Run With the Wind Episode 11 Review: Overflowing Drops

Warning: this review contains spoilers up to the end of this episode.

Disclaimer: All images have been screen captured from Crunchyroll and belong to their respective owners. I am using them to promote this show and will delete them if/when I am asked to do so.

Note: This episode flew under my radar the first time around. Though, to be honest I went through them all like popcorn. But upon re-watching them and savoring them more like the most decadent Japanese cheesecake I realized that it had so many vital elements. Without further ado…


It is raining. A sign tells us that the team is at the Kikui University track meet while a bell alerts us that is the last lap. King, Nico, Kakeru, Prince and Haiji cheer on the twins, Musa, Shindo, and Yuki who are participating in the race. The twins and Musa finish in time and managed to achieve records. They jump in delight.

Maybe it’s the heavy rain, maybe they had already expected it, but the rest of the team’s reaction seems a bit subdued. Except for King who has been endearing himself to me more as of late.

Look how happy he is for them!

Haiji turns to look at the track where Shindo and Yuki are still running with a solemn look on his face.

I know that look and how’s he feeling. It’s when you are so happy for one child but at the same time feel pained because the other isn’t doing so well. Parents want all their kids to do well. And in Haiji’s case all his runners have to all get records if they’re to go to Hakone. Because the celebrating trio’s times were barely enough to make it (Jouji: 16:20: 37, Jouta: 16:21:18, Musa: 16:29:31) we know that Shindo and Yuki didn’t.

Act One

The team is at the Tsuro no yo bathhouse where the team members are all soaking in the baths. Except for the twins who gleefully splash water onto Musa despite his protest that they’ll bother the others. So overcome with joy they do not seem to notice the moroseness of their friends a few feet away; a good thing to be honest.

Haiji quickly cuts through the silence. He tells Yuki and Shindo, “Everyone’s unique. Naturally so are runners.” He goes on to say that different runners do well on different terrains, inclines, etc. How some go for sprints at the end while others maintain a steady pace. “Everyone’s good at something different.”

-Haiji happens to be soaking closest to Yuki and Shindo. I don’t think it’s a coincidence. He probably did so knowing they’ll be needing moral support.

-I like how the rest of the team listens in absolute silence. Perhaps they are also absorbing the information he gives for their own benefit as well. Beside’s Kakeru, they don’t have records either. But I think its mostly because they don’t want to interfere; they realize Haiji is trying to set their friends’ mind at ease.

Yuki realizes this as well. He tells Haiji, “So we shouldn’t worry? Uniqueness certainly sounds nice but doesn’t that mean that some people aren’t suited to running at all?”

Shindo adds that he’s worried.

Haiji again tries to reassure them by telling them that times aren’t everything. Yuki points out that they have a time that they must achieve or they can’t get to Hakone. Haiji starts to say that if they feel what they’re doing is working, but get’s interrupted by Yuki: “But we’re amateurs. Unless you tell us what’s working, we won’t know what is.”

-It’s just like Yuki to be so persistent. This reminds me of Nico’s conversation with Kakeru when he told him it takes courage to face something head on. Yuki (means snow, but also means courage) certainly has plenty of that and so doesn’t want Haiji to spare his feelings. He wants an answer.

Haiji looks unhappy, as if he hadn’t wanted to get into this topic. “True to its name, long distance running is a battle of endurance. It’s not easy to compare results.” But before he can say anything else, Shindo stands up from the bath, scaring everyone when he says, “Sorry, but I’m at my limit.” When he senses everyone’s apprehension he quickly clarifies, “I meant with the water.”

The episode title is shown just then. The timing is foreshadowing that the Overflowing Drops of the title, isn’t just referring to the rain, but also to Shindo.

We next see the team gathered in the yard wearing identical large raincoats. King asks if it’s even possible to run in them. Haiji responds that they have no choice since not all of them have running wear suitable for rainy weather. A twin mentions that they really need to hurry and buy identical tracksuits. Haji points out that these coats are only temporary.

Nira barks excitedly, but Haiji tells him he’ll have to stay home today. The dog whimpers sadly, before shaking off his fur and splashing everyone.

