their way is more effective in the long run than driving them to their destination. They learn to follow instructions, to ride a car, maybe get lost and ask directions, they also gain confidence along the way…but I digress.

The next scene starts the next day, pre-dawn. As Musa puts on his footwear in the foyer, he notices that Shindo has gotten new running shoes. His friend explains that “specialized shoes are better, apparently.”

-Musa looks worried by Shindo’s deepening investment in their running activities, as evidenced by the sweat drop that forms on his forehead and his furrowed brows. Even though Shindo doesn’t seem to be pressuring his friend into running.

In the yard, as Nico and Yuki stretch, the bespeckled future lawyer tells his senpai “Your attendance has been perfect.” Nico asks “So what? To which Yuki replies, turning away, “Nothing.”

-Their exchange is a nice foil to the other duo. While Shindo is being clear about his desire to run, Nico has been reticent from the start. Similarly, while the younger pair of friends have a strong and obvious regard for each other, these older two have a more ambiguous relationship. At first glance it seems like they barely tolerate each other but their frequent interactions and the words between their lines say otherwise:

Yuki: Your attendance has been perfect = you’re enjoying this aren’t you?

Nico’s “So, what?” is him being intentionally obtuse. I think Yuki understands this and seems to be biding his time rather than wanting to confront Nico directly on the running matter. Which is why he answers, “Nothing “.

Haiji joins the rest of the team in the yard, carrying Prince out from the back of his shirt like a caught cat.

Someone please make a compilation of all the times Haiji does this. Hilarious.

He tells them that today Hana will be waiting for them at the river. At the mention of her name Kakeru stops from his usual habit of taking off before the others.

Haiji explains that she will be taking their arrival times “You too, Kurahara.” As further incentive, he adds that they have to finish no matter what, otherwise she’ll be left waiting forever.

-KK doesn’t look too happy. Maybe he’s still worried about what happened the afternoon before.

The excited twins tell KK, “We’ll show you what we can do!”

-Considering all that happened in this episode, their words here are a nice reminder that the last conversation they had, KK had angrily told them Hakone was an impossible feat, and that he wouldn’t run with them because he didn’t work well with others. He also skipped practicing with them the next morning, leading them to think he was “still mad”. So I think this is their way of normalizing their interactions again. I really like these two.

-Another possibility is that they were actually miffed by his adamant refusal to believe they could make it to Hakone, especially in contrast to Haiji’s optimism, and so they want to prove their abilities to him.

Kakeru seems a bit taken aback at their vigor. But he’s saved from replying by Shindo who tells them that if they’re serious they should buy running shoes, adding “I’ll take you someplace special sometimes.”

The two go crazy at his words as somehow, to their ears, they sounded indecent.

-I wonder if Shindo did this purposely, knowing how girl crazy these two are. But let’s not be swayed by their teenage minds, there wasn’t actually anything wrong with what he said.

Meanwhile Musa whispers to Yuki, “See? He’s trying to win them over.” To which Yuki replies that the twins were already on his side.

Haiji counts down to have everyone start at exactly 6:30.

When Kakeru quickly overtakes the other runners, the older twin grouses “What’s with that speed” while Jouji snaps, “It’s infuriating!”

-I guess this supports the argument that they’re actually a bit pissed off at how he talked down on their abilities. Must be especially annoying considering his.

Behind them, Haiji, who as usual is running alongside Prince, tells them to not get thrown off by Kakeru’s pace, and that “this applies to races as well.”

Haiji then tells the zombie-like prince that he’s “incredibly moved” because his pace increased a lot in just one week. “You have that much aptitude!”

At his praise, Prince’s usual grimace relaxes a bit. And, as if to prove Haiji’s point, a butterfly flutters in front of Prince, but, for once, he outruns it.

Faster than the speed of a butterfly! Progress indeed 😊 Prince is distracted by it until Haiji tells him “Do it, and you’ll understand. Never do it, and you’ll never understand.” At these words, Prince’s head’s snaps back as they are a quote from one of his manga The Burning Pen.

I wonder to which real life manga this alludes to.

Haiji then tells Prince: “Manga taught you everything that matters, right?”

Ok, was Haiji stalking Prince that day in the cafeteria when he said that to Kakeru? Nah, they’ve been living together for at least a year so he’s probably heard Prince pitch his manga club using these same words.

-Prince is extremely moved. From his perspective, there’s actually a ray of light shining on Haiji. It’s like Haji suddenly became a hero in his eyes.

Meanwhile, KK has arrived first at the river. As he races down the incline to where Hana-chan is waiting, she cries out in excitement at how fast he is. An elderly man walking his dog comments “Ah, to be young,” obviously misreading the situation. Kakeru blushes, looks back at the old man and gasps in embarrassment.

“Please, stop.”
  • Since Hana appeared we’ve seen more of a variety of KK’s facial expressions, usually dopey ones. It’s been a nice change from his usual emo look.

Hana reads out his time: 5000 meters in 14:53. She expresses her admiration when Sakaki walks up to the two, asking Kurahara if he’s holding back. He points out that this time would have been “unthinkable” for his former team mate in high school.

-I wonder why Sakaki came back. Is he stalking Kakeru? To what end?

Hana asks who he is, and he’s quick to introduce himself. “I’m Tokyo Sport University first-year Sakaki Kosuke.”

-It’s got the word “sport” in its name so I’m guessing this a big shot athletic school. Sakaki’s probably showing off here.

“Who are you? The manager?” He then asks Hana. She blushes and giggles shyly at being given such a title.

-Hana is adorable. That laugh was charming. Her voice actress is perfect.

Kakeru is annoyed and tells him that she’s timing them, and that they’re busy.

-Translation: take a hint and go away.

