Monthly Archives: May 2024

Free Palestine

Hello everyone. If you’re wondering what I’ve been up to feel free to check out my twitter feed @brainyreviewer starting from before October 7, 2023.

I’ve been vocal there plenty of times about the crimes Israel has been committing to Palestinians under its occupation. The children being murdered at the IOF’s whims, the campaigns Israel wages regularly, bombing as many Palestinians as they can which we now know is called “mowing the lawn” (thanks Norman Finkelstein) to keep the population of Palestinians in check. I know all of this mostly due to geography. Not living in a Western country gives me the advantage of seeing news that is entirely different than what only truly evil or truly blinkered people can now contest is #zionist controlled mainstream media. Like TYT host Cenk once asked, “Are you a monster or are you a moron?”

As a Muslim I was terrified when October 7 happened. I understood that Palestinians have been resisting occupation for decades. I’ve seen the atrocities committed by Israel through both the news, newspapers and magazines. I’ll be honest and say I couldn’t care less if any IDF soldiers were killed. They are murderous psychopaths who kill children for sport. This has been documented by themselves on video, all you have to do is look it up.

But I was scared for two main reasons: as Muslims we have an incredibly high standard to uphold set down by our prophet when we engage in war:

Credit: @thedeenshow Eddie Deen

The images that came out of the October 7 attack made me question whether these standards were being upheld. At the same time I can hardly blame any viciousness an occupied, tortured, maimed people would commit on their transgressors. I can feel shocked and horrified by it, but can I honestly condemn it when I myself do not know how I would act if I were in the same position? I doubt anyone can know how/what their reaction would be if they lived the same life. If they suffered the daily humiliation of being made second class citizens in their own lands. Palestinians suffer apartheid in Israel. They are subjected to settler violence and land theft in West Bank, and live in the prison that is Gaza, what many human rights organizations have called a concentration camp, never able to leave.

My second fear was of Israel’s retaliation. The terrorist state is ready to attack Palestinians for no reason whatsoever, now they had what they perceived was a just cause. Unfortunately, through the last several bloody campaigns that were unleashed upon Gaza, garnering little to no reaction from most western media outlets, I knew that most people in the West were completely ignorant of Palestinians plight.

And here we are today. Even with an initial ICJ ruling, even with an arrest warrant issued for Satanyahu, genocide is STILL being committed. We’re being forced to watch a snuff film in real time, meanwhile we glance to our left and right and still see people defending Israel’s right to defend itself.

If you are saying these things, you are not welcome here.

If you are saying these things, then you can’t ever have truly been a #mentalist fan, not when the entire show is about Jane’s quest for justice. To kill Red John for killing his wife and daughter. One woman. One child. Israhell has been killing women and children for since the creation of its demonic state. Don’t believe me, they boast about it in this documentary.

Professor Avi Shlaim explains that Tantura was just one of the numerous villages that were destroyed and ethnically cleansed of it’s people.

70% of those killed in Gaza are women and children. Over 30,000 killed so far. Now even those sheltering in Rafah (the so called safe zone) are being bombed.

I hope Netanyahu and his extremist right wing government all drop dead. I hope the same for Biden and I know both will burn in hell for all eternity.

So what can we do? Raise awareness. I haven’t been writing because I’ve been tweeting to raise awareness. Now I know better. Those who don’t know, don’t WANT to know the truth. They don’t care. Some are simply selfish because it’s not happening to them. Others are brainwashed because of how deeply controlled Western media is (don’t believe me, do your own research and see who own the companies). But at this point no one can claim ignorance. So, are you an unfeeling robot, stupid, or evil?

If you are protesting, thank you. If you are boycotting zionist companies, entities, speeches, thank you. If you are an anti-zionist Jew, THANK YOU. It is you who will win this war, by retaking your hijacked religion. If you are a student in an encampment, thank you. You have completely changed the game. Liberate your universities from being complicit in Genocide, it’s the first step to liberating your countries from Zionist control.

Palestine is now a symbol of Western oppression, colonialism, hypocrisy, and racism.

We must all seek justice for Palestinians.

Free Palestine.

Below I will add important links to vital sources. This is on ongoing project, feel free to come back and check them out as the list will be updated.

1. The most bizarre claim that Israel has the right to defend itself: United Nations expert Francesca Albanese explains this according to international law ?s=46&t=D1kcGms9pVai307jOpfP2A

Mohammed Hijab explained this seven months ago

Israeli journalist Gideon Levy makes the same point.