-Like I said, I see Nira as an extension of Haiji. His being sad here is also foreshadowing.

The team runs with great difficulty in the rain. Yuki complains that it’s hot under the coats. King points out that they’re so stuffy they might as well be getting rained on. Only Shindo tries to find a silver lining: Let’s imagine that’s the point of this exercise. A truck with an ogre drawn on it speeds by splashing them all.

In Musa’s room, Jouta says he feels like he just came from the pool. Jouji agrees, saying that he’s exhausted. Musa tells them to dry off properly. The lazy two discuss not showering that day, counting the rain water as their bathing for the day. Their older roommate asks them to please go back to their room. They respond that it leaks when it rains.

-I love how these two just hijack whatever room they want whenever they feel like it/need to. I think they can only do that because their room is always used for gatherings, that, plus they’re so childlike it seems hard for the others to tell them no.

Shindo pops in to greet them before he goes to University, saying he’s got a class first period. After he leaves, Jouji remarks that he never skips his classes. The “unlike us” is inferred. Jouta then asks Musa if Shindo is ok, seeing as how “He seemed pretty depressed after yesterday’s meet. And he’s so earnest.” Musa seems worried, but doesn’t say anything.

A good friend.

-So, they did notice. It’s actually nice of them not to have said anything. Knowing Shindo, it probably would have saddened him for them to be concerned for him when they should be celebrating. That’s probably why Musa didn’t talk to him either, based on his depressed reaction.

-Jouta asking Musa about Shindo is more continuity how everyone knows that the two are best friends.

Jouji then points out that since Shindo has a girlfriend, they don’t need to worry about him. Meaning, he has someone to comfort him. Jouta agrees, annoyed. But then the two wonder when he has time to meet her, seeing how busy he is with training and classes. Musa says maybe during school. The twins ask if he’s met her. Musa says he hasn’t, and that none of the dorm mates have.

The twins then go off on a tangent, scared that maybe Shindo made her up because of the pressure he’s been under. They act a conversation with his imaginary girlfriend, meeting up with him apologizing for being late on a date. They then drop it realizing how scary that would be if it were true.

Seriously, these two
Even gentle Musa has had it with them.

At a convenience store, we see Kakeru buy himself lunch. On his way out he stops to look at the magazine rack.

“Monthly Track and Field Report” catches his interest.

The scene then switches to “Iimura Chiropractic Clinic” where we see Haiji getting a therapeutic massage from the chiropractor (I’ll call him Iimura-sensei).

Language note: Sensei is a title used in Japan to refer to teachers, writer, and doctors, amongst others). It can be used alone or added at the end after a person’s name.

Iimura-sensei tells him “You’ve been protecting the opposite side,” as he checks his non-scarred leg. Haji replies “I’m trying to be conscious of it.”

-I’m guessing he means the weight distribution on his legs? Maybe he’s been hesitant to run on the injured leg for so long that his other leg was starting to get affected, hence the decision to protect it. It’s all conjecture on my part. I’d love to hear what others may think.

Iimura tells him encouragingly, “Once something breaks you’ve got no choice except to take your time fixing it.” Haiji replies with a quiet “Yes, sir.”

-So Haiji isn’t yet fully recovered. He has a far away look in his eyes, like he’s forcing himself to accept that fact. You can’t blame him. It’s been years since his injury. He previously told Kakeru that it’ll take him six months to regain his speed. I guess he still hasn’t. I am glad to see he has someone helping maintain his leg. It’s totally in character. Like Yuki once told Nico, they’ll have nothing if they’re injured.

Back at Aotake, we see Haiji’s shopping bag on the kitchen table, along with a bookstore envelope. He is looking at something with boring eyes and a set mouth. It’s a new expression on him.

He is holding the same magazine Kakeru had been eyeing at the convenience store. But we can now see that it has a picture of Fujioka on the cover.

He lets out a breath through his nose and says, “Damn that Fujioka.”

-This is the first time we have seen Haji express something akin to jealousy. It’s fascinating to me that this emotion isn’t directed at Kakeru, whom we know he reveres as a runner, but rather at Fujioka, someone from his past.