Sakaki doesn’t and asks who she’s supposed to time, as there isn’t anyone else. In a sarcastic tone he then assumes that’s why KK’s time was lousy: “Even you lower your level when running with such low-level guys.” At this Kakeru grits his teeth in anger. Sakaki continues saying that he finally understands after contacting the “OB’s”. They said you’re attending Kansei University.

-Can someone please explain what an OB is? I’m guessing it’s a student affairs office or something.

Sakaki then asks if Kakeru’s university even has a track and field team or if he’s just a member of a “friendly jogging club.”

-Aha. So Sakaki mentioning his university wasn’t just him showing off to Hana. He was flexing on Kakeru as well.

It seems to be working, too. KK’s yells at Sakaki to just go.

-His body language here is telling. He has taken a step forward and is once again fisting his hands.

Sakaki’s mocking facial expression turns dark and he asks Kakeru if he’s going to hit him again.

Hana recoils at his words in fear. It is then that the twins arrive, yelling out happily. Distracted, Hana goes back to recording everyone’s times.

The next scene shows that everyone (except for Prince and Haiji) has reached the river. Shindo tells Musa in his usual gentle tone “You really should get new shoes. It’s way easier, Musa.”

-Shindo has already said specialized shoes are better. But now he’s actually encouraging Musa to get them. He’s being more vocal about wanting Musa to join them. Musa’s looks at him and while his reaction isn’t one of agreement, his facial expression shows he understands Shindo’s intent.

-Meanwhile, Yuki and Nico’s communication is as subtle as ever. Yuki tells Nico “Your time’s improving, Senpai.” To which Musa replies, again, “So, what?”

Who will win this cold war?

King’s new time must not be as good as his last, since he comments to Hana “It’s strange” and that “there must have been a headwind,” to which she replies that they’re all running under the same conditions.

Sakaki watches this exchange (or rather Hana-chan) with interest.

Our antagonist might be in love. Or maybe he thinks Kakeru is and is trying to make him jealous.

The twins ask Kakeru who he is, but he doesn’t reply. Meanwhile Haiji arrives with the staggering Prince. He is encouraging him, telling him. “Look, your friends are waiting for you! The heroes of Aotake! They’re waiting of the warrior named Prince to return!”

Yuki comments that Haiji’s words sound like something Prince would enjoy. Musa adds that “Haiji’s learning”

-I said it before and I’ll say it again. Haiji’s knowledge of his housemates and all that makes them tick makes him a wonderful parent, err, senpai.

Haiji continues encouraging Prince saying, “Today you’ll reach an unknown territory you’ve never reached before!”

He then pushes Prince over the finish line. Hana reads his time: “34: 59: 28”

At this number, he tells the passed-out Prince “Hear that? You broke the 35-minute wall. You did it.”

You can hear the twins thinking, “Is he alive, though?” Meanwhile the butterfly has caught up to Prince😂
  • Haiji’s would even make be a fantastic parent to special needs children. The optimism to respect all children’s abilities and celebrate even the smallest of wins is not a gift everyone has.

Sakaki puts a damper on things when he bursts out laughing and asks if this is a Senior citizens’ marathon. He then boasts that he can walk faster than that. When he turns to leave KK stands in his way. “What?” Sakaki asks, challenging him.

  • Kakeru has a complicated expression on his face. Like he wants to say something. Or, maybe he wants to hit him. Judging from his clenched fist, and Sakaki’s words that he’s used them in the past, it’s not too farfetched.

Before he does anything, however, Haiji walks up to them and asks where Sakaki’s from.

Sakaki thinks he’s the coach and addresses him as such, when Haiji interrupts him.

“I’m not the coach. I’m a fourth year. An athlete.”

-Sakaki’s assumption here is natural considering the guidance and support Haiji was giving Prince. But I think it’s also continuity on Haiji’s charisma, confidence, and natural air of authority.

Sakaki apologizes for his mistake, and says that he knows Kurahara.

“He really helped me out a lot in high school.”

Haiji ignores Sakaki obvious sarcasm and asks if Sakaki is in the track and field team. Sakaki affirms this and mentions the name of his school. Haiji’s answers:

“Tokyo Sport University? Then we’ll see you at the track meet.”

At Sakaki’s confusion, Haiji explains that they will all participate in the track meet that is going to be held at Sakaki’s school the end of that month.

It’s news to everyone else.

Kakeru starts sweating. Nico comments quietly, “Isn’t that enough?” While Yuki’s eyes widen in a panic.

Meanwhile Sakaki is still unsure of what it is he is hearing. He asks again if they’ll be running at his school’s meet.

“Of course. We can’t qualify without official records.”

At this point the team realizes that Haiji is about to commit them to more than just a track meet. Both Musa and Yuki beg him to stop talking but he ignores them.

“To participate in the Hakone Ekiden qualifier, we need official records. So, we’ll run at the meet. All of us. Those ten guys are the Kansei University Hakone Ekiden team.”

His unwavering tone is a stark contrast to the doomed expressions on most of his “team’s” faces.

Meanwhile Kakeru’s anger seems to have evaporated and has been replaced with discomfiture. At Haiji’s words, he turns his head away from Sakaki.

Sakaki’s incomprehension turns to disbelief. He looks at Kakeru searchingly, and asks him if Haiji is serious.

KK doesn’t answer. Sakaki then asks in quiet anger “Are you making light of track and field?”

Behind him, Haiji answers he isn’t. Sakaki finally blows up in anger.

“I’m asking you, Kurahara!”

– Because they were on the same team, Sakaki knows Kakeru’s talent. More importantly, he knows that KK understands what it takes to be a serious athlete. This explains his disbelief here. He doesn’t know what Haiji’s background is. Nor do we, for that matter. And seeing how slow and out of shape the other would-be athletes are, it’s not strange for him to be shocked at Haiji’s declaration. In fact, his reaction isn’t that different from Kakeru’s in the first episode. Or the second. Or even in third. Kakeru has basically been saying the same thing from the very beginning. That Hakone is impossible for the members of Aotake.