It is still raining in the afternoon. We see that the public track where the team usually trains has been closed due to the rain. Shindo suggests running in the field where they usually do cross country running. Yuki refuses, as the mud makes it hard to run in. Nico points out that he just doesn’t want to get dirty, before glancing at Haiji and asking him what to do.

It’s Kakeru who answers, saying to use the roads, they just have to avoid the cars. Haji agrees, “We’ll choose the safest course we can.”

Prince looks insanely cute here, almost like a child.

When they finish the group once again goes to the bath house. We see Nico get on the scale in the changing room. This time he pumps his fist in happiness. Looks like his body finally started responding the all the exercise he’s been doing and he lost some kilos. Haiji’s advice to not panic and take it slow was on point.

In the washing area Yuki asks if they can’t use the club budget to buy rain-proof running wear, adding that the money should be used wisely. Shindo informs him that they only have 15 members in their fan club. Yuki is shocked to learn that. Shindo then adds that they don’t even have enough money to buy matching track uniforms. Musa points out that everyone in the shopping district is supporting them, but it’s still not enough.

Cultural note: It occurred to me that not everyone might know the etiquette of public Japanese baths. This is what I remember off the top of my head when I researched it many years ago and based on what Japanese people have told me: first you wash, then you soak. That way the bath remains clean and the reason it is so hot is that it’s usually set to boiling so that the heat disinfects the water. The soaking is strictly therapeutic for relaxation purposes, not washing. In family homes, the same bath water is used by multiple people after they shower, and it is boiled in between use for each person. That way the water isn’t wasted.

King wishes there was a Quiz show on that he could participate in, so he’d win them the prize money. Musa wonders if they can participate in something that would gain them recognition, and hence, more sponsors. Yuki concurs, and turns asks Kakeru if he knows of any. Kakeru confirms there is one: The All-Japan Intercollegiate Championship. Haiji, silent through this conversation, is shown soaking alone; hinting that he had been listening the whole time.

-We’ve heard of this competition before. It’s the one Fujioka said he’d be focusing on in his interview at the team’s first meet. Based on the fact that he was featured on the magazine cover, it’s safe to say that he and his team won it.

Love the art in this show.

On the way back home the twins and Musa look it up on their phones, and find out that it was in May. Haiji asks Kakeru if he read Fujoka’s article. Kakeru replies “I happen to have.”

-He must have guessed so based on KK’s answer to the others. Or maybe Haiji left the magazine for him on the kitchen table to see.

Haiji then tells Kakeru that “There was some curious things written in it.” We’re then shown a picture of Fujioka’s interview, and hear it narrated in his voice: “I ran the race I wanted this time. But there are more strong runners hiding in Kanto (their district). We’re then shown the scene of his interview, where Fujioka is telling a group of reporters, “I believe they’ll be ready by the time Ekiden season rolls around. I’ll make sure not to underestimate them as I wait.”

-So we already knew this, but Fukioka really is a straight up guy. Very humble. I’m guessing he means Haiji’s team here, specifically Kakeru who tried beating him the only time they raced against each other.

Haji then asks Kakeru if he knows what the strongest compliment is to a long distance runner. Kakeru guesses “Is it to call him fast?” Haiji negates this.

Haiji: “It’s to call him strong.”

This is the word Fujioka used in his interview. Haiji put a lot of emphasis on this word when he said it. Kakeru is a bit surprised. He repeats the word, “Strong?”

Act Two

After the mid episode break we see Kakeru helping Haiji out in the kitchen.

-While he would do so occationally before, I think Kakeru now has taken this as a permanent role, after Haiji’s collapse. He’s cutting carrots, rangiri style which means he either has some background knowledge of cooking or Haji taught him.

As he does this Haiji elaborates on what he told him previously, “You can’t survive long distance running on speed alone. You hold out through difficult phases to keep on moving your body forward. Every day, you have to push yourself a little harder in practice. What long distance runners need is strength.”

Somehow he seems very morose as he says this. We find out why soon enough.

Haiji continues, “Fujioka is strong, both as a runner and as a captain.”

-How would he know this? Was Fujioka Haiji’s captain in the past? Or is Haiji comparing the current Captain Fujioka is to himself, as Kansei’s team captain?

His eyes seem like they’re looking at an invisible entity as he continues speaking.

“But Fujioka is Fujioka. I regret that we weren’t able to show him your abilities at the inter college. But there’s no need to panic. Believe in yourself. It takes time to become stronger.” 

-There’s a distinct feeling here that Haiji’s addressing himself, whether he’s doing this consciously or subconsciously, I’m not sure.

Kakeru who had been listening quietly finally speaks, and unwittingly points this out. He tells Haiji, “Fujioka is on your mind, too. I understand what you’re trying to say, but why are you telling me this now?”

Haiji is projecting his emotions onto Kakeru. The latter somehow sensed that Haiji’s words didn’t actually apply to his own situation. But he lacks the insightt that would allow him to understand Haiji’s intent in saying them. Hence his question.

Kakeru: “Are you anxious?”
Haiji: “Anxious?”

-For his part, Haiji seems bemused by the question. Well, that answers my previous query. Haiji “doesn’t miss anything” seems like he hadn’t realized his own feelings. It’s unlike him. And sad.

Kakeru answers that half their members still have yet to achieve official records. Especially Shindo and Yuki who haven’t improved in a month, “despite practicing so hard.”

-It’s nice to see Kakeru giving his teammates credit here. He has officially changed for the better as a teammate; no longer making assumptions based on his teammates’ performances. Rather, he is seeing the actual work they are putting in.

Kakeru then repeats his question, “Is that why?” thinking that Haiji must be concerned for the team as well. He goes on to say that after Prince improved, he felt like he started to understand running a bit. But now he realizes it’s still very difficult.

Kakeru: “Honestly, I’m anxious.”

Haiji doesn’t reply. There is nothing for him to say.

– I think the reason is, perhaps for the first time, the cause for his anxiety is Haiji himself. Kakeru was able to pinpoint Haiji’s emotion, but not it’s cause. He naturally wonders if Haiji’s anxiousness, like his own, was born out of worry for for teammates. This makes sense considering Haiji’s conversation with Yuki and Shindo. There’s also the fact that the team has always been his first and foremost concern.

-Kakeru here is being both expressive and honest. He has grown. But Haiji despite being so vocal, wasn’t being honest. I think, again, because he himself didn’t realize what he was out of sorts for. But after talking to Kakeru, I’m sure he now knows. Though I doubt he’ll share.

-Haiji hasn’t yet managed to recovered %100, and is therefore unable to perform the way he wants to. Add to that, Fujioka’s article triggered emotions of unease within him. I’m pretty sure he knows or at least suspects that Fujioka was referring to KK in his interview, not Haiji. I don’t think that in itself upset him. But he does seem to regret not letting KK race in the inter college. Even though he had been the one to decide they’d focus only on preparing for Hakone. Maybe, because KK is on his team, he feels like he can compete against Fujioka, if only vicariously. After all, we’ve never seen him look at Kakeru with anything other than admiration. Never envy. And so, he talks to KK as if wanting to mollify him for not joining the intercollegiate race. Then there is the possibility that he’s also mourning the fact that he himself would never have been able to do well against Fujioka, had he been able to join.

We next see Shindo, Yuki and Musa in Nico’s room. Shindo is giving Nico instructions for, we later learn, a website he decided to make for the team. Musa tells Yuki that this will help get support even from people who live far away. Shindo adds, “We’ll never get anywhere if we just wait.” Yuki, impressed, points out, “And you’ve got seminars tomorrow, too. You’re truly amazing, Shindo.” The humble Shindo is quick to remind Yuki that he passed the bar in one try. Yuki replies, “Well, yeah,” in a blasé tone, suppressing a yawn. Nico tells Shindo that he’s going to bed, and to wake him up if he needs anything. Meaning, Shindo is going to continue working late into the night. before going off to bed. Yuki takes off for bed as well. Musa asks his friend not to push himself before he leaves. Shindo tells him to not worry and bids him good night.

The next morning, Shindo is rushing to meet his girlfriend who’s waiting for him at the entrance of a café/restaurant. Over drinks, Shindo is dealt a huge blow when his girlfriend tells him they should break up seeing as how there’s something he’d rather be spending his time on more than her. The poor boy refutes this, but she’s not changing her mind. He hangs his head.