At the escalating situation, the twins jump up and tell Hana to not be afraid, they’re ready for anything that might happen. She blushes at this display of chivalry.

Sakaki then makes it personal when he asks Kakeru “Aren’t you embarrassed to be running at their level?!”

  • Hmm. That’s actually an interesting question. Is he? And if that were the case, why would he be? Earlier, Sakaki was doing all he can to make him feel embarrassed, but I don’t know if it worked. More like, KK got pissed because Sakaki being a jerk. Also, we know KK thought the idea was completely far-fetched and shouldn’t even be attempted. But Haiji’s claims Sakaki’s seem to have provoked Sakaki more than he was able to anger Kurahara.

The others, who as of yet still have varying degrees of willingness to participate, are nonetheless all insulted by Sakaki’s words. Even leader of the anti running league Yuki repeats “Our level?” with a raised eyebrow.

The only one unaffected is Nico who replies with a smile and matter of fact tone: “I actually find it invigorating.”

Nico being Nico ❤️

-Having being in track, he must know how unprepared they are for Hakone, but that this doesn’t really bother him. I’m guessing because it actually means there is less pressure. I also think he said this to try to diffuse the situation a bit.

Kakeru, still sweating and with fisted hands, opens and closes his mouth a few times but seems like he’s having trouble finding the right words to say.

At this point Prince comes back from land of the dead to say the following in his raspy, shaking, strangled voice, his exhausted body shaking and barely managing to put out the words:

“That’s why I hate them. It’s always about levels, winning and losing..”

-by “them” I assume he means athletes in general.

“…they can only describe things on that level…”

-interesting use of “level” here, to describe the lack of loquaciousness of athletes, when it was previously used by Sakaki to describe the lack of athletic ability in Haiji’s team. This reminds us that Prince is a literature student. It’s a battle between the jock and the geek.

“…I really hate running. But more than that I hate people who criticize others for what they do!”

Everyone hangs on Prince as if he’s uttering his last words.

“I’m not sure if these people are my friends or not….”

At this, Yuki, hilariously says “Oi,” as if insulted.

Prince goes on to say, “But at the very least they recognize me, my ideas, and my worth. Among them, there is no high or low level. The only thing that matters is who we are!”

– Prince’s speech here is in character. We’ve seen him as a loner who only cares about reading manga. But when forced to participate, either in the residents’ parties, or running by Haiji, he’s accepted into the fold without question. As was Kakeru, from day one.

Speaking of Kakeru, he looks like he is completely entranced here. It’s as if Prince’s words are laying to rest all the fears he had at the beginning of the episode.

Kakeru internalizing Prince’s words

Prince then passes out, having over-exerted himself. Haiji takes a moment to respect his efforts before snapping back at Sakaki with a cheerful “you heard him.”

Yuki hilariously comments that Haiji’s recovery was too quick.

Haiji then puts a hand on KK’s shoulder and tells Sakaki:

“Kakeru will get faster. Even faster than when you knew him.”

The body language and the fact Haiji addresses Kakeru by his first name, for the first time, and in Sakaki’s presence, is intentional.

He’s telling both Sakaki and Kakeru that he’s one of them now.

But his words go even further. Saying that Kakeru will become even faster address Sakaki’s implication that KK, being at a “low level team” will bring him down as well.

With his hand still on KK’s shoulder, Haiji leads him away, no doubt to end the argument. Sakaki, miffed at this display of camaraderie, turns to leave. But before he does, Kakeru turns around to calls out to him, to both the red-head’s and Haiji’s surprise.

Kakeru thinks a bit, before he earnestly tells Sakaki “We’ll meet again”.

Sakaki facial expression changes drastically, from shock to resentment at this declaration, much to KK’s confusion. When he leaves silently, Nico asks him, “What was that? A declaration of war?”

Kakeru is aghast “What?”

King adds “Didn’t you mean he’ll pay for this?”

“No!” Kakeru replies honestly, horrified that he’s been misunderstood.

-Based on KK’s body language, and facial expression, he was actually trying to make peace with Sakaki, and that he actually meant to say he’d see him around, in a friendly way. I also think that, despite misunderstanding his statement at first, Sakaki realized his true intention.

More than resenting the challenge inadvertently declared, Sakaki looks annoyed at KK’s lack of social skills.

But Kakeru probably doesn’t realize this. Musa’s declaration that his challenge was “cool” does nothing to relieve him.

Yuki also teases him, “You’re the type to provoke people subconsciously.”

Kakeru wondering what he said/did to give everyone the wrong idea.

Meanwhile Shindo states that they now have a goal. The twins scream excitedly that they’ll run at the track meet, regardless of what their level is.

Haiji tells Kakeru: “Prince is right. You’re you. Do what you want. So, will I. That’s why I’ll run with you and the rest of the guys.”

Haiji tells them it’s time to go back, that breakfast is waiting. With high spirits, they all leave. Kakeru watches the sun reflecting off their figures, then takes a step towards them.

Best Lines

I mentioned many above, but earlier in the episode, in the cafeteria, Prince said: “No king rules forever. What you really need is intellect and sensibility.”

This line felt a bit off at the time but I think it served as foreshadowing to his verbal show-down with Sakaki and might for future events as well.


Incidentally, Sakaki’s voice actor is Kawanishi Kengo (Kiriyama Rei in 3-Gatsu no Lion). He did a fantastic job and I look forward to seeing this character again. Despite everything, his presence served to bring the rest of the team together.