-It’s like a retake of the skit Jouji and Jouta played earlier in the episode, where they pretended to be Shindo and his make-belief girlfriend. Only we now know she’s real. And unlike in the skit where he managed to charm her into forgiving him, his real-life girlfriend is not as understanding.

Lady, you did not just do this.

Poor Shindo. You deserve better, son. Nothing against her, but it’s not like his training for Hakone is permanent. It might be that she has a needy personality. No problem there. But if she couldn’t support him during a few months then she won’t be able to support him through other things in his future. Life is hard. He deserves someone able to be there for him even if it means patiently waiting for him.

Parental advice: I have to give Shindo’s ex her due credit: she knows what she wants and if he can’t provide the attention that she needs then good on her for recognizing that. Self awareness is possibly the most important factor in making relationships work.

Cultural note: In Japan there’s a belief, legend, or story (I forget what exactly) that those with beauty marks under their eyes, located on the path that tears take, are destined to be heartbroken. I should have know his relationship was doomed from the start.

It is afternoon practice and has Shindo just finishes being timed. Haiji tells them to cool down, since they’re done for the day, when Shindo interrupts him with an “Excuse me. I want to run one more.” He hangs his head, sweat, and what we the audience know are tears, dripping from his face.

The others can’t see it, however. Haiji tells him that he should stop, since his times are getting worse. “Times aren’t everything. Isn’t that what you said? It’s true that I want to improve my times, but more than that, I just want to run right now! Just until I’m satisfied. That’s all!”

By this point his teammates know something is up, based on the expressions on their faces. Though it doesn’t seem like they know what.

The innocent trio is mostly bemused.
Prince and Yuki seem particularly empathetic.

He repeats his entreaty, “Please!” twice, then takes off without waiting for an answer. It’s unlike the super polite Shindo so you can tell he had reached his limit.

Yuki’s the first to react. After gazing at him for a while, he say’s he’ll join him. Musa follows them, saying that he felt he could run some more today. One by one the others take off after them: Nico, the twins, Prince, King, Kakeru, then finally Haiji, who strangely, seemed the most reserved.

He only runs after Hana says that she’ll time them.

We soon find out why: as they run, we hear him muse: “I feel the same way. I want to run more. Even though I’ve been told not to run, I’m running,” now we know what’s been weighing on his mind. He then continues, “Maybe I’d forgotten to listen to my feelings,” meaning he’s been too worried that he’s been holding himself back.

Overflowing drops 💔

-The whole scene was just extremely sad. Shindo’s broken heart was bad enough, but then Haiji’s words sent up so many danger flags for me. It was, however, heartwarming how all the team members sensed Shindo was going through something, and ran with him as their way of showing moral support. In case that wasn’t clear, we have Prince’s shirt with the word “bond” written on it this time. Then there was the music, track “Reliance” from the OST. Very aptly named and a perfect accompaniment to the heart wrenching scene.

Back at the Aotake, Yuki tells Shindo that he saw his form during their last lap and noticed his center of gravity was different from fast runners like Kakeru. “I guess everyone runs differently. It’s the first time I noticed.”

-We understand that you were worried about him and hence tried to help him. You can just say it, Yuki. We won’t judge you. But it’s not this cool character’s style.

At this information, the two recruit Kakeru and have him observe Shindo as he runs on Prince’s treadmill. He gives him pointers, telling him to imagine his center of gravity higher, and not to curve his chest.

Prince tells them “you could be doing this outside” Yuki tells him “That’s rich, coming from you.”

-This was a nice bit of humor in an otherwise mostly heavy episode.

Shindo thanks Yuki and Kakeru for their help and asks if they’d be willing to do it again. The two agree wholeheartedly, with his upperclassman Yuki saying it was nothing, he just mentioned what he noticed.

Kakeru, looking at the laptop in Shindo’s hand asks if he’s still doing something after this. The shorter man tells him he wants to finish the team website. The two are taken aback at his diligence.

Kakeru immediately says he’ll make some tea and takes off. Yuki smiles and says that he’s becoming a bit more sociable.

-He is, and I absolutely love it. I think it also speaks to his newfound resolve to help the team. Properly, the way he learned how to help Prince in the previous episode.