Grade: 10/10


This whole episode was fantastic start to finish. The last scene of the episode, is also probably one of the most iconic ones.

The music was phenomenal. It started with the same track as “Shout” when Haiji, Kakeru and Sakaki were talking. It sets up the tension perfectly with the team being anxious about Haiji committing them in front of someone else to Hakone, Sakaki’s subsequent disbelief, anger, and mockery, followed by Prince’s soliloquy.

I knew to expect great things from this character because Irino Miyu was chosen to be his voice actor and I wasn’t wrong. Prince’s words uttered by anyone else could have been painfully awkward to hear. He delivers them with spirit, through a strangled voice, and the fact that he’s utterly the worst runner on the team gives them more weight.

Even so, it might have all been cheesy if we weren’t seeing how Prince’s words were literally blowing away all of Kakeru’s doubts. When he admitted that he didn’t know if he and the housemates were friends, it was like Kakeru was being told, even if he didn’t have the answers to the questions plaguing him, it didn’t matter.

This is further reinforced by Haiji telling him “Do what you want”. I think Haiji knew all along that KK loves running but that something was holding him back. He models his words when he tells Kakeru “So will I. That’s why I’m running with you guys.”

Having the clouds disperse just then is a continuation of the theme of Haiji’s light (see episode one review) versus Kakeru’s darkness. Then the uplifting track of “We Must Go” just brings it all together so beautifully.

Maybe Kakeru can’t forget his high school team. Sakaki certainly doesn’t seem like he’s willing to let him do so anytime soon. I mean, think about it. He saw him two days prior with the team, came back to ask him who he was with the next day, and it still wasn’t enough.

Sakaki doesn’t care who Kakeru was with. Really. Image commissioned by Reviewbrain. Not to be shared without permission.

It really doesn’t matter to him. And yet he had to come back then next day to see for himself who Kakeru was hanging out with. Only to get the shock of his life. Youok just know he’ll be back.

But Prince’s words, the team’s and Haiji’s support, seem to have at least dispersed part of the episode’s titular shadows. He’s starting to move forward.

Papa bear Haiji just looks so proud of Prince here. I’m sure all viewers were as well.

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Run With the Wind Episode Three Review: A Single Flower

Once again this review is peppered with comments from my young artist Hemlock-chan.

Warning: this review contains spoilers up to the end of this episode.

Disclaimer: All images have been screen captured from Crunchyroll and belong to their respective owners. I am using them to promote this show and will delete them if/when I am asked to do so.


We see Jouji’s sleeping face being gently tapped awake by the back of Haiji’s hand, who smiles broadly, and comments that everyone’s here. Here, being the yard in front of the apartment building. We see Yuki, who has his arms crossed tightly in front of him and eyebrows drawn tight with a pissed off look on his face. King looks displeased as well. Nico’s hands rest in his jacket pockets and looks like he’s suppressing a yawn. Jouji is still fighting to stay awake while Jouta is sleeping while standing, using Musa’s shoulder as a pillow. Shindo looks concerned at his friend while Musa just stands awkwardly. They are all wearing track suits and/or sweats except for prince who’s in jeans and a t-shirt. And the reason why they’re all so sleepy is it’s still dark out.

Hemlock: Haiji woke them up at the ass-crack of dawn to practice. Otaku guy (Prince) looks dead as hell, he probably stayed up all night reading manga and now he’s gonna suffer the rest of the day. Normally he’d be fine cause he’d wake up at a less unreasonable time but Haiji had other plans.

Lol. Takes one to know one, I guess ^_^;

Haiji (who gained the nickname Ogre in the previous episode) is unconcerned at the questionable degree of wakefulness and/or eagerness of his “team”. He tells them they’re running to the Tamagawa river as he wants to test their levels, the better to plan their practices in the future.

King stubbornly says there won’t be future practices. Meanwhile, Kakeru is doing stretches. He’s the only one who doesn’t seem out of place. Yuki points out that even after adamantly refusing to run he’s nonetheless joining their practice. The newbie replies it’s just for today.

Haiji tries to encourage everyone by saying that nothing beats breakfast after a run. He’s about to lead them out when Prince calls him back. He clarifies that the river Haij mentioned is five kilometers away.

Haiji is impressed with prince’s familiarity with the local geography, but essentially ignores him.

Prince doesn’t give up, and demands to know why they’re doing a 10-kilometer round trip first thing in the morning.

Haiji says “If you’re able to shout this much, you’ll be fine”. 

Hemlock: Haiji said he was shouting but he’s actually just wheezing.

  • It’s true. Prince’s normal voice is actually quite low. If just raising it is this difficult for him, can you imagine how hard running is would be?

Impatient, Kakeru takes off. The twins are impressed with his speed. Haiji uses this as impetus for the rest but adds that they should maintain their own pace.

Hemlock: Haiji is the kind of person who is nice but also sucks. You hate him cause he’s annoying and insistent as hell. He’s really sabotaging everyone’s life and they didn’t know they signed up for this. It’s like:

Everyone: “When did we sign up for this sh*t?”

Haiji: “It was on the door.”

Prince is the only one left behind. He questions everyone dignity and sanity (as he should) for agreeing to this, and then gets blackmailed with folded cardboard boxes and the most menacing “innocent smile” ever as Haiji tells Prince “Go!”

  • Basically, “Go run, or go pack”.

The opening credits start.

Act one

We see the twins lying on the grass near the river bed. Jouji (red track suit) says “Yay! I won.” When his older brother Jouta (blue suit) tells him it was a tie, he argues that he won by a hair.

Shindo and Musa arrive next, with the former telling the latter that he’s impressed by his stamina. The black man replies “This is the first time I wanted to go back to my home country.”