The next scene is in Shindo’s room. Yuki tells him, looking at pictures on his wall, “I’ve been wondering for a while now. Is this your home?”

Shindo answers in the affirmative. Seeing what look like perilous mountains and a rope bridge, Yuki asks, “What kind of secluded region does your family live in?”

Shindo replies that they do have roads, but that its’ faster to climb the valley to get to his school.

-This explains the 10 kilometers to and from school that Haiji talked about when he said Shindo had potential.

Yuki goes on to ask if his parents wouldn’t drive him. Shindo replies that his family runs a farm and are hence busy in the morning. Ashe speaks, we see snap shots of his family working hard harvesting cherries. He adds, “If anything, they needed my help.”

-The images and Shindo’s words are continuity to how close he is with his family, enough that he first decided to run Hakone because he thought it would make them happy.

-Seriously, just when you think you can’t love him anymore. Yuki must’ve felt the same.

Yuki: “If I had a daughter, I’d definitely make her marry you.”

-Yuki is one smart cookie. I thought he might have suspected before, when he was the first to run with Shindo, but I’m pretty sure of it now: he recognizes a broken heart when he sees one. This is his way of trying to cheer the hurting genius.

Said genius, smiles awkwardly, “What does that mean?”

Yuki tells him, “You’ve really got your shit together.” Shindo replies, self deprecatingly, “I don’t. Not at all.”

You can just tell he’s thinking that if he did, he wouldn’t have been dumped. I could swear that I saw tears in his eyes.

Kakeru seems to sense his mood. He reminds Shindo that he was the first to declare wanting to run.”

“Is that right?” Shindo asks, seemingly he’s forgotten that fact.

Kakeru then apologizes, saying that at the time he was sure Shindo would quit. Shindo utters a mild, “Well, you know,” letting Kakeru that he isn’t holding it against him. Again, being self-depreciating as if he knows that he appears weak to others.

Kakeru goes on to say, “But I was wrong. This team never would’ve have formed without you and it can’t keep going without you. You’re strong, Shindo”

-Okay, Shindo really looks like he’s going to cry now. I sure am. Poor boy must have needed to hear this so bad, considering what he lost in return for investing so much time and effort on Hakone. He must have really loved that girl. It makes sense. A serious guy like him wouldn’t date just to fool around.

On another note, it’s nice to see KK employing the compliment he recently learned from Haiji, “you’re strong” which he now knows is the strongest compliment you can give a runner.

Shindo tells them, “The ten of use will run in Ekiden. It’s nice to dream.” We’re then shown a picture of the team on the website.

Kansei track team

He then continues, “But anyone can just talk about their dreams. It’s not about that is it? Neither is anyone else right? If you say you’ll do it, do it. Haiji’s the same way.”

As he talks, we get a shot of Haiji in his room, massaging his knee.

-It’s a great moment that explains Haji’s absence, when he would usually be the one offering comfort. He must be preoccupied considering the extra running they had done at that evening’s practice.

Back in Shindo’s room, he goes on to say “I’m not strong. I just do what needs to be done no matter what.”

-That, my dear boy, is strength.

KK however, knows when not to contradict his senpais. He just says yes, while Yuki, in a fit of sympathy, tells him, “You’ll definitely get that record.” Shindo replies, “This, again. But you’re normally so cool.”

-Cool-headed, he means. Also, the word “again” means that this isn’t the first time Yuki has reassured him. Nor will it be the last. Yuki immediately tells him, “Shut up. I said you’ll get it. Everything I’ve said would happen has happened.”

Shindo seems to have given up fighting his tears. He tells Yuki, “Then I’ll trust you.” And bows his head in gratitude.

When Yuki tells him, “What’s that?” He quickly raises his head, high enough that he’s looking at the ceiling, as he says, “Man working at night isn’t good for my eyes.”

Yuki seems to be going along with it. He smiles, telling him, “Seriously?” Kakeru, too, gives a knowing smile. But they both don’t say anything else.

-Seriously? Two of the most distant (Yuki, by choice, Kakeru, by nature) members of Aotake are the ones hanging out with Shindo, wanting to be near him to give him emotional support. Excuse me while I grab some tissues.