Meanwhile, on the road, Nico staggers and coughs. He stops to rest and sees Yuki laying on a grassy incline, close the river, I think. King is further away and is sitting on the ground near a garbage bin in the street.

  • The characters here are shown in the order of their speed, I think, except for Yuki whom has arrived before Nico, as evident when Nico sees him after he reaches their destination. So Jouji is fastest, then Jouta, Shindo, Musa, Yuki, Nico, then King.

Finally, we see Prince who, rather than running, is more accurately swaying side by side on the road, gasping for breath every step of the way. He is accompanied by Haiji who is running closely behind him and offering words of encouragement. He is going along Prince’s pace, though, so as slow as the bookworm is, this means Haiji is practically jogging in place.

Hemlock: It’s funny how the most beautiful character is also the ugliest runner.

  • True. He literally looks and sounds like a zombie, albeit a pretty one.

Haiji cheerfully explains to Prince the importance of physically experiencing the distance of five kilometers, when a butterfly flutters in front of them. It distracts them, with Prince reaching his hand out for it, but the tiny insect is faster than he is and flies away. Haiji watches this for a bit, before continuing his pep talk: “Surely, you’ll be able to run it.”  

  • He doesn’t sound very convincing.

The scene changes to show that the two have finally reached the others. Only Kakeru is missing. The others are all exhausted but Prince is completely passed out, face down, in the grass. Haiji tells them cheerfully “Okay, let’s go back.”

One of Prince’s arms rises from dead. He says “I’m going back as a butterfly.”

  • This was so funny.

Kakeru then passes by, running along the road above the riverside.

“Is he ever going to stop running?” the twins ask. Haiji smiles, pleased.

The runner joins them, and explains “Your body gets cold if you just wait,” meaning, he’s been there for quite a while, waiting for the rest of them to show up.

Haiji concurs. KK then turns to confront him.

“Do you understand now just how just how stupid your idea is?” He points out that the guys just barely managed to run five kilometers, while each section of the Hakone Ekiden race is over 20 kilometers. “That’s more than quadruple.” He also adds that they’d be racing against veterans who have spent years training. At Haiji’s unconcerned smile, he adds “We could train for ten years and still be behind,” before he runs back.

  • It seems that Kakeru ran “just for today” to see how well the others would fare; to see if Haiji’s idea was at all feasible.  Looks like he’s decided its not.

Nico watches him go. King wonders just how insane Kakeru’s body is. Haiji chuckles, saying “He’s not wrong,” then tells the others to not worry, they’ll be ready in ten months, since that’s when the race will take place.

  • I have no idea where Haiji’s confidence comes from, especially when faced with Kakeru’s hard facts, but it’s nonetheless admirable.  

The others look at him in stunned silence, and we move onto the episode’s title: A Single Flower

Act one

Back home, at breakfast, Haiji explains that the colleges that usually participate in the Ekiden have runners that can clear 5000 kilometers in 14 minutes and 30 seconds. When the twins complain that they can’t imagine that, Yuki does the math and tells them it’s less than three minutes per kilometer. King cries out that that’s the same time it takes to prepare cup noodles. Prince complains that King’s comparison makes it harder to imagine the speed.

Musa mentions that it’s inhumanely fast, to which Jouji comments “I bet there are lots of guys like that where you’re from, Musa.”

Musa calls him out on his prejudice, while Shindo comments that his high school’s long-distance race was just 3 kilometers. Nico is resigned, and says “Well, that’s how it is,” as if accepting the impossibility of the feat.

But Haiji is optimistic. He says while it’s not an easy speed to achieve, it’s not impossible if they do the training, and that they need to know what their goals are to be able to work towards them.

When Nico attempts to light up a cigarette Haiji takes it out of his mouth.

  • Haiji taking such liberties here shows that he is completely unconcerned with the fact that Nico is his upperclassman. Rather than let Nico off with his resignation, he’s indirectly telling him that he’ll need to stop smoking. The older third year looks a bit troubled, maybe even a bit peevish, but doesn’t rebuke Haiji in any way.  

Haiji also adds that they’ll limit their goal to just the Ekiden, as that will make things easier.

  • I was a bit confused here. Easier as opposed to what?

Kakeru, standing at the kitchen doorway, demands to know what the basis of Haiji’s claims is.

  • My Japanese is baby level, but I’m pretty sure the word he used here is “lie”.

Instead of answering, Haiji asks if Kakeru isn’t eating breakfast.  

KK retorts that he doesn’t want to owe any favors, and leaves.

  • For once, Haiji looks perturbed. I feel for him. It sucks to cook and not have everyone enjoy your food. On another note, I think he’s worried that KK refusing to eat shows that he’s becoming more, not less, obstinate. Maybe he’s also concerned for Kakeru’s health, since he knows the younger lad doesn’t have money to buy sustenance.

The next morning we see a frowning Haiji. The reason being that it is time for practice but Prince, King, and Yuki, haven’t showed up. Shindo says “They ran away”. When Haiji goes to wake them up, Nico informs him that Yuki went clubbing the night before and never came back.

  • I think this was the first time we saw Haji show his displeasure so overtly. He must have thought that the others had gotten used to and accepted the idea of running by now. Come to think of it, Yuki and Nico were the only two that Haiji hadn’t tried talking (i.e. threatened, pressured, wheedled) into running. Which begs the reason, why? I think Haiji knew on some level that, since he ran in the past, Nico wouldn’t be hard to convince. Yuki, on the other hand, had been adamant from the beginning that he wouldn’t run. Did Haiji decide to then leave him alone hoping he would eventually come around to the idea? He probably thought it worked too, since Yuki did run with the others the first day. That might explain his disappointment here.  

Even Kakeru, as vocal he is about the absurdity of Haiji’s goal, is there. But, as usual, he is unconcerned with the others. As soon as he finishes his stretches, he runs off alone.   