Music: the track playing is “Onward to Hakone” from the OST.

The scene changes. The rainy clouds have finally dispersed revealing a glorious morning.

Symbolism. Also, this show has the most stunning visuals.

We see that Yuki and Kakeru have spent the night on Shindo’s floor.

-Musa enters Shindo’s room to wake him up for his class, when he sees that someone has joined their fan club through their newly developed website.

Excitedly, he wakes up Shindo, who in turn wakes up Yuki and Kakeru to tell them the good news.

The next scene shows the team wearing their fan club recruitment t-shirts as they run through the shopping district, calling out that they have a meet at Tokyo Sport University, and asking people to come out to support them.

Shindo leads the procession

-It’s nice to see that they have all gotten over their initial embarrassment. Shindo, as always, leads the recruitment procession.

At Yaokatsu vegetable store, a reporter (we recognize him as being one who had interviewed Fujioka) is asking Hanako’s father about the Kansei team. He shows him a picture of their website. Hana’s dad is about to ask her to take him to the Aotake when the team passes them on their run. He points them out to the reporter, who watches them pass by with interest, particularly Kakeru.

At Tokyo Sport University, we see that the whole team, except for the twins and Musa who just got their records, is going to run. Haiji does his Hakone cheer with all the members. This time, they all join in immediately. The team is melding together nicely.

The cheering squad starts their encouraging calls early on. Unfortunately, the aggravations start early as well. Sakaki approaches the Kansei team, “You still haven’t given up?” This time, he’s in a running uniform, meaning he’s going to participate in the race as well. He says as much, telling them, “Please don’t get in our way. Our regular spot’s on the line.”

-As always, he seems to be showing off the fact that he’s in a prestigious athletic school to Kakeru.

But before he can rile him up, Shindo comes to stand in front of Kakeru, and tells him, “Don’t worry. We don’t intend to compete with you. Our battle lies elsewhere.”

At his self-assured tone, Sakaki is vexed. Haji smiles in pride that Shindo can hold his own. His interference isn’t necessary, and he tells his team to go.

On their way to the starting line, Yuki pats Shindo’s shoulder. I think he, too, feels proud. And it’s been canon that he expresses his respect for the others whenever the occasion arises.

We see the same sketchy looking reporter at the meet. When he sees Kakeru, he mouths something eerily. Unfortunately, I can’t lip read Japanese. Might be our boys name.


This episode shows just one more reason to love the show: realism. Shindo’s relationship falling apart was done very realistically. It was nice to have him be the focus of this episode. Though the best thing about the show is how most of the time characters get equal screen time, mini arcs like this are great too. Then there’s the fact that Haiji, while present in the episode, was emotionally unavailable. It’s definitely a first and it allowed other characters to grow and fill in the supporting role he usually plays. This, too, is a realistic depiction of what healthy relationships should be like. Not one person being relied on for everything, rather, different people depending on each other at different points of their lives. No one is infallible or untouchable.

As much as I loved this episode, it was also very sad to me. Even its title is sad. At first, we suspect it’s referring to the never-ending rain. But soon we find out it’s actually referring to Shindo, crying in spite of himself at the pain of being dumped. Even the lovely scene where the team ran with Shindo was darkly overcast by Haiji’s internal soliloquy. When he says “despite being told not to run” it sounds like such an ominous statement. As if his knee can give out at any second. Seriously, I’m no longer young enough to enjoy angst the way I used to.

But seeing Kakeru and Yuki praising Shindo’s efforts and personality was lovely. He really needed that. 

Then there was the race, and how Shindo confidently stood up to Sakaki. The bright blue skies were also a welcome change from the rain that had plagued almost the entire episode. But then the creepy looking reporter keeps us from feeling that everything will be smooth sailing ahead.