As expected, he reaches the riverbed first when he hears the squeal of a bike stopping. Looking up, he sees it came from a young woman in a sailor uniform. Ignoring her, he starts stretching, when she suddenly cries out. He looks back to see that she is running down the incline to the river, and seems to have lost control of her speed. Catching himself staring, KK quickly turns away.

  • I love Kakeru for this. The action shows an innate respect for women in general and makes him so likable.
Kakeru embarrassed

Once the young lady has safely reached the bottom, she turns towards Kakeru to ask if he’s a Kansei university student. He murmurs a yes. She goes on to ask if he’s a member of the track team. This time he looks down without replying. Finally, the girl asks him if he’s acquainted with Kiyose Haij. Here, the surprised Kakeru raises his head.

  • You can almost see the question in his eyes. Who is this girl and how does she know Haiji?

After the episode break, we see that the rest of the team, except for Prince and their captor (er, leader) has arrived. Sitting together on the grass, they look at the girl with interest, and, in King’s case, obvious admiration.

Kakeru, on the other hand, has his back turned towards everyone as he coolly continues doing his stretches.

Kakeru playing it cool

When Haiji and Prince show up at the road, the girl calls out to him. He looks happy to see her and asks her about school.

She replies that she’ll go “After this. I came first thing, but no one was here.”

Haiji explains “We’re still slow.” The girl responds that when she arrived only Kakeru had been there, and that she guessed he was on the team as soon as she saw him. Kakeru, avoiding Haiji’s gaze, admits that he “couldn’t ignore her”.

Haiji smiles at this statement and I think, for the first time since the show began, his grin actually reaches his eyes.

Haiji thinking: “Aww, Kurahara likes her.”
  • I can only describe this smile as being both fond and knowing. It’s like Haiji’s glad even the aloof Kakeru isn’t resistant to a sweet girl’s charms.
  • While she and Haiji talk (we can’t hear what they’re saying) Musa suddenly recalls where he’d seen her. He tells the others that she’s the vegetable store owner’s daughter, in the shopping district.
  • It makes sense that Musa, with his part time job at the butcher’s, would recognize her.

King instantly asks if they’re dating, to which Musa says is unlikely. The twins agree, seeing as she’s just a high-school student.

Before she leaves, the girl offers the young men words of encouragement, telling them to practice hard. 

They answer with a resounding “We will!”

Hemlock: A woman is the best motivation for men.

Image commissioned by Reviewbrain. Not to be shared without permission.

It’s a bit cliché, but it does seem to be the case for these men, at least.

Except for Prince. He’s once more passed out, face down, in the grass. We hear the caw of a raven in the background.

Poor Prince

The scene switches to a club where Yuki is using the fact that he’s a lawyer to chat up a couple of women. The adult setting is complete with drinks on the table and a cigarette case.

  • The scanty clothing and heavily made-up faces of the girls here are a stark contrast to Haiji’s acquaintance whom we met in the previous scene. Her innocent demeanor and natural beauty are even more stunning in comparison with the women here. I think this difference is intentional.
  • The fact that Yuki, whom we know hates cigarettes, is chatting up a smoker hints that he’s not picky when it comes to female companionship. Which could mean he’s only interested in the “no strings attached” type, as hinted by him not have returned home the night before. To be honest, I wouldn’t have guessed it. He seemed like a more seriuos person to me, so I could be wrong.

Just as he’s about to exchange numbers with them Haiji, with a big innocent grin, chimes in that he’d like Yuki’s number too.    

The next scene shows the two housemates walking home together. A furious Yuki asks his fellow fourth year if he’s wrong in the head. But Haiji can’t hear him; his ears are still ringing from the noise in the club. “It’s amazing, how can you stay there that long?”

  • Or Haiji might just be conveniently pretending that he can’t.  

Yuki yells at Haiji that he’s wasting his time, he won’t run. He worked hard to pass the bar and plans on enjoying his final free year. He also says that since he doesn’t need to make connections with the housemates, nor is he interested in making memories with them, then he has no reason to run.

  • Yuki’s reasons give insight to his character. Basically, he is a practical person, and only does something if he finds it to be in his interest.

Haiji, with his usually indifferent tone, tells Yuki that he has a reason: he needs ten people to run at Hakone.

At this Yuki angrily and rightfully points out that he doesn’t exist for Haiji’s purposes. The latter acknowledges this truth, but before Yuki can celebrate his win, Haiji adds “Then I’ll come with you. It’s only fair.” Since he’s asking Yuki to run with him, Haiji will then likewise go clubbing with Yuki. “It’s very important for teammates to understand and respect each other.”

Yuki deflates completely at this declaration.

  • It’s no wonder. It’s not like Haiji will be playing the role of wing-man. Rather he’s probably just going to sabotage Yuki’s efforts at hooking up.  
  • Trivia: The name of the club is Ai Ai, which basically means Love, love.
  • The position of the two, on an incline with Haiji being at the top is symbolic.
  • During this conversation the two pass by what looks like a movie theater. The posters look familiar but I can’t quite place them. I think they were chosen carefully, and if anyone can tell me what they alludes to I think that might deepen our understanding of the scene even further.

The third day, Yuki shows up to practice but declares angrily that he’s definitely finding a way out of this.

He is then greeted by the sight of the high school girl he hadn’t yet met. This time she’s in a track suit and on a bike. Haiji introduces her as Katsuta Hanako, and says that she’ll be helping them out.

  • “Hana” means flower (though I can’t be 100% it’s what Hanako’sname means sure because I do not know what character is being used to write her name) while ‘ko is a common suffix used in girl’s names. If it weren’t clear enough before, we now know exactly what the episode’s title is referring to.