Grade: 10/10

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Muslim writer, compulsive critic, editor, artist, student of life, pacifist, parent. View all posts by reviewbrain

4 responses to “Run With the Wind Episode 11 Review: Overflowing Drops

  • Bram

    King is definitely starting to let go of his worries about needing to be liked and is learning to just be happy for others. His character growth is not in the foreground often but it is present.
    I am from a medical background and am intensely interested in Haiji’s injury. It is most likely that he had an ACL tear and primary repair surgery. The rate of success is not great, and even if you’re able to run again, its never going to be the same. He’s at risk of revision surgery, re-tearing, meniscus and other ligament injury in that knee. It’s the kind of injury that never gets /better/ and basically all roads lead to knee replacement (many years later, but eventually).
    But three years post-op, it should already be well past the point of ‘as good as its going to be’. That makes me worried that he needs a secondary repair or he’s having meniscus degradation idk. The “protecting” is not something that’s done consciously, its just a normal response to the surgery and pain, he’ll put more weight on his good knee when he runs, which is a problem now for both knees. A change in gait has so many roll on effects too.
    I’m only good as a source for emergency pre-hospital med and pathology science though so don’t quote me on this.
    To me, Haiji in this episode is contemplating his future and how much he’s willing to give up for Hakone. He is very in his own head. I never knew how to interpret his reaction to Fujioka’s article. I hadn’t thought of it as jealousy, but then again it makes sense as Fujioka is now where Haiji would be if their paths had not diverged.
    Bless your cultural notes throughout. But I watched KK cutting carrots and thought, ‘that boy is gonna lose a finger!’ I did not realise it was a technique.
    I love Shindo (how could you not?). It is absolutely huge that his reassurance came from KK and Yuki, because Yuki would never say something he didn’t mean, and KK has a lot of trouble sharing heartfelt words, so it means more when he gets it right. He really thought about it too, and took Haiji’s words (who he looks up to so much) to hit a home run with that reassurance.
    Everyone is learning now to run for themselves and for one another :’)
    What a show!

    Liked by 1 person

  • reviewbrain

    Seriously! That’s amazing🤩 I’ve been wanting to hear someone with medical experience give their opinion. “It is most likely that he had an ACL tear and primary repair surgery.” Ill take that diagnosis, thank you very much!

    i.e protection and gait: I was just guessing based on problems I have. Not injured, alhamduliallah, but I have such terrible gait (being flat footed) I always end up pressing on one knee more than the other. And basically alternate between having pain in both 😑

    There was more conclusion I had forgotten to add. I’ll do so right now. I’m in a hurry. I want to finish these this month before the babes officially go back to school and I to my prescribed role as home tutor to them during which there is very little time for anything else.
    ” :’) ” I haven’t seen this style of emoji in years. Made me smile ^_^


  • reviewbrain

    Okay, so looks like I had said it in the review, just not clearly so I’ll just add it here: I don’t think Haiji is still injured, but that he sees his physiotherapist regularly to maintain his leg. You said: ” The rate of success is not great, and even if you’re able to run again, its never going to be the same. He’s at risk of revision surgery, re-tearing, meniscus and other ligament injury in that knee. It’s the kind of injury that never gets /better/ and basically all roads lead to knee replacement (many years later, but eventually).
    But three years post-op, it should already be well past the point of ‘as good as its going to be’.

    This is probably what has been bothering him. He isn’t performing as well as he wants. Rather than getting better, based on your analysis, he’s actually risking getting worse. That would explain why he says: “despite being told not to run.” when he and the others were running with Shindo. I’ll thank you in advance as I know I’ll be quoting your entire comment at some point ^_^


  • Bram

    I should clarify that I’m not a physio or a doctor. I’m an advanced care paramedic. So I can speak the language but I am very far from an expert on sports medicine. (I can’t tell you how annoyed I was about the medical explanation in the previous episode though! I think maybe it was also a bit lost in translation but I think I’ve made my peace with it.)
    Oh no, you did make it clear in the review. And I do think its in character for Haiji to be vigilant about a proper rehabilitation.
    I’ll clarify that what I said earlier is not technically correct, most ACL repairs /are/ successful, i think like >80%, its just that there are a lot of complications.





    It’s also that image in the final episode, the instability in that one shot of his knee. Oh my heart breaks seeing that! I think in that he’s made peace with the fact that he is actively destroying his graft. I think he knows that he shouldn’t be going as hard as he is on the knee at this stage, but this is his last chance for Hakone so he has to do it.

    Liked by 1 person

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