Hemlock: So Haiji’s going to continue his sadistic torment of his teammates.  

I don’t think they’ll mind too much now. The others are, for once, are all awake and prepared. They are stretching alongside Kakeru and let out an energetic “Hey!” at her greeting. Only Prince, surrounded by butterflies, is unmoved by her presence. Rather, if his t-shirt is anything to go by (it has “why?” written on it) he’s confused at the others’ change of heart.

The motivated team

Hemlock: Otaku prince standing, dead inside with no energy, while everyone else is enthusiastic is an accurate representation of me in social events. I’m adding him to my kin list. He’s gonna be near the top. 

Haiji delighted, states “It’s a grand sight when everyone’s here,” while Yuki, with a twitching eyebrow, looks disgusted at how easy the rest were to manipulate.

Kakeru, as usual, takes off before the others but this time Haiji stops him, telling him that he needs him to time the speed of the others. KK is oppositional, “Why me?” but at Hanako’s bemused gaze, he relents.

Everyone starts running. As they do, we get a monologue of the instructions Haiji had given them beforehand: they shouldn’t push themselves too hard just because they’re being timed, but he doesn’t want them to hold back either. He informs them that Hana-chan will watch over them to make sure they don’t. This bit of information seems to motivate King especially, whom we see putting forth quite a burst of effort. Meanwhile, Hanako can’t keep up with Kakeru’s speed, but manages to follow along the twins. The only person whose running doesn’t seem to be improving is Prince’s. He’s swaying along the road as usual, like a good-looking zombie, under Haiji’s watchful gaze.

At the finish line, the river, Kakeru, who as always arrived first, has taken everyone else’s times and is reading them to Hanako who jots them down in a notepad.  

Yuki takes this time to ask the others if Hanako is Haiji’s girlfriend. Shindo tells him “The details aren’t clear,” to which the would-be lawyer replies: “Being forced to run is already a human rights violation, and now he’s showing off his girlfriend?  Just how much does he intend to toy with us?”

Musa, comments that her presence, however, made one thing clear: King has hidden potential.

Yuki comments that while true, that this is sad. Shindo agrees, “No matter how you look at it.”

  • They are referring to the fact that King did so much better after Hana showed up, and the fact that even as they speak, he is hanging around her as she and Kakeru register everyone’s times. It’s painful to watch. King just looks so desperate for attention here. It would be disturbing if it weren’t so awkward and painful to watch.

After Hanako leaves, Haiji tells the boys “Well, I wasn’t lying, was I? Work hard and women will approach you. It only took three days.” Both the twins and King are captivated by his words. The twins actually walk up to him, each clasping one of his hands in both of theirs.

They apologize for having ever doubted him. “We thought for sure you were tricking to us.”

Haiji smiles.

  • It is a rueful smile, with a bit of endearment in it. Anyone (except the dim duo) should be able to identify it as him pitying how easy they are, even if he is grateful for that fact.

They continue, “But it was true! It’s only Yaokatsu’s Hana-chan now, but if we work hard!”

Haiji plays along, taking full advantage of the mood, and looks off into the distance “Look! On the other side of the road are more women than you can count!”

The two, with shining eyes, look in the same direction, and imagine an ocean of women.

“I’m so glad we attended college.”

  • Could it be these two were actually in an all-boys school and that’s why they’re so girl-crazy?

Haiji puts his arms around them both in a firm hug, patting their backs, as they cry in happiness. He then tells them “Let’s aim for the top!” The two question what would happen if they actually won. Haiji responds, with a lascivious smile “You’ll have your hands full.”

The twins scream in ecstasy while Yuki and Musa lament how easily they blonde boys were taken in. Haiji then shouts “The mountains of Hakone are the steepest in the world!” to which Jouta states, excitedly, “I don’t know what that means!” then Jouji adds “But it’s so intense!”

  • These two *shakes head while smiling* you can’t help but love them.

Haiji continues pumping them up: “The mountains of Hakone..!

“…are the steepest in the world!” they answer. 

They do this continuously. Shindo, watching them, smiles suddenly and tells Musa that he thinks he’ll continue training “for a while longer.” Musa is surprised at his friend’s decision. Yuki is still pissed off at how easily duped they were, while Nico asks Kakeru what he plans on doing. “I thought you were going to make him give up. Don’t tell me you’re on board now?”

  • Now I know why Haiji never bothered convincing Nico. He’s already on board and is playing the part of a double agent. An accurate translation of his above statement to Kakeru would be: “Are you finally on board now?” Though I don’t know if KK realizes it or not.

He answers: “Yeah, right,” and points out that Prince can’t even finish running the 5 kilometer distance properly. “No one would believe him.”

Nico agrees, but nonetheless asks Kakeru, “So why is he so confident?” Kakeru has no reply.

  • Maybe he’s recalling the question he posed the day before to Haiji, when he asked him what his basis was, for the claim that with training the boys can achieve his goal. It’s also a question viewers will repeatedly be asking.  
“The mountains of Hakone are the steepest in the world!”

As Haiji tells the others that it’s time to head back for breakfast, a red-haired runner in a blue track suit stops when he sees the group. His face is off screen, so we cannot see it, but he gasps in recognition when he sees Kakeru.

It is later in the day as we can tell from the setting sun. Haiji is at the Yaokatsu vegetable shop purchasing items from Hanako who asks him: “Did I do good this morning?”

  • I wonder if Haiji is actually paying her to help out, like a part time job.

Haiji replies that it was plenty, since athletes perform better in front of an audience. Hana, innocent creature as she is, doesn’t seem to understand exactly how she’s influencing the men, but comments “It was really fun, though.” Before telling Haiij “I hope your dream comes true.”

  • I don’t think he is. She seems to genuinely want to help out, so she’s probably helping out as a favor to him.

Katsuta, Hanako’s father, then chimes in and says that Haiji’s dream will come true: “He’s been waiting four years.”

  • Here we realize that not only does the regular at the bath house know of Haiji’s ambition, so do some of the vendors (at least the vegetable shop) at the shopping district.

Katsuta then comments that Haiji must have gotten some good members. His daughter had told him that she couldn’t keep up with her bike. Hanako confirms this, mentioning how fast Kurahara was, and asks Haiji if he’s famous. Haiji doesn’t commit to an answer and tells her “I’m not sure.” Her dad then tells him that they’re excited for him and will help in any way they can. Haji thanks him with a huge smile.

  • This is continuity that Haiji is actually well known and well-liked. It explains his confidence when he tells KK in the first episode “let’s go apologize” to the convenience store clerk, knowing that, if he’s with Kakeru, they’ll forgive him.

The rest of the team are all at the Tsuru-no-yo bathhouse. There, Shindo tells the others of a discovery he made: to run in the Ekiden they have to first succeed in the qualifiers for it. Nico comments that most people only know about the race itself. Shindo explains that only 20 teams run in the Ekiden, ten of which are seeded (were the top ten the previous year, and therefore earned the right to run). The other ten spots are earned through a qualifying race. The twins are excited to participate while realistic Prince says “we still don’t even know if we’ll be racing.”  

The discussion continues on the way home. Even the knowledge that about 50 schools run the qualifying race doesn’t dampen the twin’s spirits. “Haiji said we’re just getting started,”  

It is then that Kakeru, who had been listening silently the whole time, interjects.

“It’s not that easy. How hard do you think they practice to place in the top fifth? And not everyone can participate in the qualifiers. Each athlete needs an official record of finishing 5000 meters in less than 16:30 minutes, or 10000 in 30:00.”

  • As he says this, we see Kakeru, clenching his hands into fists. Three makes a pattern so it’s safe to see this is a habit of his. The first time was when Haiji first brought up Hakone, and the second was when Haiji mentioned his high school.

Prince comments that these numbers are astronomical. KK says that these are the required numbers.

“It doesn’t matter if you have a couple of fast guys. Everyone needs to be running at a high level. An amateur who can’t even finish 10000 kilometers shouldn’t be aiming for that. Don’t you understand how reckless he’s being?”

  • Meaning, Haiji.

Jouji murmurs a “Kinda”.

  • King and Nico have interesting expressions on their faces. Like, although they recognize the truth of Kakeru’s words, they don’t like that it’s being said. Maybe because they finally started looking at the race as an actual goal?

Kakeru then says that since they understand, they should stop wasting their efforts. Here Jouta chimes in. “Actually, what’s your deal, Kakeru?”

The question makes him pause, mid-rant, in confusion.

Jouji continues his older brother’s line of questioning. “Yeah. What are you afraid of? You’re fast.”

At this statement KK recoils in shock. 

Jouta presses on. “Maybe you’re worried about us, but we’re the ones doing the work, so who cares?”

Jouji ends it with “run with us.”

“What are you afraid of?”
  • I absolutely loved this dialogue. I felt like the twins were voicing my own questions. Being the same age as Kakeru, they are conversing as equals. And having straightforward personalities, they are cutting straight to the chase, not concerning themselves with politeness or subtlety. The others watch with interest. Especially Nico, whose eyes move from the twins to Kakeru to gauge his reaction. He seems to have some trouble formulating a response. At length, he finally says “I don’t work well with others.”

Hemlock: The stutter in Kurahara’s voice when he said he doesn’t work well with others was very well done and shows the existence of an inner trauma

  • It also helps explain what Kakeru said to Haiji in the previous episode, “If I want to run, I’ll run alone.”

The next day, everyone has shown up for practice, but Kakeru isn’t stretching in his usual spot, on the floor at the far left of the group.

When Haiji asks about him, he is told that he left already. Musa says “we only practiced together for one day.” While the twins wonder if Kakeru’s still angry. Haiji, who wasn’t present for their conversation the previous night, seems bemused.

The missing Kakeru has already finished his run. At the river bed, he is sweating profusely and breathing heavily. It seems to have taken more out of him than usual. We see him have a flashback to Jouji telling him to run with them.

  • This hints that his exhaustion is more mental that it is physical. Or maybe he put in more of a physical effort to deal with his inner turmoil.

Suddenly, someone calls out to him, “I knew it.” KK’s fixes his eyes on the guy in a blue track suit whom we saw watching him the day before. We see him through Kakeru’s perspective. The camera moves until it reaches the red-headed runner’s face. Kakeru’s eyes then widen in shock and/or fear.

“It’s been a while, Kurakara,” the red-head tells him, with a lazily sinister expression.

  • We have now met the antagonist. I personally find the pacing to be fantastic, but others more impatient than I might have felt it was too slow.

Best Lines:

King: One kilometer in the time it takes to prepare cup noodles?

Prince: Where is your dignity? Where has your human dignity gone? We’re allowing ourselves to be forced to run without objection. Can we really call ourselves people?

  • Wow. In 2021 this statement hits close. Just exchange (run) with (whatever crap your respective governments are dishing out).

Nice Touches:

  • When Hana-chan was running down the slope, she was holding her skirt down.
  • I liked how the “Day 2” and “Day 3”, respectively, were superimposed on the screen. Not only does this clarify the timeline of their practices but also puts the members’s reactions into a chronological perspective.

Grade: 8/10. It’s a good episode. Prince and the twins were hilarious. As was Yuki’s ire. There’s nothing wrong with it. But I just didn’t feel it warranted a higher grade. Maybe because the animation wasn’t as perfect as in the first episode. Maybe because there wasn’t much going on. Not sure. Thoughts?

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